Thanks Chaotictbox
515am and still working hard ! This ep is going to look great !
:lol: Ohmygod, he looks totally beat in this picture (in all meanings of the word). Poor Adam...on the other hand, lol, can
not wait to see.
*lisasimpson* said:
Originally Posted by
Have to say I'm surprised they are coming out of the gate with a Lindsay storyline. I'm not sure that's the best strategy, considering Lindsay was one of the rotating characters who 'disappeared" from time to time last season, but we'll see....If nothing else, it'll give them another opportunity to develop the character and assess the role as part of the ensemble.
i was quite surprised by that too, especially in light of her hardly being there last season, but maybe like you say they're wanting to reassert her - maybe her maternity leave's finishing and they'll be able to use her more? i'm sure there are a lot of people around who will just love that, but it'll be interested to see what they do.
They're jumpstarting the season with two of the disappearing characters from last season. I certainly
hope they mean to reassert her, and Adam too; since lots of people were pissed about their disappearance last year, and if they mean to do the same thing this year it's smart to indicate that both characters have something else going on on the side.
In addition to this, Jo being the other one getting lots of extra material, the show's by default broken out of the usual pattern of Mac/Stella/sometimes-Danny-centric stories that tend to start off the seasons, which indicates some kind of shake-up that's happening, either (or both) on the show and down at the set. Given the staleness of much of S6, a shake-up is pretty much the main thing the show needed -- and this sign of one has personally made me more interested in S7 then I might otherwise have been (well almost...throw in a Flack and Sid story, and I'll totally have to rearrange my Fridays :lol
, so I'm not sure it's a bad strategy.
thanks a lot Chaoticbox
Csi ny on set in Los Angeles, CA on August 18, 2010
I don't know, I don't think his hair's long enough to be S1-ish, it reminds me more of S2 (if it were styled differently).
....Um, so so
so not complaining
S2 was Flack's best haircut, imo. Definitely wouldn't be sorry to see it back. Though I think it'd make him look younger than he has the past couple of seasons, which may not be what TPTB want after what he went through last year.
Thanks for the spoilers. I'm interested and excited about Jo's family. So she has two sons. I hope she has a daughter.
I guess this is the upside of MK leaving - we have some new exciting stuff to wait for! :thumbsup:
I'll admit that, we're getting a lot of new stuff that's increasingly leaving me impressed with the layers they're giving Jo (new creativity, always good :thumbsup
. Wow, though -- I kind of would like to see Jo with a daughter, but three kids all in their teens/pre-teens is probably
not easy :lol: If Jo's schedule were half as demanding as the other characters', I'd feel a little bad for her :lol: Although I guess her daughter, if she had one, could be really young, though that makes me wonder when exactly she got divorced...
I'm seriously interested in the second son, I think there's interesting potential there, especially in his dilemma. It's safe to assume he's her biological son with her ex, right? I wonder if he's upset because they left his father back in Virginia/Washington.