Season 7 Spoiler Discussion - Welcome back to the Big Apple!

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I am not sure the pictures of Gary and Eddie are from an episode because of the California plates on one of the cars. That would not work when they are suppose to be in NY.

To me, it looks like they just arrived on set and are heading to the trailer to get ready for an upcoming scene.
Thanks Chaotictbox

515am and still working hard ! This ep is going to look great !

:lol: Ohmygod, he looks totally beat in this picture (in all meanings of the word). Poor Adam...on the other hand, lol, cannot wait to see.

*lisasimpson* said:
Originally Posted by Curiosity
Have to say I'm surprised they are coming out of the gate with a Lindsay storyline. I'm not sure that's the best strategy, considering Lindsay was one of the rotating characters who 'disappeared" from time to time last season, but we'll see....If nothing else, it'll give them another opportunity to develop the character and assess the role as part of the ensemble.

i was quite surprised by that too, especially in light of her hardly being there last season, but maybe like you say they're wanting to reassert her - maybe her maternity leave's finishing and they'll be able to use her more? i'm sure there are a lot of people around who will just love that, but it'll be interested to see what they do.

They're jumpstarting the season with two of the disappearing characters from last season. I certainly hope they mean to reassert her, and Adam too; since lots of people were pissed about their disappearance last year, and if they mean to do the same thing this year it's smart to indicate that both characters have something else going on on the side.

In addition to this, Jo being the other one getting lots of extra material, the show's by default broken out of the usual pattern of Mac/Stella/sometimes-Danny-centric stories that tend to start off the seasons, which indicates some kind of shake-up that's happening, either (or both) on the show and down at the set. Given the staleness of much of S6, a shake-up is pretty much the main thing the show needed -- and this sign of one has personally made me more interested in S7 then I might otherwise have been (well almost...throw in a Flack and Sid story, and I'll totally have to rearrange my Fridays :lol:), so I'm not sure it's a bad strategy.

thanks a lot Chaoticbox


Csi ny on set in Los Angeles, CA on August 18, 2010


I don't know, I don't think his hair's long enough to be S1-ish, it reminds me more of S2 (if it were styled differently).

....Um, so so so not complaining :p S2 was Flack's best haircut, imo. Definitely wouldn't be sorry to see it back. Though I think it'd make him look younger than he has the past couple of seasons, which may not be what TPTB want after what he went through last year.

Thanks for the spoilers. I'm interested and excited about Jo's family. So she has two sons. I hope she has a daughter. :D

I guess this is the upside of MK leaving - we have some new exciting stuff to wait for! :thumbsup:

I'll admit that, we're getting a lot of new stuff that's increasingly leaving me impressed with the layers they're giving Jo (new creativity, always good :thumbsup:). Wow, though -- I kind of would like to see Jo with a daughter, but three kids all in their teens/pre-teens is probably not easy :lol: If Jo's schedule were half as demanding as the other characters', I'd feel a little bad for her :lol: Although I guess her daughter, if she had one, could be really young, though that makes me wonder when exactly she got divorced...

I'm seriously interested in the second son, I think there's interesting potential there, especially in his dilemma. It's safe to assume he's her biological son with her ex, right? I wonder if he's upset because they left his father back in Virginia/Washington.
In addition to this, Jo being the other one getting lots of extra material, the show's by default broken out of the usual pattern of Mac/Stella/sometimes-Danny-centric stories that tend to start off the seasons, which indicates some kind of shake-up that's happening, either (or both) on the show and down at the set. Given the staleness of much of S6, a shake-up is pretty much the main thing the show needed -- and this sign of one has personally made me more interested in S7 then I might otherwise have been (well almost...throw in a Flack and Sid story, and I'll totally have to rearrange my Fridays :lol:), so I'm not sure it's a bad strategy.

i agree, i think a bit of a shake up can only be a good thing really, after last season. much as i like mac-centricity (hehe) i think it's important for everyone to get a look in and last season too many of the others (i don't include stella in that) got a bit sidelined. so hopefully it'll be a bit of a jump start!

I'm seriously interested in the second son, I think there's interesting potential there, especially in his dilemma. It's safe to assume he's her biological son with her ex, right? I wonder if he's upset because they left his father back in Virginia/Washington.

i wonder if as it's an adopted son as well they might try to link it back to reed somehow - i'm not suggesting that she get hooked up with mac and they have a big happy adopted family, that would be a bit weird, but y'know, both the leads having sons they've adopted because their mothers died - that could be interesting. obviously i realise mac hasn't actually adopted reed (as far as we know) but there's still a definite connection there.
I guess they're not filming out of order - they're doubling up again! :)

7.05 "Out of the Sky"

I'll be back in a bit with more information. :D

ETA: Ok, there's not a ton of info, but here's what I have:

7.05 "Out of the Sky":
~ The episode opens with NYC's top criminal defense attorney (Cutter) in his penthouse apartment talking to one of his clients (Melvin) - the guy brought a gun to him and expects his attorney to hide a murder weapon. Cutter moves toward the safe behind a picture on his wall, telling Melvin that he can't keep the gun.

~ Meanwhile, a helicopter heads over the top of the building, and two men rappel down onto the roof. They enter the building with military precision - and guns. Cutter's bodyguard (Paulson) realizes that something is up and pushes Cutter and Melvin into a closet to hide. The two men rush into Cutter's apartment and shoot Paulson in the stomach. Cutter and Melvin watch from inside the closet as the men break into the safe and steal its contents. Melvin is dumb enough to rush out of the closet to grab the incriminating gun that fell to the floor in their haste to hide. The two men see him and pump him full of bullets.

~ Later, the team is investigating the death of an unidentified man with a superficial knife wound on his neck and a bullet hole in the center of his forehead. They don't know who he is or why he got shot.

~ A woman (Jenny) comes to the precinct and gives them a name - it's her boyfriend Heath. She came to report him missing, and instead she ends up identifying his body. She says he was on his way to the precinct to turn in a duffel bag full of jewelry that he found. He wanted to keep it - it was obviously worth a fortune - but Jenny convinced him that the right thing to do was turn it in. Unfortunately, he got killed on his way to the precinct.

~ It looks like Danny might know the bodyguard, Paulson. (I don't think we've seen this character before, have we?) He comments about Danny's perfect life and family and says he acts like a saint (sarcastically).

~ I don't see any mention of Jo or Lindsay. It looks like the guys will be more front-and-center this week.

~ There appears to be a scene where Danny and Adam are discussing what they'd do if they found a duffel bag full of gems worth $2 million. Danny says he'd turn it in, no question, but Adam isn't so sure it's that simple. Hawkes comes in, and Danny asks his opinion on this ethical debate (which he says Adam is failing). Hawkes segues the conversation into something relevant to the investigation by saying he'd give the gems to the man with a knife to his throat - he found out the identity of the one who left the wound on the victim's neck. (That's the end of the conversation as far as I can tell.)
I gotta say, I'm not thrilled with this tendency to make Adam look bad in these first few episodes. If they're going somewhere with it, that's one thing (something I won't be pleased with, mind you, but it would at least make sense), but seriously? Granted, what I read lacks complete context, and I'll withhold judgment until I see exactly how things play out, but if they're doing it just to make Danny look like the ~saint with the ~perfect family, I'll vomit.

That said, I think most people would have at least a moment of hesitation if they found $2 million worth of gems and jewelry - even if they'd Do The Right Thing in the end and turn it in. I just hope they don't make Adam look bad over it. (Maybe I'll be lucky and they'll cut out that bit. *crosses fingers*)
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I gotta say, I'm not thrilled with this tendency to make Adam look bad in these first few episodes. If they're going somewhere with it, that's one thing (something I won't be pleased with, mind you, but it would at least make sense), but seriously? Granted, what I read lacks complete context, and I'll withhold judgment until I see exactly how things play out, but if they're doing it just to make Danny look like the ~saint with the ~perfect family, I'll vomit.

That said, I think most people would have at least a moment of hesitation if they found $2 million worth of gems and jewelry - even if they'd Do The Right Thing in the end and turn it in. I just hope they don't make Adam look bad over it. (Maybe I'll be lucky and they'll cut out that bit. *crosses fingers*)

It'll bother me too if they're trying to make Adam look bad. Remember last season, the episode in the bank vault? They pulled something like that with Adam there too. I'm going to take it as what Adam meant was that it's not as easy as "the right thing to do is to turn the money in" and that he was saying that some people wouldn't find it that easy because they have financial problems, families to take care, etc... and even if they're basically a good person, they may find themselves entertaining the idea of keeping the money.
I gotta say, I'm not thrilled with this tendency to make Adam look bad in these first few episodes. If they're going somewhere with it, that's one thing (something I won't be pleased with, mind you, but it would at least make sense), but seriously? Granted, what I read lacks complete context, and I'll withhold judgment until I see exactly how things play out, but if they're doing it just to make Danny look like the ~saint with the ~perfect family, I'll vomit.

That said, I think most people would have at least a moment of hesitation if they found $2 million worth of gems and jewelry - even if they'd Do The Right Thing in the end and turn it in. I just hope they don't make Adam look bad over it. (Maybe I'll be lucky and they'll cut out that bit. *crosses fingers*)

It'll bother me too if they're trying to make Adam look bad. Remember last season, the episode in the bank vault? They pulled something like that with Adam there too. I'm going to take it as what Adam meant was that it's not as easy as "the right thing to do is to turn the money in" and that he was saying that some people wouldn't find it that easy because they have financial problems, families to take care, etc... and even if they're basically a good person, they may find themselves entertaining the idea of keeping the money.

I suspect they will use it to make Adam look like the hilarious guy that he is. Too bad that's worn as thin as making him look bad would be.
Thanks for the spoilers Faylinn!!I don't think that Adam will be portraid as the "bad" guy here.Everyone should be hesitant about $2 million.
Maybe that they want to show us a Danny who does not want to risk any more to lose his family and what he prefers to make nothing rather than see it dying (he has almost lost it twice). We shall see maybe later in the show, than even if he makes everything to protect it, it does not mean automatically that nothing will arrive at his familly
I personally think you can say a lot when the day is long, but it always comes differently when you are in a particular situation and circumstances might have changed for you in life etc...(best example: Flack shooting Angell's killer). It's good they are showing them as humans with doubts. Just because they are CSIs doesn't mean they never make mistakes. I don't think Adam is portrayed as the bad guy. To me it sounds like he's pretty realistic about it whereas Danny says he'd turn in the money trying to be a responsible and good husband and father. Those are just words though, you'll never know what he'd really do if he's confronted with such a conflict.
If they are going out of their way to tell us Danny is a saint with a perfect life, I would assume a few episodes later something will happen to show him as anything other than a saint with a less than perfect family - is that not the way things usually work on tv?
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