Season 7 Spoiler Discussion - Welcome back to the Big Apple!

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They haven't started filming 706 yet, so those pictures must be from a different episode. This one looks good, though. (They must be doing episodes out of order again - I guess we'll see!)

7.06 "Do Not Pass Go":
~ The episode starts with an older couple in an abandoned building. They seem to be following mysterious instructions. The man seems weary and wants to stop, but the woman refuses to give up - she has to know for sure.

~ They emerge on the roof of the building and hurry toward a red 1950s car. It's only when they get close that they realize the horror of what they're really seeing. There's a decomposing body in the front seat.

~ Hawkes and Sid remove the body from the car as Mac and Jo talk to the older couple. They came here looking for their missing son, Jeremy, and they assume the body is his. They received a lot of 'tips' after they posted that they would give a reward for information about their son's whereabouts, but they all turned out to be dead ends - until this one.

~ They are able to determine that the victim is not Jeremy - it's another missing young man from Jeremy's college. They still need to find Jeremy.

~ Poisoning seems to be involved.

~ I see a lot of Mac, Jo and Flack in this one. Flack has a good scene with the victim's mother.

~ We also get to learn more about Jo's family. We meet her 11-year-old son Elliot when he comes to the lab. He's not happy in New York and wants to go back to Virginia. Jo says their family has a chance to start over, and she convinces him to give school another try. At the end of the episode, she meets Elliot for hot dogs and buys an extra one. Elliot seems happier, but Jo is disappointed when her older son Tyler calls to say he can't come because he's having pizza with his friends from college.​
I'm curious about Jo's family - I guess Tyler is the son she adopted from a woman she put in jail.
They haven't started filming 706 yet, so those pictures must be from a different episode. This one looks good, though. (They must be doing episodes out of order again - I guess we'll see!)

7.06 "Do Not Pass Go":
~ The episode starts with an older couple in an abandoned building. They seem to be following mysterious instructions. The man seems weary and wants to stop, but the woman refuses to give up - she has to know for sure.

~ They emerge on the roof of the building and hurry toward a red 1950s car. It's only when they get close that they realize the horror of what they're really seeing. There's a decomposing body in the front seat.

~ Hawkes and Sid remove the body from the car as Mac and Jo talk to the older couple. They came here looking for their missing son, Jeremy, and they assume the body is his. They received a lot of 'tips' after they posted that they would give a reward for information about their son's whereabouts, but they all turned out to be dead ends - until this one.

~ They are able to determine that the victim is not Jeremy - it's another missing young man from Jeremy's school. They still need to find Jeremy.

~ Poisoning seems to be involved.

~ I see a lot of Mac, Jo and Flack in this one. Flack has a good scene with the victim's mother.

~ We also get to learn more about Jo's family. We meet her 11-year-old son Elliot when it comes to the lab. He's not happy in New York and wants to go back to Virginia. Jo says their family has a chance to start over, and she convinces him to give school another try. At the end of the episode, she meets Elliot for hot dogs and buys an extra one. Elliot seems happier, but Jo is disappointed when her older son Tyler calls to say he can't come because he's having pizza with his friends from college.
I'm curious about Jo's family - I guess Tyler is the son she adopted from a woman she put in jail.

Sounds interesting, both the case and learning more about Jo's family.
7.06 "Do Not Pass Go":

~ I see a lot of Mac, Jo and Flack in this one. Flack has a good scene with the victim's mother.
:thumbsup: Already can't wait for this one, thanks a lot for sharing! First, some great Eddie set photos and now this. What a fantastic day! :)
Flack in a tanktop.... :drool::drool: I wish I could be more eloquent, but the server monkeys who operate my linguo-cortex have abdicated their lofty positions to join the howler monkeys who reside in my underpants.
Thanks for the spoilers. I'm interested and excited about Jo's family. So she has two sons. I hope she has a daughter. :D

I guess this is the upside of MK leaving - we have some new exciting stuff to wait for! :thumbsup:
I am not sure the pictures of Gary and Eddie are from an episode because of the California plates on one of the cars. That would not work when they are suppose to be in NY.
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