Season 7 Pictures *Possible Spoilers*

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Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**

Wojo said:
The pic spoofs the beatles album, Paul M was barefoot so therefore Grissom is barefoot. That's all there is too it. It's a promo pic was not put out to be analyzed.

AMEN- I never even thought of the "Abby Road" thing (which I own) till it was mentioned by others- I just think it means nothing- like the "diner pic- what a bust :( it had nothing except Brass getting shot-no hidden meaning at all-- and maybe Billy's feet were tired and he thought "hey, I'll just go barefoot" I think it's a cool promo-pic ;)
Can't we just enjoy these promo pics without thinking they mean something? :rolleyes:
Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**

I like the idea that the pic is imitating the Abbey Road album cover, but the CSI actors look distorted, almost elongated. I mean, look at George Eads' head. He looks like someone who was just released from a prison. And Doc Robbins' head makes him resemble a caveman wearing modern clothes. Figures Greg would be in the back row, but he looks better than most of the others.

The Abbey Road recreation is a clever and nice homage to the Beatles, but whoever did the drawing needs to go back to art class.
Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**

hey the link wont work for me :(

could some one PM it to me? I really want to see the 'Abby Road' reenactment, that sounds cool :D

thanks :D
Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**

Love this 'Abbey Road' image...especially as a Liverpool fan :lol:

Keep up the good work, cos as poopylvsgriss says, we have to wit another six months and these pages keep us full of love and hope!

I don't think there's anything sinister here. It's just a publicity shot to advertise the new series... 'sometimes a dying whale is just a dying whale' perhaps? No need to over analyse. Enjoy the moment!

Though I do have to ask, why is Griss so tall? Warrick seems to tower over him in our version of CSI, yet here he looks like an umpah lumpah in comparison to Griss. Is it an 'I'm the boss so I'm walking tall' thing?! :lol:
Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**

MiaCharlize said:
The first thing I had to think about when I saw that pic was those neanderthal drawings they have in biology school books. Kinda like this. They just all look weird in that picture, like they're not human, the way they walk and carry their heads...
Anyway, I had a good laugh so I guess I did enjoy the pic :D

:lol: The first image I had while looking at this pic, was the neanderthal pic.
I don't know but I don't like this promo pic, they look all a little ugly. And I want Grissom's beard and Nick's longer hair back :(
I hope we get some better promo pics of them.
Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**

I think Greg looks pretty freakin sexy. But thats my opinion..

But yeah, most of them do look kind of awkward in this pic.
Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**

jordan said:
I think y'all are right, it shouldn't be over-analized. I was terribly hyper earlier from a can of Red Bull. Appologies. Lol. I have a it concidered extremly obsessive to be sitting in the middle of Target with a CSI board game being protected in your arms with your cell phone going off playing the CSI theme song when your mom calls you to ask you when you're coming home??? Or am I just really psycho???

I started laughing hysterically when I read this, cause that was me a week ago when I finally bought the CSI board game. People in the store where staring at me... It's an awesome game.

I agree that their heads look weird in the picture. I was pointing that out to my friend. It's a weird picture, but I'm just glad we have some season seven pics!
Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**

you guys are lucky.Here,in france we don't have a lot of csi merchandising except DVDs and books!
i agree with you,that picture looks strange.I hope we'll have other pictures soon.Some pictures with only grissom and sara,that would be great!
Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**

Yeah, I don't think you should be analyzing this. It's a bilboard. Even though it does look ridiculous and somewhat distorted, I still love it.
Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**

Yeah that's why it looks strange, because it's a billboard. I'm sure the actual pic looks alot better. Greg looks great though (like always). I love how he struts.
Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**

Shipwrecked said:
It's a bilboard. Even though it does look ridiculous and somewhat distorted, I still love it.
You have to remember that the pic we're seeing was probably shot from the ground (thank you Butterflied777), which would explain the slight distortion.
Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**

I am looking forward to seeing the promo pictures for all three of the shows.

Does anyone know when they will be released..??
Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**

Regarding the billboard shot.

Why is Grissom dressed in such weird clothes.

I know it's just a billboard, but he looks really weird in that getup.
Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**

caps from the new promo:

(Catherine is the one in the car, and she looks to be smiling at someone in the backseat, possibly Lindsay)

Promo Caps
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