Season 7 Pictures *Possible Spoilers*

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Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**


You just made my day, Shane. Thanks a lot for the pic! *snuggles to Cath*

And here are another five photos from the same episode (Post Mortem). Again, Grissom is in all of them. It's not that I don't like seeing him, but I'm sort of tired of seeing ONLY him. Where is, say, Warrick?

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Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**

Yeah I am tired of NOT seeing any Greg promo pics and Post Mortem is about his inquest, just like Fannysmackin was about him too and no pics of him?? makes no sense to me. :confused: :confused:
Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**

They think that everyone only wants to see Gris. Not that I don't like seeing Gris pics, but I want some Greg. The epi is pretty much about him after all.
Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**

I'd have to say because since Grissom is going to be light during the season, they're going to give him more publicity.

Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**

Thank you Shane and Erica. Yeah I agree I want to see more pics of the other cast. And lol kaylyne, yeah the pics of Grissom and Catherine shocked me too.. the world must've caved in.
Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**

Hoora, finally promo pics of G/C, for a moment there I thought I was seeing things ;)

Thanks for those Shane
Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**

I have to add to the chorus of wanting Greg promo pics, while the pics are great of Grissom and Catherine, where a large chunk of the epi is going to focus on his storyline, I wish there were some pics actually of him.
Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**

You love Greggie.. and I love Grissom... :p so I'm thrilled to see him.. just like you are to see Greggie.. who I love as well ;)
Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**

I love the promo pics, they are like tiny little spoilers..or like an appetizer, just enough to tide you over until the main course. :)
Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**

Edited because I just realized I posted in the wrong thread.
Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**

I cant believe grissom ditched the beard it makes him look so different, at least he hasnt got those glasses he had in the pilot ep. you know the big round brown ones he looked like some kind of sciencist version of harry potter! Also Nick shaving his head that wont go when we're married (just kidding!) I loved it when his hair was a bit longer and he had it swept over his forehead he only had it for a few eps. though. At least with Grissoms beard gone Nick wont feel the need to grow is mostache back just to compete!
Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**

I have a small question...

I read somewhere on a different site that there were pictures of a season 7 episode of Grissom barefoot.

Was just wondering if anyone had these pics? Or the promo? Or if anyone knows where I can find them. Thanks!

ETA: Unless of course I'm hallucenating and thinking of something else... either way. Let me know.
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