Faylinn-have you updated 'Family Matters' i think i mighta missed it!
Yep, chapter 4 has been up for a little while now (on both my LJ and ff.net, which I have links to in my siggie)...Now, if only I could get the Christmas story finished, since it's almost New Years...*grumble*
Oh well, probably. Just thought I'd ask in case it was true (more of hoping!)
It never hurts to hope.
season 3 seems to be pretty awesome(can't w8 for it to air here!) so i'm thinking it's gonna be an explosive finale! they've already done the Lindsay thing and had the hostage sitch.I wud've thought that Hawkes/Shane would be the finale but it's finished!Maybe it'll be something to do with the infected blood?!?
Yep, season 3 has had some great stuff so far, and I'm sure it'll only get better.
You're right about them having the Lindsay storyline now, and the Hawkes/Shane thing already--although that seemed to be as much about Danny as Hawkes, if not more. Hawkes did have the little storyline in "Here's to You, Mrs. Azrael," though...
Anyway, for seasons 1 and 2 the finale has been all about Mac, even when Flack was the one who was critically injured, so I'd expect more of the same from this season. Mac
is the main character, after all.
This mighta been brought up, but so you think that TPTB will have us find out what is in the note Lindsay writes to Danny?
Well, I'm assuming that they'll bring her up while she's gone, so maybe they'll use the note as a way to do that?
I guess we'll have to wait and see...