Season 3 - The Spoilers Continue

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They said us DL fans would get something, a while back. Maybe not a kiss, but something.. Right now, I'm letting my imagination take off with whatever we're gonna get. It seems that we'll get it in the finale because that's when Anna's coming back from her break I believe. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for something.

This mighta been brought up, but so you think that TPTB will have us find out what is in the note Lindsay writes to Danny?
Faylinn-have you updated 'Family Matters' i think i mighta missed it!
Yep, chapter 4 has been up for a little while now (on both my LJ and, which I have links to in my siggie)...Now, if only I could get the Christmas story finished, since it's almost New Years...*grumble*

Oh well, probably. Just thought I'd ask in case it was true (more of hoping!)
It never hurts to hope. ;)

season 3 seems to be pretty awesome(can't w8 for it to air here!) so i'm thinking it's gonna be an explosive finale! they've already done the Lindsay thing and had the hostage sitch.I wud've thought that Hawkes/Shane would be the finale but it's finished!Maybe it'll be something to do with the infected blood?!?
Yep, season 3 has had some great stuff so far, and I'm sure it'll only get better. :D You're right about them having the Lindsay storyline now, and the Hawkes/Shane thing already--although that seemed to be as much about Danny as Hawkes, if not more. Hawkes did have the little storyline in "Here's to You, Mrs. Azrael," though...

Anyway, for seasons 1 and 2 the finale has been all about Mac, even when Flack was the one who was critically injured, so I'd expect more of the same from this season. Mac is the main character, after all. ;)

This mighta been brought up, but so you think that TPTB will have us find out what is in the note Lindsay writes to Danny?
Well, I'm assuming that they'll bring her up while she's gone, so maybe they'll use the note as a way to do that? :confused: I guess we'll have to wait and see...
Radical618 said:
They said us DL fans would get something, a while back. Maybe not a kiss, but something.. Right now, I'm letting my imagination take off with whatever we're gonna get. It seems that we'll get it in the finale because that's when Anna's coming back from her break I believe. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for something.

Didn't they say mid-season though? For all we know, it is going to be that note. I have to say, much as I generally like the writing on the show, things tend to get way over-hyped and then it ends up being much ado about nothing.

I'm wondering when we'll see Peyton and Reed Garrett again!
Top41 said:
I'm wondering when we'll see Peyton and Reed Garrett again!

Me too. I'm very curious about Reed and I hope they keep exploring this storyline. Maybe he'll get in trouble and Mac will come t othe rescue...
Yep, chapter 4 has been up for a little while now

Oki thanx,i thought i'd missed it :)

Maybe he'll get in trouble and Mac will come t othe rescue...

That sounds like something that would happen. I saw a clip where Mac asked him about his adoptive parents, maybe he doesn't really have any and Mac finds he's been living rough and got into trouble.Or somethin.
They said us DL fans would get something, a while back. Maybe not a kiss, but something.. Right now, I'm letting my imagination take off with whatever we're gonna get. It seems that we'll get it in the finale because that's when Anna's coming back from her break I believe. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for something.
!!is anna really gonna be away for that long!!!! shes not going to be back till the finale?! I thought they were making some weeks repeats so that she wont miss too much...ithought she would at least have a couple eps before the finale....:( :(
My big thought is not what will Danny's reaction be on hearing Linsday leaving. It is what will his reaction be when she gets back? *calm, yet dramatic music plays in the background*
I'm not sure why, but I don't really expect much of a reaction from him. :confused: I know he was whiny in Love Run Cold :rolleyes: (he did deserve an explanation), he wanted her to go to lunch, and then he confronted her in the hallway. Since then, he's left her alone and he's not really had much reaction toward her at all. Even when she got bitten by that Cobra, he just asked how she was and went on with his work.

At this point, I doubt her leaving will upset him that much. What could she do that was more of a slap in the face when she told him it wasn't him, it was her? I'm not sure if anything else will faze him or not.

Also, who knows what TPTB have in store for DL when she gets back. That will probably play a big part in how he reacts.
oh wow, i have missed sooooo much!!! lol i have finally got round to catching up with this thread lol
i cant believe Lindsay is probably not coming back until the finale.... :( i really cant wait to see what lindsay writes in the note to Danny... im intrigued!!!!

As for Danny's reaction, i think he will jus put a front up, as if he doesnt care, but mac n everyone knows that he does - its probably breaking his heart inside :(
i cant believe Lindsay is probably not coming back until the finale....
:confused: Where is this info coming from? Last thing I've heard is that she will only be gone for a couple of ep's.

As to Danny's reaction when she returns I'm guessing that will depend on what she writes in that note!
I hope that there is a big D/L moment in the finale. (Perhaps, where ther finally admit their love for each other!)

What's this note thing, I'm completely lost! :lol:
^ It's from a spoiler for #14 that Orison first posted quite a lot of pages back :) I've looked it up for you:

"There's a scene towards the end in which she's talking to Hawkes and pulls a card out of her bag, asking him to give it to Danny. Hawkes' doesn't like what she's doing but she brushes it off. Then he's like "everybody around here knows how close you two are" (insert sharp intake of breath here, that totally took me by surprise!) and that she should at least call him to let him know she's leaving. Lindsay thinks about it for a moment then says it's better this way. She places the card on Danny's desk and walks away"

So now you can start speculating too! ;)
Oh right thanks!

So let me get this right!

Lindsay is gonna leave for a while about episode 14 (because Anna is preganant and everything). but she leaves a note for Danny and will not return near the finale.

Does anybody know where she goes?
We still don't know for how long Anna will be away but I'm sure she'll be back -long- before the finale.

A TV show usually films through mid-April so if she has the baby in January that gives her plenty of time to get back. Even if she takes a two-month hiatus (which sounds a little too much for me) she can be back by March, which means she'd be able to film at least 5 episodes.

As for where she goes, the answer is Montana. She has to testify in the case that saw her as the only witness of a multiple homicide years ago.

Btw beware, all this is just speculation on my part.
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