Season 3 - The Spoilers Continue

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I think Danny wil be upset, but not openly upset. Does that make sense? I think he'll keep it on the down low, and then when she gets back there will be something. Maybe not huge and spectacular, but something that says he's happy she's back and she's happy she's back.
I wonder if Danny will hook up with someone else when she's gone, and then she'll come back and want him and he'll turn her down...because that is the next step if they're going to keep up this back and forth for the show's duration.

The longer she's gone, the better, but maternity leave tends to be six weeks, so at eight days to film an episode, that probably amounts to only four. So maybe eps 15-19?
A little OT, but I'm seeing people here refer to maternity leave as only 6 weeks, but everyone I've ever known takes 12. Is it a different standard in different parts of the US?

Back on topic: Maybe she will take longer than 6 and will only be back in time to film the ending episode? ONe of the audio commentaries on the S2 DVDs said that they shot the finales in February or March(I think it was Zuiker making that comment). Has Anna even had her baby yet? February is coming up pretty soon (already!) so, she may only be back at the very end.
^Really, 12? That would be cool. Maybe I'm going off an old model, because someone at the place I used to work at took paternity leave, and I think it was for 3 months. I believe my friend's husband is taking 3 months as well. That would put her only back for the finale.

I think the finale will film in April. They may have shot scenes from last year's finale early because it seems like some of them were shot in NY. (Though, when I took a tour of the Paramount lot last month, our tour guide pointed out the building "blown up" in that episode on the lot. So I'm not sure. :confused: )
^^^ I've tried looking up something about maternity leave in the US, but it's quite confusing. Seems like it varies per state and it also depends on how big a firm you work for. And I cannot find anything about stop working before the babies due date (can I use that term for babies?). Do women in the US really have to work -if there aren't any complications- until the contractions start?

So since we don't know what Anna agreed upon with her employers I guess we just have to wait and see; I hope she will be back at least in #20 though :)
I dunno if they'd have him start a new relationship. He seems like he really wants this with Lindsay, whether he's pushing for it right now or not. It is Danny though. It's hard to say. Something about him and Lindsay seems like he wants it when she's ready. (That's not supposed to sound dirty). We'll just have to keep an open mind until we find out though.
Really, 12? That would be cool. Maybe I'm going off an old model, because someone at the place I used to work at took paternity leave, and I think it was for 3 months. I believe my friend's husband is taking 3 months as well. That would put her only back for the finale.

Well, I have worked for companies that were pretty liberal with time off, but the thing is that most of it wasn't paid leave. That would influence how much time a woman takes off.

It also seems that the cast members bring their kids on to the set; I seem to remember both Melina and Gary mentioning this in interviews at various points. That may influence Anna to come back earlier than most people would. Would have been funny, though, if she had been able to plan her pregnancy so that she gave birth a month or so into hiatus then come back perfectly for the first episode of the 4th season.
I have no clue how long Anna will be or get to take for her maternity leave. But Anna will definitely be back for the finale if not sooner. I don't remember where but I read somewhere Anthony Zuiker said that Lindsay would be in the finale. So I would assume that if Anna wants to come back sooner they will write her in if not Anna 1st episode back will be the finale. I also read (in TV guide I believe) that they are going to keep up the sexual tension with Danny and Lindsay for a while. And with Anna leaving the show for at least 4 eps. And coming back with only about 3 to 4 eps left in the season most likely if anything will happen with Danny and Lindsay it will be next season.
The longer she's gone, the better, but maternity leave tends to be six weeks, so at eight days to film an episode, that probably amounts to only four. So maybe eps 15-19?
I've had two kids and the minimum for maternity leave is 6 weeks unless there's a c-section involved and then it's 8 weeks. The 12 week thing comes from the FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) the provides up to 12 weeks off and being able to keep your job. It also applies to the fathers.

The 6 and 8 week leave is from your ob/gyn. It takes the body approximately 6 weeks to heal from a vaginal delivery and 8 weeks for a c-section.

I'm interested to see how well the show does for February sweeps without Lindsay in the picture.

Even if she takes a two-month hiatus (which sounds a little too much for me) she can be back by March, which means she'd be able to film at least 5 episodes.
Depending on when she's due in January, she could be back anywhere from the middle of March to the end of March. It all depends on when she's due and what type of delivery she has and how much time she wants to take off.

Personally, I don't see the big deal. She's gonna have a baby, therefore, she's gonna miss some episodes. There's nothing anybody can do about it and however many she misses isn't really gonna change anything. She's hardly been seen this season and the show seems to be doing fine.

I wonder if Danny will hook up with someone else when she's gone, and then she'll come back and want him and he'll turn her down...because that is the next step if they're going to keep up this back and forth for the show's duration.
I really wish he would hook up with somebody else. Lindsay turned him down. She doesn't want a relationship right now. They've never went out or had anything set in stone. They're not canon and they never have been. Besides, he never seemed that smitten with her to beging with. It always looked to me like she was the one smitten with him. Why did they turn it around? Danny deserves to be happy or at least have a little fun.

ETA: I found this from the Anthony Zuiker interview which was done back in August which proves that they change things all the time. It can be found under the interview section on CSI Files.

The episode, the fifth of the season, will also present an interesting dilemma for Anna Belknap's character Lindsay Monroe. "There will be a big character arc for Anna Belknap and Gary Sinise (Mac Taylor) because in episode five you'll see that Anna's character, Lindsay Monroe, has a problem dealing with mothers," Zuiker reveals. The problem will rear its head again in episode twelve of the season, when Lindsay pulls herself off a case involving the murder of three children. After being inspired by a different case, Lindsay will go to Mac Taylor at the end of the episode and tell him why she removed herself from the case, only to discover he already knows the reason. "[Mac] in a very empowering way gives her a pat with one hand and a push with the other," Zuiker promises.

~Yes she had a problem with a mother in episode 5
~No there wasn't three murdered children in episode 12
~No she didn't get inspired on a different case in episode 12
~No, she didn't go to Mac in episode 12
So, theoretically, if Flack or Danny were married, and their wife had a child, they would be eligible for paternity leave? Even if the law said they could take it, I wonder if the department would tacitly frown on it, call it slacking. After all, *they* didn't pass the screaming bowling ball from their aching loins.

I can't see either one taking it anyway unless there had been serious complications, but still...

As far as Lindsay goes, it will be interesting to see how much the show improves-or doesn't-by her absence. With her gone, maybe the writers will stop flogging the decomposing drama llama and focus on something vaguely important. Like cases that make sense.
The department would have to abide by the FMLA law if they wanted to take it. It is a federal law that applies to any company that employes more than 5 people. Who knows how the department would react but there's nothing that they could do and it does state they have to be put back in the same or equal position they were in when they left. I don't know about other companies, but the company I work for happily abides by the FMLA act.

I can't see them taking off either. Most men don't but some feel the need to. My hubby didn't take off and I didn't really care if he did.

Here's a link to the FMLA guidelines: FMLA guidelines
1CSIMfan said:
Personally, I don't see the big deal. She's gonna have a baby, therefore, she's gonna miss some episodes. There's nothing anybody can do about it and however many she misses isn't really gonna change anything. She's hardly been seen this season and the show seems to be doing fine.

Better than fine--it's been a good season so far, and the weakest episodes/storylines seem to involve her. It's not a coincidence.

I really wish he would hook up with somebody else. Lindsay turned him down. She doesn't want a relationship right now. They've never went out or had anything set in stone. They're not canon and they never have been. Besides, he never seemed that smitten with her to beging with. It always looked to me like she was the one smitten with him. Why did they turn it around? Danny deserves to be happy or at least have a little fun.

I'm hoping Angell will make him wake up and smell the fun. I notice they're working together in a couple of the upcoming episodes, and I'd love to see banter between them explored.

ETA: I found this from the Anthony Zuiker interview which was done back in August which proves that they change things all the time. It can be found under the interview section on CSI Files.

The episode, the fifth of the season, will also present an interesting dilemma for Anna Belknap's character Lindsay Monroe. "There will be a big character arc for Anna Belknap and Gary Sinise (Mac Taylor) because in episode five you'll see that Anna's character, Lindsay Monroe, has a problem dealing with mothers," Zuiker reveals. The problem will rear its head again in episode twelve of the season, when Lindsay pulls herself off a case involving the murder of three children. After being inspired by a different case, Lindsay will go to Mac Taylor at the end of the episode and tell him why she removed herself from the case, only to discover he already knows the reason. "[Mac] in a very empowering way gives her a pat with one hand and a push with the other," Zuiker promises.

~Yes she had a problem with a mother in episode 5
~No there wasn't three murdered children in episode 12
~No she didn't get inspired on a different case in episode 12
~No, she didn't go to Mac in episode 12

Yeah, that's the thing--the plans for this show (and all the CSI shows, and all shows in general) are constantly changing. I remember the hoopla over the Danny/Lindsay moment in the season two finale that never ended up happening. Writers have plans for their shows that change or just don't pan out.

I suspect we'll see something between Mac and Lindsay before she leaves, and maybe when she returns he'll put her on a case that will challenge her to see if she really can handle this job.
I suspect we'll see something between Mac and Lindsay before she leaves, and maybe when she returns he'll put her on a case that will challenge her to see if she really can handle this job.
Remember that scene in "Stealing Home" when Mac is suggesting to one of the wives that she'd shot a man before so it would be easy to do it again, while Stella is standing there? I just imagined Mac doing something similar on a case with Lindsay next to him, talking to a suspect, and saying something like 'oh, so-and-so killed your friends, boo hoo' and then she just karate chops him :lol:...I think it's very early and I need to eat some breakfast. :p

As for Danny dating someone else--it's entirely possible (although I doubt they'd take the time for it). The character just doesn't seem like the type to wait around if he's been shut down more than once. I'm looking forward to the banter between Danny and Angell as well, Top, and if the writers insisted on someone other than Mac dating someone else on the cast, it seems a better choice than two of the main characters dating since Angell is only in a limited number of episodes. But in the end, I think the characters should be in relationships with people outside the main cast, so we know that they have lives but it doesn't have to be addressed in every scene or in every episode (Stella's relationship with Frankie comes to mind, before he became a psycho). Yes, sometimes cops date cops, but there's a whole bunch of cops in NYC, not just the few that we see every week.

Writers have plans for their shows that change or just don't pan out.
I often wonder how often things change, from the first discussions in a room full of writers, through the various drafts of a script, to the actors, the directors, the editors--in the end, I wonder how close it usually ends up being to the original plan?

Alright, I personally know nothing about maternity leave or how they film episodes of NY, but I'm going to try to talk out Anna's absence since I've talked to 1CSIMfan on messenger about it (but I'm still confused). ;)

So, if Anna is going to be on maternity leave for at least 6 weeks, she's definitely going to miss multiple episodes, but she could still be back before the finale. Are we assuming that February is all new episodes because of sweeps? Episode 14 is Anna's last one, and isn't it also the last episode in January? So February will be 15-18(?), which leaves six episodes for March-May. That leaves a lot of repeats, which they could time so that Anna misses the least number of episodes possible. However, unless they're filming scenes for her ahead of time, 14 should be her last episode until she comes back in early March, so it seems that she won't have any part in the sweeps episodes during February, and maybe one or two after that as well. Don't they film about a month in advance of the air date? So if she's filming in, say, mid-March, that puts episodes she's in on in ~mid-April, so they could have several new ones before the finale that would have her in them--3 or 4, maybe? If they air two new episodes in March, two in April, and two in May, that means that she could potentially film one or both of the April episodes and both of the May episodes. However, I have no idea how many episodes they're planning for each month. *shrug*

Since Zuiker said she's be back for the end of the season, rather than specifically saying for the finale, I'm thinking that they'll work it out where she'll be filming more than just the last episode. However, you can never account for unforseen circumstances, so it's possible that their schedule could still be affected. NY is a good show, and I think it has several seasons left in it at the very least, so right now the important thing is for Anna not to do too much or be too rushed to get back. If they have to push her character stuff back, it'll still happen, even if it's not until next season. I'd hate for Anna to have her first baby and then bust her ass trying to get back in shape and be back on the show. It will be nice if she brings her family to the set with her, like someone mentioned the other actors doing. :)
wow.. u guys only get 6 weeks maternity leave?! In the UK, u get 6 Months where i work!!!!!!! lol

sorry jus had to express that :lol:
Top41 said:
I'm hoping Angell will make him wake up and smell the fun. I notice they're working together in a couple of the upcoming episodes, and I'd love to see banter between them explored.

I'd really love to see that happen. Danny/Angell is a pairing I really like. :)
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