Season 3 - The Spoilers Continue

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I'm sure it's been stated, but there's gotta be more to the story. I gotta say I was a little dissapointed- I thought we'd be getting more. But from the stuff they showed and gave us, it looks pretty intense. They have been stringing this way too long though- it needs to come out soon. The whole thing.
I am so glad you posted about that MrsG. I thought I saw that on the right of my screen last night and then when I went to click on it, it was gone. I thought I was losing my mind. :rolleyes:

- Still wanna know about Louie
- The FBI-woman / IRA thing
- Claire's son and Mac
- And Lindsay secret (still)
I want to know about those things too. I don't see how all of that can just be ingnored. Louie's been in the hospital since May?? I think we need an update.

A question I want answered ... what the hell does Lindsay being the only survivor of a massacre of teenagers have to do with her turning Danny down with the comment "there's some stuff I have to deal with?" (paraphrasing). I don't see how that correlates specifically with getting into a romance (shrug). I mean, Danny putting the moves on her brings up the issues? How exactly?
Maybe one of the people killed was Lindsay's boyfriend or maybe said boyfriend was the killer. Maybe she's afraid to get close to another guy after that. Although if she was a teenager when it happened and now she's an adult, does that mean she hasn't been close to any guy since then?

Didn't I read somewhere that she has trust issues? :confused: If that scenario was the case, I'd have some major trust issues too.
labgeekluvr said:
I'm wondering if maybe almost getting blown up in "Not What It Looks Like" might have triggered something. Like maybe now she's more in tune with her own mortality and memories of her past survivial of a massacre are coming back to haunt her.

Someone in the grading thread offered up something about her case back in Montana. 'Cause she said there were some things she had to figure out or take care of... something like that. I'm thinking that it was something like that, that triggered everything this season. Does that make any sense?
i cant wait for that to for danny brother to come back and c what happen.

i remember reading this the producer Zuiker said tht danny may have a deeper and darker problem it may have some thing ot do with his brotherand his previous life.
i hope it happen soon cause i really want to no waht it is
From the little information we got, what happened to Lindsay sounds very traumatic and I can understand why she's having a tough time handling everything. She's carrying a lot of guilt with her for being the only one to survive the attack, but maybe it's something else too. Maybe she feels responsible for her friends' deaths. I'm am also wondering why it is surfacing now. I think that she believed she had moved past it, and in "Manhattan Manhunt", she was proving to herself that she could handle it. I think it's been bothering her now because something from that event has come up and she's going back to Montana to figure something out, pull herself together or even help with the investigation. That, or something from one of her previous cases triggered a horrible memory that is bringing everything back (possibly the mermaid episode or the close call she had in "Not What It Looks Like"). There is so much we don't know about what happened and hopefully we will find out very soon, such as: Who killed her friends? Did she know them or was it a random act of violence? If she did know them, were her friends killed to get back at her? Looking back at the episode where she went to the jail, obsessed to know why the killer murdered Sarah, makes me think that she was a victim of a senseless massacre. Where were they when this happened (studying at the library, hanging out a friend's house, partying, or loitering behind an alley)? How were they killed and was it immediate or torture (even rape)? Why did she live? Did she barely survive or was she spared? Lastly, are the killer/s behind bars, dead, or still roaming free? I think those who said that she has issues with mothers because the mothers of her friends blame her for the incident and being the only one to survive may be right on.

Just some theories I have...we better find out soon. They've dragged this on too long.
They've dragged this on too long.

I agree. It seems to me like TPTB maybe had this plan all along - hence all the 'dark secrets' hints - but never got around to bringing it up until they were forced to come up quickly with a way to write Anna out for a few episodes.
But then, S2 seemed to be all about TPTB trying to force a D/L pairing. I guess they felt they couldn't do that as well as the secret. Meh.

As for Mac already knowing, if Lindsey shows any signs of suprize, I'm just thinking "duh, he hired you. You think he didn't run a full background check on you first and find out that you were a prime witness in a multiple homicide??"
Ceindreadh said:
As for Mac already knowing, if Lindsey shows any signs of suprize, I'm just thinking "duh, he hired you. You think he didn't run a full background check on you first and find out that you were a prime witness in a multiple homicide??"

:lol: That's Mac, of course he'd have done that.

I still have some question about this whole thing like you guys probably do (like the 'trust' issue and how Danny's tied into all this). So far, we only got a hint of what happened, and I have to say I kind of liked that Lindsay wasn't fully able to explain it because she's still hasn't fully understood it herself. I'm just hoping it won't turn out into a big, old clichè.

As for those other storylines, maybe once she goes back to Montana TPTB will finally focus on something else...
Orison said:
I still have some question about this whole thing like you guys probably do (like the 'trust' issue and how Danny's tied into all this).

My guess is, it's not really about Danny, but more of just trust in general. I'm still trying to figure out how the multiple murders tie into the trust issue. The mother part I get, but trust, I'm still wondering.

So far, we only got a hint of what happened, and I have to say I kind of liked that Lindsay wasn't fully able to explain it because she's still hasn't fully understood it herself.

I have to agree with you there. I mean, I don't want this to drag on and on, but I'm glad it wasn't all dumped in one episode. But I do want her to deal with it, then move on and not have issues in future cases.
CSI808 said:
I'm still trying to figure out how the multiple murders tie into the trust issue.
Well, maybe those murders were commited by someone she trusted :confused: But I guess that's a bit far fetched :p

But I do want her to deal with it, then move on and not have issues in future cases.
Couldn't agree more!
I think Anna is much more suited and far better served when Lindsay is a lighthearted character. Though she's never been my favorite, I had a better time believing her character when she was getting teased about being a country girl and shooting arrows into targets. The writers haven't been doing this secret-drama justice.

And I'm really curious about Stella's upcoming new love, too. Looks like the Hawkes/Stella theory is out, unless they're really good at hiding it. And I find it a little soon...but then again, Stella's a tough cookie. I'd like to see Mac have trouble with the romance this time around -- I feel like Mac should be a bit more protective of Stella, especially after the Frankie thing. Which...might cause trouble in paradise with Peyton? I think it could be a neat little angle.
I think she's better light heatrted too. The reason I think she's a little blue this season as of now is because of "Not What it Looks Like" with the going under cover and almost being killed stuff. I think that striked something in her that made her remember everthing a little more.
Yes, I miss the old Lindsay from last season. When she used to spar, and was so excited about things, like the bow and arrow. I just wonder why now. She seems like a completely different character than the Lindsay who started in NY.
Agreed about the lighthearted Lindsay. Anna simply can't pull of the dramatic, dark stuff--it's clearly not her cup of tea. I'm not a fan of the character at all, but the only time I thought she brought anything at all to the show was when she was a lighter, more fun presence, like in "Stuck on You" or "Cool Hunter."
I think it was time for them to deal with her "bloody secret/horrible past."

Hopefully this season they can address it and then move on to more well-suited storylines for Anna Belknap.

Doesn't every television show try to incoporate a dramatic storyline for each character at some point? Does anyone know when Lindsay's departure and return are?
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