Season 3 - The Spoilers Continue

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LpoHeartsNick said...
Ok SERIOUSLY!?! Is it too much to ask to get a little DL scene! COME ON... there hasnt been a good one in like 4 episodes. Im getting angry with the lack of DL love on this show
i don't think they wanna put a very buffed up danny beside a very puffed up'll lose the D/L chemistry. :lol:

what I want to know is who was the deaf interpreter in the episode was--he kinda looks familiar but I can't put a finger on if the powers that be on the show makes him a regular--i would place my money that CSI:NY would have the best looking male cast in tvland.

i thought that peyton won't be a regular on the show? what's this with mac "needing" her?! I allowed to post stuff like this here or am I in the wrong thread? :confused:
You're in an okay place, seeker. ;)

I remember reading somewhere who the guy was, lemme find it...

Here we go. This is from the futon critic website: "Jerry Ferris ("The Bachelorette 3") guest stars as officer Marty Santucci, a police interpreter for Gina Mitchum. Ferris has been signing his entire life as both of his parents are hearing impaired."


They've apparently decided to extend the Mac/Peyton storyline, so I guess they liked it. ;) "Raising Shane" left things open, but tonight's episode confirmed that it's not over. I'm interested to see where they go with it. :)

As for Danny and Lindsay--well, I think it's pretty safe to say that the show is supposed to be all about the CSI-work and all that jazz. Yes, they've included the Mac/Peyton thing, but that doesn't have anything to do with Danny and Lindsay. After Lindsay told Danny she couldn't be in a relationship, there hasn't been anything shippy about their interaction, so I don't think it's fair to demand that the writers include a moment between them in an episode.
thanks Faylinn! you rock! :D I knew I saw that guy somewhere! Very fitting for him to act as a hearing impaired interpreter...

Yeah I miss the D/L moments--I mean just a short banter or a teasing comment--NADA! as in zip zilch...again I really think it's the buffed up physique beside a very puffed up one (even if it's because Anna's pregnant) does not do well on camera...

so this means that we gotta wait till January to see some twisted D/L interaction?! :eek: wtf?! :mad:
You're welcome about the name, seeker. :)

Um, maybe the lack of Danny/Lindsay is simply the same reason why Mac and Danny haven't seemed to work much together (that example is just from the top of my head, by the way). Because, like I said before, Danny and Lindsay aren't in any kind of relationship, there's nothing romantic happening between them, so they're just two coworkers like any other set of people on the show. And they don't always vary the groupings that much from episode to episode. *shrug*

As for them not putting Anna and Carmine in scenes together because she's pregnant--that would be ridiculous. If they consider Danny/Lindsay to be a viable pairing, it shouldn't be about what they look like 'on camera.' If that's what they're thinking, I will now proceed to thunk my head against my desk. :rolleyes:
I read the review of "Silent Night" and I think one other person had wondered why Lindsay thought she was able to handle the case in "Manhattan Massacre" but she left the crime scene in "Silent Night". I'm wondering if maybe almost getting blown up in "Not What It Looks Like" might have triggered something. Like maybe now she's more in tune with her own mortality and memories of her past survivial of a massacre are coming back to haunt her.
I'm just getting fed up with the whole continual stringing along of the Lindsay secret. I like Lindsay, but I just can't stand the way things have been played out. The whole she has the big secret that she's going to reveal to Stella, and that was it? This is kind of like the Mole on Csi: Miami. So much build up, for what? We still hardly know anything. And if it happened when she was a teenager, why is it only affecting her now? I agree with labgeekluvr, maybe something triggered it, but the writers have not done well with this storyline. Forgive me my rant, especially if this isn't the place for it, but I was looking for something better than this. :mad:
I know what you mean, catey. They've been building up to this secret for a long time, ever since they put it in the character description on, and on the show itself they've been building up as well. It kind of annoyed me that they didn't reveal it all at once, since they've taken so long to do it, but I'm hoping that the next few episodes, up to Lindsay's absence from the show, give us more information...Isn't she supposed to talk to Mac before she leaves?
I'm not sure if Lindsay is to talk with Mac before she leaves. I originally thought it was to Mac, in this episode that she went to with her secret. I'm so confused with spoilers by now, the only thing I know for sure is Lindsay's leaving at the end of episode #14. Maybe in light of Silent Night, Mac tells her to go home to work through things and get her head straight. (Just guessing) ;)
I'm pretty sure she can't leave without Mac knowing/approving that so I think there's gonna be at least one scene between the two of them. We're just gonna have to wait until January...
^^Exactly. At some point she will have to talk to Mac. I don't think Mac would be too happy if she just up and left and didn't tell him. I still think they will have a scene in ep 14 because didn't earlier spoilers say she talks to Mac and he tells her he already knew about her secret? I'm thinking that will come out in ep 14 before she leaves.
dutch_treat said:
I've just noticed there's also a lot of info about ep #14 here
edit: Strange there was a quite long and detailed article there, but for some reason it has been removed :confused:
That spoiler report was deleted for a short time because it accidentally double-posted, but was put back up. You can find it as a December 14 news item.
^ OK txs for clearing that up!

1CSIMfan I do hope those spoilers are still correct!. After seeing last night's ep I am a little afraid now that they will drag this 'secret thing' along till this season's finale. Why didn't they just make it an one case ep (the 'deaf' teenager one of course :D) and used some of the extra time to just reveal all of Lindsay's secret?

We're halfway through this season now and there are so many loose ends still left to tie up:

- Still wanna know about Louie
- The FBI-woman / IRA thing
- Claire's son and Mac
- And Lindsay secret (still)
catey1234 said:
I'm just getting fed up with the whole continual stringing along of the Lindsay secret.

Me too. It's been dragged on way too long, IMO. I'm not a Lindsay fan to start with, so my patience wasn't always going to be long-enduring anyway, but I've really had enough of it ... I was over it a long time ago.

A question I want answered ... what the hell does Lindsay being the only survivor of a massacre of teenagers have to do with her turning Danny down with the comment "there's some stuff I have to deal with?" (paraphrasing). I don't see how that correlates specifically with getting into a romance (shrug). I mean, Danny putting the moves on her brings up the issues? How exactly?

Although I'm GLAD she said that ... I for one hope the D/L ship has well and truly sunk.
You know what I just realized (maybe have been obvious for other people) buuut..... If Lindsay was supposed to have a deep-dark-secret that played out through 2 seasons right from when her character first came to NY, then TPTB wouldn't just let us down like that, after giving us hints that she is troubled when young girls are murdered. The first signs were in Manhattan Manhunt, so her secret was actually "written by the writers" a loooong time ago. Meaning: They had a long time to think about what the actual secret was going to be, and they probably won't let us down. *takes long breath*
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