Season 3 - The Spoilers Continue

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Happy Birthday CSI808!!

I checked my TV Guide that I got in the mail and it didn't tell us anything we didn't already know. It was more or less or a recap. Here's what it said:

Wait, is that CSI:NY's usually grim-faced Mac Taylor canoodling? Yep, he kicked off the season by cozying up to new girlfriend Peyton Driscoll.
Well, thanks for posting that!

So the two cases are related as in, the victims' friends/relatives know each other. That's interesting.

*is still curious/confused*
1CSIMfan said:
Happy Birthday CSI808!!

Thank you thank you! :D I'm so excited that Lindsay's secret is revealed tonight. Or at least dealt with more. I haven't even been reading the spoilers since they've been so confusing. I'm just gonna be excited and watch... after I party! :D
Happy Birthday CSI808! :D

I'm curious as to how McKenzie is going to help Mac with his issues regarding Peyton. I hope he ends up trying to get her back and give it another shot with her!
Did anyone see the teaser for Criminal Minds? It must be a theme because they have the black actor in that show in the same postion and saying almost the same lines Sheldon did when he was arrested.
Montana walks off the case.
So there is a connection between tonight's cases :eek: Cannot wait to watch it :)

I've just noticed there's also a lot of info about ep #14 here
edit: Strange there was a quite long and detailed article there, but for some reason it has been removed :confused:

Since Lindsay is not even on any case in #14 (edit: at least not according to the now removed article) I'm guessing she will only make a very brief appearance before she leaves for a while *puts fingers in ears to not hear Top41 cheering ;)

And DetectiveCurtis since this is a spoiler thread you can post without using the spoiler boxes :)
I'm curious as to how McKenzie is going to help Mac with his issues regarding Peyton. I hope he ends up trying to get her back and give it another shot with her!

I kinda hate that idea. I don't want Peyton to stay. I guess we will have to wait and see how it plays out tonight.
Boa_Vista_Fan said:
...McKenzie (Matlin) is involved in the home invasion case...
Okay... despite the fact that Sasha Cohen's website says Matlin plays "McKenzie," CBS just put a teaser up on YouTube (click for video) and now it looks like Marlee's character is named "Gina." Hmm.

Edit: ...And maybe the spoiler I posted earlier from Cohen's website didn't help at all... I'm looking at the episode description on The Futon Critic's website, and it has Marlee listed as "Gina Mitchum," Sasha as "Krista Palmer," and then different actress whose character is "McKenzie."

...Back to spoiler confusion, I guess. :(
I guess I must be like one of three people who just doesn't care about Lindsay's secret. It's not out of any particular malice, I just don't care. Too much hype about it, I guess...I kinda just want them to get it overwith already. Not to say it isn't time we had some real character development for her, just that they've talked about it for a season and a half...time to make it happen!

I'm really interested to see if Mac will have any more interaction with his step-son. Also, I'd like to see a case about one of Flack's YMCA heartwrenching would that be? And a great way to reveal more about Detective Tall, Dark and Handsome, no?
Lindsay walks off the deaf family case. She never even gets in the house. And MacKenzie is the dead figure skater.
Anything on Stella new love? Is it Hawke?

I remember reading that she'll get a new love and that we may or may not know him.

I don't really care about Lindsay past, I'm sure it will be nothing big. If it is then good if not, i'm not surprised.
No, no details on Stella's lovelife, but Mac and Peyton are not over. And don't hold your breath on Lindsay's big secret, because hardly any real details are revealed.
Ok SERIOUSLY!?! Is it too much to ask to get a little DL scene! COME ON... there hasnt been a good one in like 4 episodes. Im getting angry with the lack of DL love on this show.... its all.... Ohhh Mac and Peyton... screw them, show some DL!
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