Season 3 - The Spoilers Continue

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Thanks once again for all the great spoilers! Can't wait until this next ep airs, it sounds intriguing. I'm interested to see Marlee Matlin and Gary work their scenes together.
Asparagus said:
Mac works with the grieving mother who relies on her other senses to provide clues that will help catch her daughter's killer. Along the way she also provides assistance to Mac as he struggles in his relationship with Peyton.

Okay now, what kind of "assistance" is she going to provide to Mac??? Assistance as in advices?

Also, when Lindsay abruptly walks away from a crime scene and loses control of her emotions, the team questions her past.

The team questions her past? So -everyone-'s wondering about what happened to her, not just Stella? Man, I've never been that curious about en episode before... ;)
^^So, does that mean she was working the case with Stella and Danny?

Can't wait until tomorrow night...I'm getting confused again. :confused:

Is this "assistance" Mac gets going to help his relationship with Peyton, or end it?

And there was much rejoycing! Can't wait to see the team in action without Lindsay.
I'm looking forward to that myself. :p
...The team questions her past? So -everyone-'s wondering about what happened to her, not just Stella...
:D I'm so glad we're not the only ones who have no clue 'bout what is going on with Lindsay - even her own team is curious now ;)

txs for the new info everyone!
Yeah, I'm crossing my fingers (and everything I have) that it won't leave me disappointed and/or angry! :)
Thanks for all the spoilers.
*Just 1 more day!*

I have a question for anyone who has the new issue of TV GUIDE...What does it say about CSI NY? I heard in another thread that it mentions all 3 CSIs, and I just thought here would be a good place to ask. :)
Hmmmm Lindsay loses control of her emotions... that could be interesting. She's usually straight-laced in most cases.
So I've been going insane over these spoilers for tomorrow night's episode. I'm just as curious as the next person as to what Lindsay's secret might be and I've spent the past week in study hall discussing it with several other kids who watch the show. And they are also going crazy with these spoilers that appear to be contradicting themselves... One says Lindsay is affected by the home shooting and the other says she's affected by the murder of the ice skater.

So I did a little bit of research in an attempt to figure out which spoiler was true and came up with this: they both are! Here me out.

This is from Sasha Cohen's official website (I bolded the parts that, more or less, have to do with Lindsay's secret):
Samantha Humphrey is the co-writer for the CSI: NY episode “Silent Night” scheduled to air at 10 p.m. EST on CBS Wednesday night. Olympic silver medalist Sasha Cohen debuts with the highly-rated prime time show and is asked to play a character with strong emotions.

Samantha wrote Sasha’s character “Krista” into the plot and, with other writers, provided Sasha her lines. Executive producer Peter Lenkov came up with the figure skating theme. He expressly wanted Sasha and Marlee Maitlin to appear in this production. Samantha provided an exclusive interview with She, ironically, grew up in the same area as Sasha and Samantha had been an athlete (swimmer and runner) in high school and college. “I could see where Sasha’s discipline and athleticism helped her around the craziness of the cast and crew during the shooting,” said Samantha.

Question: Why was Sasha asked to be in the episode?
Answer: Peter Lenkov came up with the original idea and specifically wanted Marlee Matlin and Sasha. These are two amazing and talented women. Sasha has amazing charisma. She is beautiful and she can bring emotion to the role. She was absolutely great. You could tell Sasha’s discipline learned from her sport paid off. While everything was going on with the movements and shooting of the cast and crew, Sasha could remove herself from all the craziness.

Question: What was your role with “Silent Night”?
Samantha: I was responsible for writing Sasha into the script with input with our other writing staff. I wrote “Krista” (Sasha’s role name) and another writer had the responsibility of “McKenzie” (Marlee Matlin). I am not a figure skater and had to do a lot of homework to learn everything I could about the sport and its nuances from the competitions to behind the scenes. Sasha was great to work with. She had some definite ideas and helped a lot.

Question: Sasha wrote in a journal entry that she could design any kind of skating dress she wanted for the show as long as she used the color lavender. Why?
Samantha: Lavender is in the story line. “Krista” and “McKenzie” are best friends and the color will help build the clues throughout the episode.

Question: What did you think of Sasha’s dress design?
Samantha: Sasha’s dress was gorgeous. I get goose bumps thinking about Sasha’s skating sequences. I have never before seen such a more fabulous skating sequence, in competitions or shows, than what Sasha did. It was beautiful. Bob Bailey filmed Sasha on the ice and he did a wonderful job capturing the scene and mood.

Question: Can you describe Sasha’s acting since she is new to the profession?
Samantha: Sasha had to be quite emotional in this role. Sasha worked with Melina (Kanakaredes as Detective Stella Bonasera) and they were excellent together. I would best describe it as Sasha earning her ‘acting chops’. She wasn’t playing herself. She had to deliver a performance that was outside of her norm. She did it beautifully.

McKenzie (Matlin) is involved in the home invasion case and Krista (Cohen) is with the figure skater case. And they're both best friends. Hmmm. While they start out as two entirely different cases, maybe they're related and both have to do with a similar situation Lindsay experienced when she was younger?

So, as confusing as they were, maybe the spoilers weren't completely contradicting...
darx2mint4 said:
Thank you so much for posting that!!!!!
No problem! I'm very happy to share because I'm sure I'm not the only one who's been going crazy with these different spoilers!

darx2mint4 said:
So do we know which crime scene Lindsay disapears from?
I'm going to guess it's the home invasion that she leaves. That's what it says in one of the spoilers... So then maybe she heads to the ice rink, where she asks Stella to switch cases with her, but then freaks out and leaves again when she sees that case...

It might explain Stella, Hawkes, and Danny's expressions in one of the promotional photos that I saw earlier... They'll be the ones who start "questioning her past," maybe?
I'm happy to see that Marlee Matlin is going to bo this episode, ever since I saw her in SVU I've had a respect for her.
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