Season 3 - The Spoilers Continue

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On the subject of confiding in someone, in my experience I find that really doesn't help much. In the end you still have to deal with your shit by yourself. Nobody really wants to have to deal with your problems on top of their own. They don't know how to help you, and if you are in the midst of something like being off your meds and wondering how you can hit the reset button on your life, they sure as hell don't want to get mixed up in that. I am appalled at how callous and unsympathetic people can be at the suffering of others. The whole "oh get over yourself and deal with it" when they have no idea what kind of pain a person is going through. So sad. That must be why it makes sense to me that Lindsay would not want to talk to Danny. That's how I'd feel. "Danny doesn't need to hear about my problems, find out what a basket-case I am. He doesn't deserve to be burdened with it; he's got enough shit to deal with. I'm just going to leave him a note and get the hell out of here and try not to drive off a bridge on the way home..."
thisyearslove said:
How much hype is from CBS and TPTB about Lindsay's dark past/secret and how much is really fans wondering?

It's not so much the fans going overboard is it is Lindsay griping about her issues. Ooooh, she's seen bloody crime scenes, and ooooh, she can't deal with mothers, and ooooh, she can't date Danny because she has Issues. It's not fans that have built it up--it's the show and the writing for the character.

MrsGiovinazzo said:
Agreed. That's about the lamest, most infantile thing I've ever heard. I can only assume the reason the writers have opted to commit Lindsey's remarks to Danny to some secret little card instead of the mature dialogue a man who cares about her deserves is that she doesn't have anything interesting to say.

Does she ever have anything interesting to say? :lol: She's such a Mary Sue character--she feels like something out of bad fan fiction even a year and a half later. There's no depth to the character, either in the writing for her or the portrayal of her. She's a cliche, and not an interesting one.

The show would be much better off shipping her back to Montana permanently. They could start fresh or add Peyton or Angell if they wanted another woman in the cast.
kkennedytx said:
ka990 said:
Orison - I read in another thread an appearance from Flack Snr is on the cards for sometime this season - any news re that? I'm not holding my breath as this has been promised sooo many times before! :(

I used to hope this would happen but now I'd rather not see Flack Sr, or any other Flacks for that matter. TPTB have done little to develop or promote the Flack character and personally, I believe that's because they don't know what to do with him. I worry that any attempts on their part to do anything with Flack now, after all the time they've ignored him, will totally destroy the character.

Sorry, I totally missed this psot but sadly, no, no news about this yet.
I can't see Stella/Hawkes. Am I the only one who gets some major gay vibes from Hawkes and/or Hill Harper?

I honestly didn't think anything of it. Hawkes and Stella have always been very close. Plus, with Danny and Lindsay it would be overkill to add another main character/main character romance.

I could buy Stella as his fag hag, though.
^ Dude, you are soooo mean. I can say that I've had the pleasure of spending a couple hours with Hill and got absolutely zero gay vibe whatsoever.

I'd love to see Hawkes and Stella together. In my opinion, everyone deserves a little lovin' and Stella is a nice match for Hawkes. She's intelligent, feisty and beautiful. Plus, Hill and Melina seem to have a nice on-screen chemistry. I say "fire it up." But with Mac/Peyton and the Danny/Lindsey thing, I doubt Hawkes/Stella will happen. Otherwise, it just make the viewer wonder what the hell is in the water at the crime lab to make coworkers mate like freakin' bunny rabbits.
labgeekluvr said:
I was wondering about the Stella/Hawkes thing too, and now that I think about it, maybe Peyton asked Stella to leave the morgue during the bartender's autopsy because she knew they were close. Hmmm...

I think that's what it was too...'cause the look Peyton gave her when Stella was like 'Peyton what exactely do you think i'm going to do?'
That look said everything...then Stella backed off.
Ah, disappointed that TPTB are hyping up the "secret" so much... I don't wanna be let down.

At least I get a little more Lindsay for my birthday... :rolleyes:
I think that's what it was too...'cause the look Peyton gave her when Stella was like 'Peyton what exactely do you think i'm going to do?'
That look said everything...then Stella backed off.

Maybe I'm just in denial, but I just figured that Stella realized that it wasn't about what she might or might not do, it was about what a DA or defence attourney might accuse her of doing. If the autopsy had somehow cleared Hawkes, then the mere fact that one of his colleagues had been in the room would be enough for a good lawyer to question the findings. It was about protecting the integrity of the lab. And I have to say I'm surprized and delighted the way the whole team were pulled off the case once one of their own was involved.
Ceindreadh said:
I think that's what it was too...'cause the look Peyton gave her when Stella was like 'Peyton what exactely do you think i'm going to do?'
That look said everything...then Stella backed off.

Maybe I'm just in denial, but I just figured that Stella realized that it wasn't about what she might or might not do, it was about what a DA or defence attourney might accuse her of doing. If the autopsy had somehow cleared Hawkes, then the mere fact that one of his colleagues had been in the room would be enough for a good lawyer to question the findings. It was about protecting the integrity of the lab. And I have to say I'm surprized and delighted the way the whole team were pulled off the case once one of their own was involved.

I'm sure you're right, and I had initially thought that, I just wondered with the Stella/Hawkes moment at the end if there wasn't more to it.
I just wondered with the Stella/Hawkes moment at the end if there wasn't more to it.
Ah yes, but I'm sure that's what they intended, for us to wonder just what it meant. ;) It could be nothing or it could be something. :p

Very good point about the autopsy thing, Ceindreadh. :)
Faylinn said:
I just wondered with the Stella/Hawkes moment at the end if there wasn't more to it.
Ah yes, but I'm sure that's what they intended, for us to wonder just what it meant. ;) It could be nothing or it could be something. :p

All the same, it was a nice moment. :)
It was definately nice yes, but I don't think I could handle another love thing this season. I don't mind seeing some love in the show, but three is just too much for me.

But it could be nothing of course ;)
midnight_tiptoes said:
I can't see Stella/Hawkes. Am I the only one who gets some major gay vibes from Hawkes and/or Hill Harper?

I get it. I think its because he's got a pretty soft voice and wears tight, long-sleeved shirts.
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