I will freely and happily possibly with a dance accompaniment admit that I hate Lindsay. She is irredeemable in my eyes and if she goes to Montana, her name is never uttered again, and her face never again darkens the door of Mac Taylor’s lab I will be delighted. She is a childish, sycophantic, snatching, whining, emotionless, shrieking pseudo character albeit with wavy hair. I would take a moment to say that hating a character does not make someone a hater because that implies some sort of jealousy and besides the obvious insanity of Lindsay being imaginary as a statement against jealousy I would point to the aforementioned list of unpleasant mannerisms that make her far from desirable other than the wavy hair and of that I have my own. I will, however, settle for the four or forever episodes that she will be absent.
Honestly, I must echo midnight in some ways and say that there is no way in hell Lindsay’s secret will live up to the hype unless there is incest, some freakish brother chained in a basement that spends his days masturbating to The Price is Right, two mommies and two daddies that are all related, a deformed but now dead high school boyfriend, and maybe some unexplained family illness due to their super comfy wooden floored ranch being located on top of a toxic waste dump. Well, and maybe a secret baby that is the result of an ill-fated love affair with Wilbur the Pig’s less fortunate brother, the one that never met Charlotte. I think on that note I should move on . . .
The card on the desk is so very classy, maybe we’ll get a voiceover as Danny reads it wouldn’t that be the most amazing and original idea ever shown on television, I can’t wait. What will the writers think of next? More and more I’m convinced they are raiding their super secret 6th grade diaries for ideas.