Season 3 - The Spoilers Continue

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^ Fay, I think this is the same episode. If I remember correctly, Mac did tell Stella that she didn't have to cover for Lindsay so they've probably talked about it.

And I agree. Danny strikes me as the kind of guy who doesn't easily trust people but when he does, they're friends forever. Plus, he's had a rough time so he'd definitely be able to "connect" with Lindsay (and not in a shipper way :lol:).
Fay, I think this is the same episode. If I remember correctly, Mac did tell Stella that she didn't have to cover for Lindsay so they've probably talked about it.
Ooh, so we could get some good scenes with different sets of characters then. That sounds promising. ;)

Danny's a good guy, you know he fully understands the value of someone you can count on, and I think he'd take it very seriously if someone looked to him for that. I'd really love to see more of the deep relationships these people develop working alongside each other--and sometimes putting their lives on the line with each other or for each other. It could be powerful if done correctly, the idea that the job wears them down in some ways, but that it's so much of who they are that, without it (and without each other), they'd be lost...

Much more interesting than 'OMG, are they gonna kiss?!' ;)
You're totally right, and I'd love to see some hints of that during each episode but I guess there's not always enough time for that.
The solution? They should run. :)

No, seriously, quit walking people, you have to sprint around. Come skidding into the lab, out of breath, and collide with the table before you are able to ask Adam what your results are. :)

It would totally work.

...*giggles* :lol:
I will freely and happily possibly with a dance accompaniment admit that I hate Lindsay. She is irredeemable in my eyes and if she goes to Montana, her name is never uttered again, and her face never again darkens the door of Mac Taylor’s lab I will be delighted. She is a childish, sycophantic, snatching, whining, emotionless, shrieking pseudo character albeit with wavy hair. I would take a moment to say that hating a character does not make someone a hater because that implies some sort of jealousy and besides the obvious insanity of Lindsay being imaginary as a statement against jealousy I would point to the aforementioned list of unpleasant mannerisms that make her far from desirable other than the wavy hair and of that I have my own. I will, however, settle for the four or forever episodes that she will be absent.

Honestly, I must echo midnight in some ways and say that there is no way in hell Lindsay’s secret will live up to the hype unless there is incest, some freakish brother chained in a basement that spends his days masturbating to The Price is Right, two mommies and two daddies that are all related, a deformed but now dead high school boyfriend, and maybe some unexplained family illness due to their super comfy wooden floored ranch being located on top of a toxic waste dump. Well, and maybe a secret baby that is the result of an ill-fated love affair with Wilbur the Pig’s less fortunate brother, the one that never met Charlotte. I think on that note I should move on . . .

The card on the desk is so very classy, maybe we’ll get a voiceover as Danny reads it wouldn’t that be the most amazing and original idea ever shown on television, I can’t wait. What will the writers think of next? More and more I’m convinced they are raiding their super secret 6th grade diaries for ideas.
While we don't have s3 here in Australia yet, I think all your comments are hilarious. I haven't warmed to the Danny/Lindsay thing, but I do think Anna is cute and adorable and prefer her over Vanessa. However, I cringe at the moments between Danny and Lindsay and it's like - ewww no don't do that.

I too was into X-files and remember that episode well, it was so disgustingly gross and my mum even saw it and was grossed out :lol:
that's probably the only episode I remember well and I saw every season.
JDonne said:
Honestly, I must echo midnight in some ways and say that there is no way in hell Lindsay’s secret will live up to the hype unless there is incest, some freakish brother chained in a basement that spends his days masturbating to The Price is Right, two mommies and two daddies that are all related, a deformed but now dead high school boyfriend, and maybe some unexplained family illness due to their super comfy wooden floored ranch being located on top of a toxic waste dump. Well, and maybe a secret baby that is the result of an ill-fated love affair with Wilbur the Pig’s less fortunate brother, the one that never met Charlotte. I think on that note I should move on . . .
If ever in doubt as to why I love you, please revisit this post. I'm on the floor!

The card on the desk is so very classy, maybe we’ll get a voiceover as Danny reads it wouldn’t that be the most amazing and original idea ever shown on television, I can’t wait.
Agreed. That's about the lamest, most infantile thing I've ever heard. I can only assume the reason the writers have opted to commit Lindsey's remarks to Danny to some secret little card instead of the mature dialogue a man who cares about her deserves is that she doesn't have anything interesting to say.
I hope it's safe to say here, the ending of tonight's ep brought to mind the Stella ship spoilers TV Guide put out sometime back.
How much hype is from CBS and TPTB about Lindsay's dark past/secret and how much is really fans wondering?

In Lindsay's Bio on the CBS page they talk about it and I think that's a shame they would - when you set up something like that from the beginning it can be difficult to fulfill.

I only hope they don't go overboard or completely forget about it. It's going to be difficult for them to play out.
MBGrissom said:
MacsGirlMel, I thought the same thing when I saw the ending of tonight's ep. Stella and Hawkes...???
Lol! So did I. As soon as they hugged, I was split between the idea that it was a friend-to-friend hug or the potential ship which Melina states, "we may or may not already know him."

*coughs* But I think I could possibly get into Stella and Hawkes. <.<;
I could definitely get into Stella/Hawkes. I've toyed with the pairing in my head before, and when I really think about it, of the actors on this show, Melina and Hill are some of the most capable of pulling off a canon relationship (which generally just makes me cringe). The writers will surely give them some clunkers if it happens, but I'll have a bit more faith if this is the pairing they're writing. They seem to have a much better handle on these two characters.

Anyway, I thought about the spoilers when she walked up alone at the end. I expected the rest of the team to be there, but just Stella was nice too. The hug was very nice, very natural, whether it was meant to be a hint of possible romance or not. :D

How much hype is from CBS and TPTB about Lindsay's dark past/secret and how much is really fans wondering?
I'm quite convinced it's mostly just the fans building it up, but as you said, the bio shouldn't specify a dark past, and then the writers wait more than a year to elaborate on it, if they can't follow through.
Stella/Hawkes? Unlike Danny/Lindsay, this one might actually work. I still haven't watched the episode but I have to admit the idea doesn't bother me at all...
ka990 said:
Orison - I read in another thread an appearance from Flack Snr is on the cards for sometime this season - any news re that? I'm not holding my breath as this has been promised sooo many times before! :(

I used to hope this would happen but now I'd rather not see Flack Sr, or any other Flacks for that matter. TPTB have done little to develop or promote the Flack character and personally, I believe that's because they don't know what to do with him. I worry that any attempts on their part to do anything with Flack now, after all the time they've ignored him, will totally destroy the character.
I was wondering about the Stella/Hawkes thing too, and now that I think about it, maybe Peyton asked Stella to leave the morgue during the bartender's autopsy because she knew they were close. Hmmm...
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