Season 3 - The Spoilers Continue

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Hey, the chupacabra episode is one I actually saw! (I think I watched two or three in total, and that's the only one I can still remember all these years later.) :lol: That story weirds me out to this day. How friggin' old was I? :lol:

Thanks for the info, I was wondering what that whole conversation was about up there. :)
Heh. I haven't seen the chupacabra ep and I have all the XF dvds! :lol:

Ooops, OT.

Uhm, so I'm guessing we're gonna see more of Peyton beyond her original 4-eps-thing? I mean, if Gary's comments at the Dec1 TV Guide are anything to go by. I'm still on the fence with her, though.

Anything new with Flack?
everybody around here knows how close you two are
(beats head against wall)
Show, don't tell. If there's any chemistry or closeness between characters, the viewers won't need to have it pointed out to them. Who the heck writes these lines? Maybe we'll get lucky and it'll be cut/edited to something a bit more palatable.
(and I'm actually not a Lindsey hater, but jeez, could the writers pull their finger out and actually write her a decent storyline?)
Oooh, glad to see there's other X-Philes around... :D

I was definitely surprised to read that "everybody knows how close D/L are" because honestly, I can see no evidence of that during the episodes. Of course we can assume that something's happened when the cameras weren't around, but if Hawkes is trying to prove a point then I need proofs of that... :confused:
Comcast's onscreen synopsis for tonight says the suspect was a black guy...makes it easier to get how Hawkes got mixed up in it. Shane wouldn't be too dumb anyway...
midnight_tiptoes said:
what would be believable and not tired and overused?

She's a MAN, baby!

No wonder Danny's attracted to her... him... it?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I thought that pic was from the X-Files. I remember that episode. :lol:

A note? That's just funny. Lindsay is such a twit. Episode 15 will be awesome I'm sure. And 16 and 17. Maybe even 18 if we're lucky.... ;)

And yeah, the Hawkes line is a great example of how they tell and don't show with the supposed chemistry between Danny and Lindsay. But what do we expect from a pairing that's built on the actors being klutzes one day when they were filming? :lol:
I think you could take that line from Hawkes a few different ways. I guess it really comes down to how you define "close". I think he might refere to their working relationship or friendship.
If you look at some of the episodes Danny and Lindsey have worked together on a number of cases; Danny always teased her with her nickname; Sid mentioned in one episode that danny teased her because he likes her; danny did drive her home from the hospital in COTP; they did hang out and eat bugs in one epi instead of getting food with the other; and on occasion he has tried to calm her down after some of her emotional outbursts.

Just my two cents :)
Fellow X-Phile here...

Given the way the "writers" handle personal development, maybe I should be glad Flack escapes their notice. Of course, if I wrote him, he'd never have any clothes on...

Point being, I hope they don't get any bright ideas about him now...
I really don't mean to start an argument..but I want to know..Why so much Lindsay hate?
Maybe that is how TPTB wants her to deal with her problems. She withdraws from other people. I can't say I would do the same thing because when I am angry and sad I don't hide it....but maybe that is just what she does.

and back OT...

Thanks for the spoilers. :).

I do remember seeing an article/ad about a politcal impersonator on CSI NY...I couldn't actually read what was in the article (becuase I had to pay to join the site..) but I did read that bit.
I really don't mean to start an argument..but I want to know..Why so much Lindsay hate?
Maybe that is how TPTB wants her to deal with her problems. She withdraws from other people. I can't say I would do the same thing because when I am angry and sad I don't hide it....but maybe that is just what she does.

If you don't know, then it's probably best you don't know.
Isn't it because some feel she's too whiny and one dimensional? or better said, that she doesn't seem to change emotions at all?
Expressing criticism of a character doesn't equal 'hate' to me. Maybe I'm just defining things wrong, but I don't consider my feelings for Lindsay to be 'hate.' I can be involved in a discussion about the character if one is present, I can find positives about her--but I'm not going to turn a blind eye to negatives that I feel are there. And for Lindsay, there are a lot of negatives at this point. I'm sorry if people don't like to hear things against a character they like, but you have to understand why we'd react that way to what seems to be happening in that episode.

I'm not a fan of confrontation, and I'd be tempted to avoid a situation, but if I wanted to get over my issues, move on, and be an adult--I'd force myself to step up, meet the person face to face, and speak. It's not easy, running away is easier (in the short term at least).

Are we supposed to assume that Lindsay has moved on at this point? If she's moved on and is growing past this situation, then why is she avoiding Danny, who has already said he'd be there as her friend? Or are we supposed to think she'll go to Montana and come back a changed woman and we aren't supposed to consider how improbable that is? Maybe they aren't going to have her grow at all--we're assuming that she's going to change from this experience, but perhaps that's a misguided assumption. Maybe this is meant to tell us her problems, and she isn't going to deal with them. Who knows at this point?

At this point, we know very little about anything, including the scene we've gotten the spoiler for. We won't know anything for sure until we actually see that episode (in January, maybe?), but I don't see anything wrong with discussing it now. ;)
One thing that bothers me is who's gonna know about this big, dark secret? The synopsis for episode #12 say she will confide in Stella, and I remember reading some place else that Mac knows about it already, but what about the others?

Danny probably doesn't know since she's avoiding him and the "letter on his desk" thing seems to confirm that.
Thanks for the explanation Faylinn. :). I can understand now what you mean by saying Lindsay is just running away.

Lindsay's dilema forces her to pick which "thing" to run from. She could be running away from talking to danny to actually face her fears...instead of just ignoring the past and trying to move on, but either way she has to run away from one..
Ok, my brain is a bit scrambled here. :p Does she confide in Stella after she's MIA on a case and Stella covers for her? Is this the same episode as the original spoiler for Mac 'knowing,' or a different one? :confused:

Honestly, I think Danny would be an easy person to confide in. 'Hey Danny, your life is fucked up, my life is fucked up, let's chat over a slice of pizza.' *shrug* He strikes me as someone who isn't going to betray the trust you put in him, because he himself values trustworthy people too highly.

Hell, I'd confide in Sheldon too, come to think of it. He's so sweet and understanding. And if I knew Flack well enough, him too--you can tell that he's just a good guy all around (although if you didn't know him he might be a bit intimidating)...I think I'd just air all of my business to everybody or something. :lol:

Edit: I take forever to post. :lol:

As for Lindsay running away from one thing versus the other, I can see's possible that she focuses on dealing with her demons and won't let herself connect to anything or anyone else at the same time because she'd risk losing her nerve...not sure if that made sense.

Either way, it's not a 'good' or a 'bad' thing, necessarily, I just think what we're seeing isn't showing a mature character making mature choices. *shrug*
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