Season 11 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion

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For what its worth, I'd rather not see the show go on for ages. I watch The Simpsons and it is not the show it was. So, I'd rather see CSI go out in style.
I agree with you there, myfuturecsi. As much as I love CSI I would hate to see it fumble along for another 2 or 3 seasons just because it can and not to really further the plotline of the universe. But on the other hand if CSI does end it better have some kind of last nod to GSR. A marriage episode or something.:) I would really love that.

See I strongly disagree with you there, because one of the reasons I'm happy to see the show continue is because other characters like Nick have FINALLY had decent screentime. Screentime lost because of GSR, so I'll take the stumbling along if it means Nick gets more storytimes..but after's time to move on with ALL the team and not just Grissom and Sara because the show wasn't about them, it was about the team.

So a nod to ALL MEMBERS OF THE TEAM would be great. Seeing the team move on.. IE Catherine goes off with Vartann and opens a casino, Nick gets promoted to Under Sheriff. Greg gets moved to Grave Yard supervisor. Ray goes back to teaching.

Sara and Grissom can write a book a together or something or start their own bug rescue foundation..:)

Either way everyone gets a happy ending.
But on the other hand if CSI does end it better have some kind of last nod to GSR. A marriage episode or something.

They're already married though. Why would they need a marriage episode? Or do you just mean something about their marriage rather than a wedding episode?
But on the other hand if CSI does end it better have some kind of last nod to GSR. A marriage episode or something.

They're already married though. Why would they need a marriage episode? Or do you just mean something about their marriage rather than a wedding episode?

I don't really like the idea of an episode about Grissom and Sara's marriage. Not that I don't like to know more about the CSI's private lives, because I would really want to know more about Nick, Greg and Ray's private lives. But it's still a crime show, so this personal stuff shouldn't get the overhand. I read that in season 11 we're gonna find out more about Nick and Greg... that should be interesting.
I think the show is still a pretty good one so if they can have good storylines,I am all for the show to continue.ER was AWFUL the last years and I don't want the same to happen to CSI.
don't really like the idea of an episode about Grissom and Sara's marriage. Not that I don't like to know more about the CSI's private lives, because I would really want to know more about Nick, Greg and Ray's private lives. But it's still a crime show, so this personal stuff shouldn't get the overhand. I read that in season 11 we're gonna find out more about Nick and Greg... that should be interesting.

I agree and it floors me to think that after 10 seasons, some fans STILL WANT GSR show. Gees, they'd have their fill and they want more.

DISCLAIMER: I'm talking about my guy and it in no disrespect to yours. I have ADHD and can only focus on one thing at a time or I gets confuzzled.:lol:

Nick needs to have a personal and decent story ark. A really good one. And I hope season 11 he gets it.
Lately, I'm kind of tired of having Nick be the hero who runs after an extremely dangerous suspect without a backup, kicks doors (which he shouldn't, he's a CSI, not a cop), saves the day, and brings bagels when his teammate feels blue. I think a character like that is so idealized, 'hollywood-alized', and unreal, that it makes him dull. The greatest characters created in books/TV shows/movies etc were never bleakly perfect, and that is my perception of what this character turned out to be, this season especially.

I liked him better in earlier seasons where he was a little different from others (wanted to work solo), a bit sensitive in stressful situations, or was wrong sometimes in his theories. Even though he was never my favorite character, I didn't mind him at all, and actually thought he was a good addition to the show. But now, I'm just annoyed by his constant heroicism and, what I perceive, a slight cockiness. I know the guy has a nice smile, and a nice body (although he is kinda small, for me at least, my height or probably shorter since imdb always colorizes their numbers ;) ), I don't think it's enough to not annoy me.

And AFIS, I agree on an episode with some GSR. It would be nice to have a bit of continuity since Sara is back. It wouldn't have to be all centered around Grissom and Sara, but I wouldn't mind a scene or two. :)
Nick has progressed and is not the same guy he used to be, he's grown and is a HERO I love him more now and seeing him mature is awesome, if he was still the same how boring for him and his fans. The show has grown changed too, nothing stays the same thank goodness. S/10 has been an incredible journey. Sara is different now as well. If Grissom returns all GSR fans would be happy, but if not, oh well, there's some new romances brewing, and that's alluring too:thumbsup: The whole team seems to be more calm, cool, satisfied and happier than ever, and that's a good thing~
Lately, I'm kind of tired of having Nick be the hero who runs after an extremely dangerous suspect without a backup, kicks doors (which he shouldn't, he's a CSI, not a cop), saves the day, and brings bagels when his teammate feels blue. I think a character like that is so idealized, 'hollywood-alized', and unreal, that it makes him dull. The greatest characters created in books/TV shows/movies etc were never bleakly perfect, and that is my perception of what this character turned out to be, this season especially.

I liked him better in earlier seasons where he was a little different from others (wanted to work solo), a bit sensitive in stressful situations, or was wrong sometimes in his theories. Even though he was never my favorite character, I didn't mind him at all, and actually thought he was a good addition to the show. But now, I'm just annoyed by his constant heroicism and, what I perceive, a slight cockiness. I know the guy has a nice smile, and a nice body (although he is kinda small, for me at least, my height or probably shorter since imdb always colorizes their numbers ;) ), I don't think it's enough to not annoy me.

And AFIS, I agree on an episode with some GSR. It would be nice to have a bit of continuity since Sara is back. It wouldn't have to be all centered around Grissom and Sara, but I wouldn't mind a scene or two. :)

Continuity for GSR? You've had numerous times this season. :rolleyes:

Personally, I feel GSR is overdone and should be done with. We've had 6 years of the flirting, one season centered around it (while everyone else took a backseat), part of season 8, yet still had to deal with for the rest of the season, still didn't go away in Season 9 and we still have to hear about it in Season 10.

It's about time Nick has gotten more screen time. Or the others, for that matter. It's long overdue. Bringing Sara back did nothing to the ratings and manage to push Greg more into the background. Though we had some good moments with Sara this season.

I think it's great Nick is a hero, someone has to be. As for the season finale, what was he suppose to do? Just sit there while they were all shot to death? :rolleyes:

I also don't think he's cocky, he's older and wiser and takes whatever is thrown at him WITHOUT running away.

ETA: Desertwind, thank you for what you said about Nick and I agree with what you said. (shocking, I know :) )
Continuity for GSR? You've had numerous times this season.
What can I say? I like GSR as much as you like Nick. Shouldn't be hard to understand. ;)

I think it's great Nick is a hero, someone has to be. As for the season finale, what was he suppose to do? Just sit there while they were all shot to death?
I wasn't only talking about the finale but about the whole season. It's obvious he's been put into numerous dangerous situations and came out a hero. I mean, why is Greg never there? Or Catherine?

I mean, all the "Take off your masks!" to the doctors performing surgery was just ridiculous! The "I'll take care of the door" or the telepathy between Nick and Ray when Nick got shot twice and passed out but was able to get to his gun with so much excruciating effort with just the tip of his finger, and draw the gun so quick that a pumped on adrenaline serial killer (who was agile enough to escape the hospital surrounded by cops) had no chance responding ... Geez, this is too much!

I wonder whether it is GE's ego asking TPTB to write all this terrible stuff for him, or are the writers just so desperate. Just to be clear, I don't know whether GE has a big ego or not, I'm just weighing possible options.
I wonder whether it is GE's ego asking TPTB to write all this terrible stuff for him, or are the writers just so desperate. Just to be clear, I don't know whether GE has a big ego or not, I'm just weighing possible options.

Whoa, careful there. Comments like that will incite the Nick fans to murder. (And possibly make the Mods send you a warning)

I'm quite happy with the development Nick has received. He was my favorite character (along with Cath) until Greg became a CSI. And I hope what was said about exploring more of his personal life really does happen next season. We haven't seen much of him outside work as of late.

My big hope for next season is a Greg storyline. Not necessarily something involving a case like Jekyll or DJ. Just something substantial. Perhaps another look at his role in the lab since his anger issues were kinda dropped this season.

While I am done with GSR, I wouldn't mind seeing it emerge for one ep only for the possibility of a Grissom appearance. Hell, even a cameo would be nice.
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Continuity for GSR? You've had numerous times this season.
What can I say? I like GSR as much as you like Nick. Shouldn't be hard to understand. ;)

I think it's great Nick is a hero, someone has to be. As for the season finale, what was he suppose to do? Just sit there while they were all shot to death?
I wasn't only talking about the finale but about the whole season. It's obvious he's been put into numerous dangerous situations and came out a hero. I mean, why is Greg never there? Or Catherine?

I mean, all the "Take off your masks!" to the doctors performing surgery was just ridiculous! The "I'll take care of the door" or the telepathy between Nick and Ray when Nick got shot twice and passed out but was able to get to his gun with so much excruciating effort with just the tip of his finger, and draw the gun so quick that a pumped on adrenaline serial killer (who was agile enough to escape the hospital surrounded by cops) had no chance responding ... Geez, this is too much!

I wonder whether it is GE's ego asking TPTB to write all this terrible stuff for him, or are the writers just so desperate. Just to be clear, I don't know whether GE has a big ego or not, I'm just weighing possible options.

Nick was only shot once and there was no telepathy between the two. They were making eye contact, nodding, etc.

As for the taking off the masks, he wanted to make sure that Jekyll wasn't one of them. Shot or not, adrenaline would have kept him going and since Jekyll thought Nick was dead he wasn't paying attention to him, hence the reason Nick was able to kill him. That doesn't make him cocky. If he really should have done it, considering there was surgery going on, no, but this is TV and not reality.

Nick said he was 'playing dead', so he probably wasn't unconscious. As for Catherine, she has been put in many risky deadly situations this season, as well. Greg? Sorry, I don't see him doing what Nick did, but that's me and I could be wrong. However, we may have seen Greg do more if Sara wasn't there taking his screen time.

As for George's ego, he doesn't have one and since I know why you said it, I'll consider it baiting and not comment.

So Season 11 should be more Catherine, Nick, Greg, Brass, Super Dave (yes, more Super Dave) and no mention of GSR whatsoever. It would be nice for Grissom to come back, but that won't happen and I'm pretty convinced it never will. :(
Continuity for GSR? You've had numerous times this season.
What can I say? I like GSR as much as you like Nick. Shouldn't be hard to understand. ;)

I think it's great Nick is a hero, someone has to be. As for the season finale, what was he suppose to do? Just sit there while they were all shot to death?
I wasn't only talking about the finale but about the whole season. It's obvious he's been put into numerous dangerous situations and came out a hero. I mean, why is Greg never there? Or Catherine?

I mean, all the "Take off your masks!" to the doctors performing surgery was just ridiculous! The "I'll take care of the door" or the telepathy between Nick and Ray when Nick got shot twice and passed out but was able to get to his gun with so much excruciating effort with just the tip of his finger, and draw the gun so quick that a pumped on adrenaline serial killer (who was agile enough to escape the hospital surrounded by cops) had no chance responding ... Geez, this is too much!

I wonder whether it is GE's ego asking TPTB to write all this terrible stuff for him, or are the writers just so desperate. Just to be clear, I don't know whether GE has a big ego or not, I'm just weighing possible options.

George is only asking what is fair after NINE SEASONS. It's only fair! And his EGO, Adzix, is no bigger than Billy Petersen's who (God Love Him) made the show all about him for nine seasons.

In this business, you have to have an ego of sorts to get somewhere. If you go in all meek and mild, you'll get chewed up- think about it.

ETA: I agree with Speedy, you only said that to rile things up on here.

Nick has progressed and is not the same guy he used to be, he's grown and is a HERO I love him more now and seeing him mature is awesome, if he was still the same how boring for him and his fans.
Thanks desertwind..that's very kind of you to say that.
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My big hope for next season is a Greg storyline. Not necessarily something involving a case like Jekyll or DJ. Just something substantial. Perhaps another look at his role in the lab since his anger issues were kinda dropped this season.

Oh, me too PraetorCorvinus, me too! An actual continuing storyline that gives us some insight into our favorite character would be awesome, and much appreciated! If we happen to finally see his apartment as a result, I will be quite the happy girl! Here's hoping for a solid, Greg-rich season:), I personally believe that Eric has earned it!
I'm going to just I have before...that when tempted to offer up negative criticism about a character, that before you hit "Submit Reply" you read your post and in place of the character you're complaining about, put YOUR favorite's name. Do you like it? If not, maybe you want to think again before posting.

Example...if you love Greg and are tempted to post:
I'm really sick of seeing Sara and hearing about her stupid marriage! Why doesn't she just go back to Paris?!

Would you like it if someone posted:
I'm really sick of seeing Greg and hearing about his stupid book! Why doesn't he go back to the lab?!

If not, then please re-think what you are about to say. This goes for all the characters and storylines. It's fine to not like something, but c' KNOW if you type something like I did in the example you're going to upset some people. And again, you wouldn't like it said about your fave character, right?
I sometimes wonder if the lines between the real life people such as George Eads get blurred & mixed up with the character. I don't know George, do any of you? But have followed his career and his comments. He's a laid back sweet wonderful guy from all I've read. I find no fault with Eads, the real life guy, from what's he's presented to the fans. On Nick Stokes, he's a sensitive, caring, engrossing, stick-to-it CSI, and I've never ever found fault with him as I am a hugh fan [he's a bit young for me personally], but in saying that, the last thing I've ever seen is a big EGO, that's the most untrue thing I'd ever say about him just the opposite. He's kind, compassionate, caring, captivating and quite enchanting. An all around wonderful character. And a strong force on the show:bolian: AND BTW, he's drop dead handsome and has a perfect face~
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