Season 11 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion

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If I remember right, Don McGill worked on NCIS. That show is pretty good. So that might not be a bad thing. That could be the 'new creative direction' Carol M. has been talking about.
I read some comments about the article. Someone said CSI is getting rid of Liz to raise the salary of other actor/s. What???

No, that's just some people wanting to put the blame on George (as per usual) because he mentioned wanting a raise (which is normal for any actor after a decade on a show as it is normal for a person in a normal job to ask for a raise after a decade working in the same place). Besides which, Liz's salary wasn't anywhere near enough to allow for much of a raise for anyone else in the first place. And George, Eric, Paul and Marg haven't yet been asked back anyway, so I don't know how they can blame him in the first place. :lol:

They got rid of her because they apparently have trouble writing strong females (which may be why Sara wasn't brought back full time and may also be why Catherine hasn't had as much screentime this season as she used to get).
At the beginning of season 10 there was talk of Greg getting new responsibilities (or a job, whatever). Now with season 11 looming and Wendy leaving, maybe Greg will be placed back into the lab to run DNA.

*covers head and runs into the next room*
my rational "me" keeps on saying "come on ... it's not the end of the world... it's just a character leaving a tv show......just like real life.. people quit their jobs, move to other places or (sadly enough) die...."

furthermore... as already stated in previous posts in this thread... if they want to go in another direction.... it could turn out to be better....(I highly doubt it.....but it could be)

however... this voice is currently on a low volume level... so I am in denial of the csi news... and I'm not happy about it.... :(
What really irks me is that one of the reasons they apparently got rid of her, besides "going in another direction" is to cut costs. Season10 had more big name guest stars than any other season! Rascal Flatts, Tim Conway, Jennifer Tilly, the pro-golfers in "Long Ball", etc. How much money was spent on these actors/entertainers who really added nothing to the show? (though "Take My Life, Please" wasn't a bad episode) :rolleyes: :scream:

And yeah, the whole 'different directions' thing worries me too.

If a hurricane hit the set, George would be blamed.

Wouldn't it be ironic if a storm brewed up over there in the Pacific and hit California and it was actually called Hurricane George? Sorry, the thought just popped in there.
I'm very sad that Liz Vassey is leaving the show after 4 years,as I liked her character very much(and I was hoping to see her becoming a csi).The positive thing is that she isn't such a big character like Catherine or Nick so I prefer to see her leave rather than Marg,George,Eric or Paul.
When it comes down to it, that's how I feel too. In reality she really was not on that much. Yes, she was critical to the lab rats eps and to Hodges but overall she was not featured as much as Greg had been when he was in DNA.

Again, do not get my wrong. I like Liz and Wendy a lot and her presence will be missed but overall she is not a critical character for the show to lose, to me.
I'm very sad that Liz Vassey is leaving the show after 4 years,as I liked her character very much(and I was hoping to see her becoming a csi).The positive thing is that she isn't such a big character like Catherine or Nick so I prefer to see her leave rather than Marg,George,Eric or Paul.

I loved Liz as Wendy, but I agree with Grissom rules. It would be harder to see someone like Catherine or Nick go. I still don't understand why she has to leave exactly, I hope we soon get more details about it. I will miss having Wendy on the show.
I know I'll be one of the few... I like CSI most for the labrats
So the lost of one of them feels like a lost of a primary character....

The positive thing is that she isn't such a big character like Catherine or Nick so I prefer to see her leave rather than Marg,George,Eric or Paul.

So I have to disagree with the above... :(..
But I know my disagreeing is just a small wrinkling on the sea surface :)

I do hope however that the leaving of people will stop with this (sad) one...
That's too bad about Liz - I liked Wendy. I wonder if the "different direction" will be not featuring the lab rats. They have hardly been on lately. In older seasons, it seemed like they had a good amount of screen time per episode, these past couple of seasons, if you blinked you would have missed them.

And how is Liz being let go George's fault? As far as I know, there hasn't been any mention of him renewing his contract or getting a raise.
And how is Liz being let go George's fault? As far as I know, there hasn't been any mention of him renewing his contract or getting a raise.
The comment was made by a "Blame George" member. Sorry to say. George wants to be paid fairly and that's only reasonable given he's been on the show since DAY ONE whereas Liz Vassey (and I do love her as well) has only been on the show for five years. That doesn't mean I want to see her go, quite the opposite.

However, his wanting a raise and her leaving have nothing to do with one another. Don't kid yourselves. This is about CBS (and it's huge bank account) wanting to elminate the older actors and hire a new, young crowd to replace them.
The only things I know for sure:

1) Fishburne's coming back.
2) Liz is not
3) The producers seem to be willing to do "anything" to make Marg happy

Everything else is (for me at least) unfounded speculation. I have no idea if this is about money, and I'm willing to believe the party line about 'creative direction' if that means 'less romance, more crime!' I'm not happy about ANY of it, though. I really like Liz :(
^^ Don't shoot me, but I kinda sorta hope Marg is happy to leave. :p

It's been a long time. Too long. Honestly I'd rather see her do anything other than being stuck on this show.

*runs & hides*
They got rid of her because they apparently have trouble writing strong females (which may be why Sara wasn't brought back full time and may also be why Catherine hasn't had as much screentime this season as she used to get).
Maybe, that's the new creative direction? Better written female characters. That would be nice.:lol:

3) The producers seem to be willing to do "anything" to make Marg happy

Okay, I'm not sure how this link proves that the producers are following Marg's every whim. What does "anything" even mean in context? Money, plotlines, ect?
But even if this isn't true, you have to make the leading cast members happy over all other members. Without Marg the show would definately be on it's way to the Cancelled Shows Graveyard.
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I'm hoping the "anything for Marg" is to keep her role as supervisor. I guess there are way to many loose ends for her to leave now. Perhaps they can tie them up as the season goes on so Catherine can have a graceful exit if Marg wants. :D
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