Season 11 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion

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Are sure this FB page is for real?

If it's true, I'm not shocked. I'm pretty sure more heads are going to roll. I think CBS in all its ahem.."wisdom" want to sack the cast and bring in a younger crew to draw from the Grey's crowd.

Just my theory what it's worth. Les Moonves and crew are not the most swiftest of folks.
Well this just blows! After getting to the opening credits only to get cut. They sent her and Wally off on a little field trip to Vegas to get a better feel for the field work with actual CSI's just last I agree, I thought that Liz had a good thing going with her character on the show. A strong female presence along side Marg...just on a smaller scale. I will be thoroughly disappointed if this turns out to be true...and not just because of the "supposed" relationship between her and Hodges. She fits in so well with the team.

But I am with PraetorCorvinus on this one...until it is official, I'm gonna try and view this as a we all should. Until tptb decide to enlighten us one way or another.
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I agree.Wendy is such an amazing character:strong,smart and beautiful that is a shame to let her go.I will wait until we hear from CBS.
I hope this is just a rumor. Rumors tend to have a habit of circulating on the web when CSI is on summer break. I guess the fans will have to wait until they start shooting again or send out some official press release. Which will hopefully happen sooner rather than later.
I hope this is just a rumor. Rumors tend to have a habit of circulating on the web when CSI is on summer break. I guess the fans will have to wait until they start shooting again or send out some official press release. Which will hopefully happen sooner rather than later.

That is true. I remember last year when the rumor about Sofia returning was passed around. Obviously that didn't happen. But last year also saw the departure of Lauren Lee Smith...
So let me get this straight... there's finally a character that stands up to Hodges, is also nice, and is a love interest of his who actually likes him back...and they are kicking her off the show? WTF?! I'm sorry, but until I see the hardcore proof of this next season, I'm going to have a hard time believing this.
Well, now I am worried about Marg, George, Eric and Paul. As was already mentioned, TV Guide said they weren't asked back yet... I hope negotiations are met for those 4.

i'm a little worried also but unless tptb have COMPLETLEY lost their minds we should have nothing to worry about

plus i am also having a really hard time believing they haven't asked anyone back, if they weren't going to ask anyone they should have wrapped things up in the season finale and turned it into the series finale

omg this is really annoying :scream:
That sucks! :mad: I really liked Wendy. CSI has a whole lot of explaining to do then about her CSI status, and about her potential relationship with Hodges.

She will be missed if this is true. Buy anyway TPTB do not have to explain anything if they choose not to. Look at Mia, she was the DNA tech throughout season 5 and then come season 6 she was gone with no explanation. Not to mention they did the same thing with Louise Lombard/Sofia -gone with no explanation.

I just hope Eric comes back, otherwise I am done with CSI. And if Marg, George, Eric and paul (or even Jorja) are not asked back then what's the point of continuing the show??

If they wanted to save money they never should have brought LF on the show in the first place -IMHO
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That sucks! :mad: I really liked Wendy. CSI has a whole lot of explaining to do then about her CSI status, and about her potential relationship with Hodges.

She will be missed if this is true. Buy anyway TPTB do not have to explain anything if they choose not to. Look at Mia, she was the DNA tech throughout season 5 and then come season 6 she was gone with no explanation. Not to mention they did the same thing with Louise Lombard/Sofia -gone with no explanation.

I just hope Eric comes back, otherwise I am done with CSI. And if Marg, George, Eric and paul (or even Jorja) are not asked back then what's the point of continuing the show??

If they wanted to save money they never should have brought LF on the show in the first place -IMHO
This is kind if harsh...nothing's wrong with LF. Why's everyone always treating LF like the scapegoat? He's just an actor not a god. The economy is screwing up the money that's able to be given to the actors/actresses not LF.

Mia left because the actress that played her had to make her show or sitcom. She was never going to be a longtime actress on the show so when she left I wasn't that suprised. I do still miss Sofi but...there is still a chance she might come back. She wasn't officially written off the show after all.
I hope Wendy being written out or less is not true. They shouldn't make "budget cuts" as excuse this time. I read somewhere that USA Network bought CSI for syndication for $500,000 per episode! This is aside from the fact that its already been on syndication on Spike! So next fall, CSI will not only be played on Spike but also on USA! That's a lot of money. However, I don't know where the money will go.

This is also what happened to CSI: NY last season. They killed Angell because of "budget cuts". But months after, NY was also bought by TNT for syndication, aside from Spike years ago. So, there was no budget shortage.
I'm hoping that Liz is coming back. I love the way that her character softens Hodges and makes him seem likable. Of course I like his snarky side, too, but watching him try to come to grips with a relationship has been so sweet. I especially liked their Space Oddity epi.

So, CSI is coming to USA. I may never get any housework done ever again. lol
I hope Wendy being written out or less is not true. They shouldn't make "budget cuts" as excuse this time. I read somewhere that USA Network bought CSI for syndication for $500,000 per episode! This is aside from the fact that its already been on syndication on Spike! So next fall, CSI will not only be played on Spike but also on USA! That's a lot of money. However, I don't know where the money will go.

I'm not 100% sure, but I'm pretty sure that Spike won't have the rights to the repeats anymore once the USA run starts.

As far as LF goes, he makes less than Marg per episode right now. ;)
Why's everyone always treating LF like the scapegoat? He's just an actor not a god.
No, he's not. However, the CSI writers have turned his character, Ray Langston, into one. After just one full year as a CSI, he's already got privileges only more experienced CSIs attain. He moved up to "Grissom status" extremely quickly (e.g. doing whatever the heck he wants without repercussions). They made him into SuperCSI and that's irked many long-time viewers of the show.

As for Liz, if the info is true that they don't want her back, I am extremely disappointed - but in a way, not very surprised. Look at what they did to LLS and Louise. My question is: why would they have moved her into "regular" status for a season just to do this to her? They didn't even increase her screen time very much with the move to "series regular".

They just do NOT know how to write a good, strong female character. They've had some moments with Cath; They started out decent with Sara until they used her as only a GSR ploy; They dropped the ball with Sofia as a CSI, brought her back much better as a cop - then dropped her cold; They had NO CLUE with LLS as Riley. I think if they wouldn't have been so focused on Ray at the time, they might have been able to create a great character in Riley. Now, with Liz/Wendy: they were starting to make a great character - giving her a bright outlook as a CSI-wannabe, but they kind of dropped the ball with the over-abundance of Wedges romance. (They didn't learn the first time from GSR, I guess)

My main hope is that Liz can catch on to a good show (either new or existing) so I can see her regularly on my tv screen again. I absolutely adore her!
They just do NOT know how to write a good, strong female character.
You know I think you are dead right there. I hadn't thought of it. But they don't just have a character 'who happens to be a woman'. They are basically either babe or bitch (frequently both). The only question is to which degree of each.

I was disappointed with the direction Cath's character was being taken with her position of shift supervisor.

They ended up deciding - on the hard as nails, 'bitch' by the end of the season. I'm thinking here of her treatment of Brass - which was totally out of order. They should have included him in the plans.

Here again shows the TV cliched cop show emerging. Simple formula to add drama by upping the character arguments and conflict.

I find it impossible to believe they will remove Wendy from the show. Really. I'm not concerned. It's not likely at this stage. It's trivial to insert the little mini-subplot of Wedges to keep that sector of the fans engaged. It makes not intrusion into the crime solving and everyone else can ignore it. Hodges and Wendy are a great comic team.
It is true. They let her go. I friended her on Facebook and read the post. Jon Wellner (Henry) even wrote something nice to her about how upset he is. She said something about how she's going to miss everyone very much. I can't believe it. This is so stupid.
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