Season 11 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion

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Wow, that is surprising. So they have to bring in another DNA person? It doesn't make sense except for money reasons. Perhaps they should have never upgraded her status to regular on the show.
Wow, :eek: they didn't ask her back? WTF?

What the hell are they doing? I know she was a supporting character and all, but this doesn't bode well for any of the regulars.

Maybe they're going to move Greg back to DNA? I always like labrat Greg. Ok, it would be wrong to do that, but I still always liked labrat Greg.

Scared, because now who is coming back and who isn't? If they got rid of Liz who knows what other supporting characters will not be coming back.

Who know if any of the leads will be, too, though I'm sure Fishburne will be back.

They better not get rid of Super Dave. Though he and Henry do that actual research for the show, so hopefully they're safe.

Wow, still can't believe it.
Couldn't there be other methods for cutting costs? Not that I want to see any of the Rats leave, but wouldn't getting rid of Sheeri, Archie and Gerald work better. They hardly ever show up in episodes anymore anyway. I was going to say Jon and David but they do research so they're safe. Hell, stop bringing in big name guest stars like Rascal Flatts and Tim Conway.

Of course, they could have been planning this for awhile. They may have only upgraded Liz to main billing because they needed another female after Jorja and Lauren left. Maybe Jorja is coming back for good and so now they can go ahead and give Liz the axe. ... God this makes me angry! :scream:

Or maybe they're actually planning on killing the show and telling the cast members one at a time not to plan on coming back... :(

And Speedy, I thought of Greg going back to the lab too. That would also make me angry. Eric wanted to get out of there.
Couldn't there be other methods for cutting costs? Not that I want to see any of the Rats leave, but wouldn't getting rid of Sheeri, Archie and Gerald work better. They hardly ever show up in episodes anymore anyway.
Well those three are not regulars anyway, so there is not reason for them to be cut. They only pay them on episodes they work on is usually how it works.
Couldn't there be other methods for cutting costs? Not that I want to see any of the Rats leave, but wouldn't getting rid of Sheeri, Archie and Gerald work better. They hardly ever show up in episodes anymore anyway.
Well those three are not regulars anyway, so there is not reason for them to be cut. They only pay them on episodes they work on is usually how it works.

But don't the regulars also get paid per episode? Maybe they could've reduced the amount of episodes she appears in and those that do not appear often just have them not appear at all. But I guess it all comes down to numbers and how much the "regular" status upped her paycheck.
Couldn't there be other methods for cutting costs? Not that I want to see any of the Rats leave, but wouldn't getting rid of Sheeri, Archie and Gerald work better. They hardly ever show up in episodes anymore anyway.
Well those three are not regulars anyway, so there is not reason for them to be cut. They only pay them on episodes they work on is usually how it works.

Yeah, but then couldn't they have asked Liz to go back to non-regular? Surely some form of negotiations had to have taken place.

Of course, I'm holding out hope that this is inaccurate news. Until I see some kind of official word, I'll view this as rumor.

Wow. I've gone through grief, anger and denial. How many more steps until I reach acceptance?
I just wonder what will Hodges do if it is true? Hodges will be lost without his Wendy, unless he is going too?!
In the news about Wendy not coming back official?I don't want to see her leave the show.If they do it because they want to bring Sara back as a regular I'll be so pissed.:(
In the news about Wendy not coming back official?I don't want to see her leave the show.If they do it because they want to bring Sara back as a regular I'll be so pissed.:(

I agree. As much as I've enjoyed Sara this season, I will not be happy if they get rid of Wendy. I like Sara, but I adore Wendy. It would be a HUGE mistake to cut Wendy for that reason. I am afraid this will cause some backlash and some people might take it out on Sara/Jorja and that wouldn't be fair. They could put Wendy back on recurring status rather than get rid of her completely. I really really really hope it isn't true. I don't want Wendy to go. :(
Well, now I am worried about Marg, George, Eric and Paul. As was already mentioned, TV Guide said they weren't asked back yet... I hope negotiations are met for those 4.
Wow, this is a surprise. Makes me wonder if Jorja isn't signing on for more episodes next season. Would kind of make sense if she is because then they wouldn't have a reason to make Wendy a CSI. I guess they can explain her disappearance as having to move to another shift because of her relationship with Hodges. Then she becomes another Grissom-like ghost.
I would love to see Jorja back full time but not like this. Cutting Wendy just seems...harsh. I wish whoever makes these kind of casting decisions could come online to see that the fans don't want anyone to go. I'm sure something else could have been done besides cutting characters. Looks like I'll have to make another CSI grave for Wendy right next to Jacqui and Grissom. This is really sad.:(:(:(
Liz Vassey hasn't been asked to come back.. is this for real? I thought as Wendy, she was rock solid on CSI, and rumors of her and Hodges were a go.. Is there any news on this? and the link please. This sucks, if it's true:(
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