Season 11 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion Part 3

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OK, but if in fact he's divorced, why is he still wearing the wedding ring?:confused: When one is divorced they take off the wedding ring, don't they? and another ex. What's up with that?

I get the impression from the spoilers that they might be separated and the whole 'Ray moving on with his life' is the wife arriving to have divorce papers signed or something along those lines. That's about as much thought or interest i'm putting into that storyline (here's hoping it's a non-marg episode).

I wondered the same thing about the divorce papers, OR if they were already divorced, BUT Ray couldn't accept it/didn't want the divorce, thus still wearing his wedding ring. Of course in 'CSI world' the fact that people don't live together doesn't necessarily mean they aren't living happily ever after. :p

Just watching a repeat of csi on spike. Ray is opening a package from 'Gloria Parks'. It's his dad's memorabilia from the war. Gloria is his wife, right? Different last name, hmmmm...

WOW, you;ve got eyes like a hawk, I'm a big fan of Ray's and I didn't even notice that waiting4summer I did find the "quote" from Carol M. and she says "Toward the end of the season, Mrs. Langston will play a pivotal role" So who's Gloria Parks? Maybe his sister or an aunt.. these writers are always throwing a curveball at the fans:confused:
Just watching a repeat of csi on spike. Ray is opening a package from 'Gloria Parks'. It's his dad's memorabilia from the war. Gloria is his wife, right? Different last name, hmmmm...

WOW, you;ve got eyes like a hawk, I'm a big fan of Ray's and I didn't even notice that waiting4summer I did find the "quote" from Carol M. and she says "Toward the end of the season, Mrs. Langston will play a pivotal role" So who's Gloria Parks? Maybe his sister or an aunt.. these writers are always throwing a curveball at the fans:confused:

I always assumed it was a sister, but I don't think that was based on anything except who else would be sending him mementos of his father. It could be an aunt too. The note is signed "Love, Gloria" - it doesn't sound like an estranged wife; the tone seems more familial to me.
Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas is a new CSI episode entitled, Scrooged. I would like the Ghost of Christmas Past to show us an earlier time when Greg was a lab rat, Warrick was alive, Grissom was still supervisor of the graveyard shift, and there were lab rats at every turn. It would be nice for the Ghost of Christmas Present to show Nick visiting his family in Texas, Greg spending time with Grandpa and Grandma Olaf (I hope they are still alive), and Grissom and Sara snuggling in front of the Christmas tree with Hank at their feet. And lastly Santa, if the Ghost of Christmas Future could show us Catherine and Vartann celebrating Christmas with Lindsey and her children, Nick and Greg standing in line to get a picture of their little ones with you, and Hodges rubbing the feet of a clearly pregnant Wendy it would be perfect.
I hope you and Mrs. Claus have had a wonderful year. Dress warm and I'll leave you some chocolate chip cookies by the fireplace. Merry Christmas!
Waiting for Summer
P. S. - Just tell the elves (tptb) that I would even give them credit for the entire storyline.
Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas is a new CSI episode entitled, Scrooged. I would like the Ghost of Christmas Past to show us an earlier time when Greg was a lab rat, Warrick was alive, Grissom was still supervisor of the graveyard shift, and there were lab rats at every turn. It would be nice for the Ghost of Christmas Present to show Nick visiting his family in Texas, Greg spending time with Grandpa and Grandma Olaf (I hope they are still alive), and Grissom and Sara snuggling in front of the Christmas tree with Hank at their feet. And lastly Santa, if the Ghost of Christmas Future could show us Catherine and Vartann celebrating Christmas with Lindsey and her children, Nick and Greg standing in line to get a picture of their little ones with you, and Hodges rubbing the feet of a clearly pregnant Wendy it would be perfect.
I hope you and Mrs. Claus have had a wonderful year. Dress warm and I'll leave you some chocolate chip cookies by the fireplace. Merry Christmas!
Waiting for Summer
P. S. - Just tell the elves (tptb) that I would even give them credit for the entire storyline.

:lol:Hey you should post this on the FAN-FICTION thread.. wishing, hoping, waiting:cool:
Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas is a new CSI episode entitled, Scrooged. I would like the Ghost of Christmas Past to show us an earlier time when Greg was a lab rat, Warrick was alive, Grissom was still supervisor of the graveyard shift, and there were lab rats at every turn. It would be nice for the Ghost of Christmas Present to show Nick visiting his family in Texas, Greg spending time with Grandpa and Grandma Olaf (I hope they are still alive), and Grissom and Sara snuggling in front of the Christmas tree with Hank at their feet. And lastly Santa, if the Ghost of Christmas Future could show us Catherine and Vartann celebrating Christmas with Lindsey and her children, Nick and Greg standing in line to get a picture of their little ones with you, and Hodges rubbing the feet of a clearly pregnant Wendy it would be perfect.
I hope you and Mrs. Claus have had a wonderful year. Dress warm and I'll leave you some chocolate chip cookies by the fireplace. Merry Christmas!
Waiting for Summer
P. S. - Just tell the elves (tptb) that I would even give them credit for the entire storyline.

:lol:Hey you should post this on the FAN-FICTION thread.. wishing, hoping, waiting:cool:

I agree with Desertwreth. It would make great fanfic. I think it would also make a great episode. CSI has never made a Christmas episode.I think it's about time they did.
I would love it.

Nick would be the ghost of Christmas past, Greg, the ghost of Christmas present and Doc Robbins the future given it involves pointing to a grave.:guffaw:
waiting4summer that made my morning! I smiled so big you have no idea! :) loves it as a fanfic!!! I actually just wrote one about the "holiday episode that has yet to happen" lol no warrick but it has gsr :)
Starzlife said:
Awkward Alert! Dita Von Teese on CSI: Dullsville
13th December

Dita Von Teese wrapped her appearance on an episode of CSI: Dullsville. She told The Post she once had set her ambitions on acting. Judging from past performances as herself on reality shows and speaking engagements, it’s clear Von Teese is better suited for non speaking entertainment like nudie dancing and designing. To say she is awkward and uncharasmatic orator is an understatement. Word on the street is her up coming CSI performance is further proof.

Starzlife Article
OUCH:wtf: on that review. I've never heard of this gal, and I think of myself as pretty sho-biz savvy, so we'll see. They do pick some good actors and some not so hot:rolleyes:
Starzlife said:
Awkward Alert! Dita Von Teese on CSI: Dullsville
13th December

Dita Von Teese wrapped her appearance on an episode of CSI: Dullsville. She told The Post she once had set her ambitions on acting. Judging from past performances as herself on reality shows and speaking engagements, it’s clear Von Teese is better suited for non speaking entertainment like nudie dancing and designing. To say she is awkward and uncharasmatic orator is an understatement. Word on the street is her up coming CSI performance is further proof.

Starzlife Article

Well for one, I never even heard of that site. Sounds like they hate the show anyway if they are calling the show CSI: Dullsville. And how can they review a show that just finished shooting like a week ago? :rolleyes:
Starzlife said:
Awkward Alert! Dita Von Teese on CSI: Dullsville
13th December

Dita Von Teese wrapped her appearance on an episode of CSI: Dullsville. She told The Post she once had set her ambitions on acting. Judging from past performances as herself on reality shows and speaking engagements, it’s clear Von Teese is better suited for non speaking entertainment like nudie dancing and designing. To say she is awkward and uncharasmatic orator is an understatement. Word on the street is her up coming CSI performance is further proof.

Starzlife Article

Well for one, I never even heard of that site. Sounds like they hate the show anyway if they are calling the show CSI: Dullsville. And how can they review a show that just finished shooting like a week ago? :rolleyes:

They aren't reviewing the episode. The said 'word on the street' and indicating her past performances on reality shows.

Just because she's a burlesque dancer and was married to Marilyn Manson DOES NOT mean she can act.

Personally, I think this episode will tank, but we'll see. :)
For the record, I don't know anything DVT other than the fact that she's a friend of Eric's and she used to be married to Marilyn Manson (and I'm not a Manson fan). However, I have to say that the "nudie dancing" remark bothers me (as a woman). The reviewer should have chosen their words more wisely. Making a remark like "so and so is only good for nudie dancing" is demeaning, offensive, inappropriate and disrespectful, no matter who is being referred to.

I don't know if she can act or not and won't know until I see her on the show. We'll just have to wait and see. Maybe she got some acting tips or lessons with an acting coach.

As for the episode, I wonder if this storyline is gonna be the "B" story or the "A" one. I do have some concerns about this episode. As a Greg fan, I've wanted him to have some kind of storyline, but I don't want to see him physically harmed yet again. Part of me can't help but worry that this will be one of those "careful what you wish for" type of scenarios. It's a wait and see for me at this point. :)
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*shrugs* I just posted it because I came across it online, that's all.

It's fine. :) It's no different than the tons of Beiber bashing that went on before his episode aired. Turned out (in my opinion) that the episode was great despite his lack of acting skill. Of course, this Dita woman appears to have a much bigger part, so I guess we can all judge for ourselves when it airs. :)
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