Season 11 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion Part 3

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Here's another fan-fiction scenerio on the "2 Mrs. Grissom's" Sara goes to see his ex. and lo-and-behold who's there? Warrick, he's dating her now and she's helping his raise his son. Sara is ecstatic, and goes "Warrick" OMG I thought you were dead" Warrick "Yeah, well I'm not, it was all a ruse, I'm working undercover" Sara: "I'm so glad to see you and they embrace" Warrick "likewise" ;)Another shock-ka-roo for Sara:wtf: And on Sara's family that would be her mom, her brother her grandpa, grandma, aunts, uncles cousins. Not a woman she knew nothing of, and is not going to readily accept her. That's his family. I think Sara will need thearpy with Nick after all of this.. just joshing about some of this, but beings this is already weird, & off the wall, but nothing surprises me anymore on the show:confused:
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Hmmm, here is a new spoiler about another upcoming ep.

CSI 11.14 "All That Cremains"
The story is that the CSI crew investigates the gruesome murder of a powerful, widowed lawyer. Meanwhile Ray faces that it's time to move on from his old life.

Ugh, Ray stuff.
Hmmm, here is a new spoiler about another upcoming ep.

CSI 11.14 "All That Cremains"
The story is that the CSI crew investigates the gruesome murder of a powerful, widowed lawyer. Meanwhile Ray faces that it's time to move on from his old life.

Ugh, Ray stuff.

I'm guessing this is where we meet his wife
Interesting. Episode 14 is a Dustin Lee Abraham episode, and I believe it continues the Jason McCann storyline. Here's hoping it's better than it sounds.
Some of Dustin's episodes are pretty good and then just plain old suck. I hope this is a better one but I'm not counting on it.
All right! I'm going to come in here now and demand what *I* want with all of the talk about Greg's big episode, Sara's mother in law/Grissom's mom, Ray's wife and the trial, and Catherine in peril. :lol: I want my promised Nick continuity with the therapy, etc.! :) There. I said it. :p

Amen! You tell 'em Smokey! :)
And on Sara's family that would be her mom, her brother her grandpa, grandma, aunts, uncles cousins. Not a woman she knew nothing of, and is not going to readily accept her. That's his family.
I feel you are being deliberately obtuse - Grissom, to all the world but apparently one person, refers to Gil Grissom who is Sara's husband and therefore HER family and more to the point the most important member of her family:brickwall: I'll keep repeating myself if I have to.
Given that when Laura Sidle was committed, Sara (and the mysterious brother) went into foster care, it's a good assumption that there are no other family members who could be considered 'family' who would accept her.

Her family is Grissom, though, I mean she married the dude. Which means she's going to have to deal with Momma Gris eventually. You don't just marry a person, you marry their family :)
Ellen, a pretty school teacher and and forensics enthusiast who has been touring the crime lab.
Methinks someone is trying to find out how much the Crime Lab knows. Either that or they're looking for the best way to hide their crimes! Something tells me poor Greggo's gonna get used... :(

Well, it's like the BAU team on Criminal Minds always says, some unsubs do inject themselves into investigations in one way or another. But I agree that Greg is probably gonna get used. But since he asks her out, I have to wonder if she would have gotten involved with him otherwise.

CSI 11.14 "All That Cremains"

LOL at the pun in that title.
Speaking of family, I saw Felonious Monk today and was reminded that we've seen Super Dave's dad, the colonel, on an episode! :lol:
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