Head of the Day Shift
Here's another fan-fiction scenerio on the "2 Mrs. Grissom's" Sara goes to see his ex. and lo-and-behold who's there? Warrick, he's dating her now and she's helping his raise his son. Sara is ecstatic, and goes "Warrick" OMG I thought you were dead" Warrick "Yeah, well I'm not, it was all a ruse, I'm working undercover" Sara: "I'm so glad to see you and they embrace" Warrick "likewise" Another shock-ka-roo for Sara:wtf: And on Sara's family that would be her mom, her brother her grandpa, grandma, aunts, uncles cousins. Not a woman she knew nothing of, and is not going to readily accept her. That's his family. I think Sara will need thearpy with Nick after all of this.. just joshing about some of this, but beings this is already weird, & off the wall, but nothing surprises me anymore on the show
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