Season 11 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion Part 3

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The same thing did happen to the Beebs, [and he's returning] the reviews were anything but positive and also before him, Taylor Swift was a guest was also slammed. Columinists don't care if it's disrespectable, they write pretty much what they want, and male or female, but it doesn't sound to promising, but neither did some reviews with other guests~
Anyone know if this review was by a female or a male? Either way, the "nudie dancing" remark does not come off in a good light for the reviewer. They should choose their words more wisely. It sounds very disrespectful. You can give a critque on someone's performances without making a remark like that which sounds demeaning.

I'm not saying that as a fan or anything because I don't know anything about the woman other than the fact that she's a friend of Eric's and she used to be married to Marilyn Manson (and I'm not a Manson fan). I'm saying this as a human being and a woman. Making a remark like "so and so is only good for nudie dancing" is demeaning, offensive, inappropriate and disrespectful, no matter who is being referred to.

I totally agree!!!
*shrugs* I just posted it because I came across it online, that's all.

I'm not faulting you for it. I just wonder about the original reviewer's choice of words (the "nudie dancing" part I mean), that's all.

The same thing did happen to the Beebs, [and he's returning] the reviews were anything but positive and also before him, Taylor Swift was a guest was also slammed. Columinists don't care if it's disrespectable, they write pretty much what they want, and male or female, but it doesn't sound to promising, but neither did some reviews with other guests~

I'm not bothered by the reviewer saying they don't think DVT is suited for acting. It's only the part about "she is better suited for nudie dancing" that bothers me.
*shrugs* I just posted it because I came across it online, that's all.

I'm not faulting you for it. I just wonder about the original reviewer's choice of words (the "nudie dancing" part I mean), that's all.

The same thing did happen to the Beebs, [and he's returning] the reviews were anything but positive and also before him, Taylor Swift was a guest was also slammed. Columinists don't care if it's disrespectable, they write pretty much what they want, and male or female, but it doesn't sound to promising, but neither did some reviews with other guests~
I'm not bothered by the reviewer saying they don't think DVT is suited for acting. It's only the part about "she is better suited for nudie dancing" that bothers me.

But she has done that, hasn't she? Or at least I know she's appeared in print that way. So they are just saying that's where her talents lie rather than in acting.
The credibility of the article needs to be questioned. When the author clearly states their bias from the beginning by calling it "CSI: Dullsville", its obvious they aren't giving a fair review.

As for Von Teese, I've never seen her act. I have seen bits of her show though and seen her interviewed. She came across as soft spoken and kinda shy, which was surprising. I'm willing to give her a chance without any premature bashing or predicting that the episode will tank. Her motivations appear different than previous guest stars like Bieber, Swift and Rascal Flatts who did it in an effort to expand their careers and gain more fame. Von Teese is doing it as a favor and I like that.
The credibility of the article needs to be questioned. When the author clearly states their bias from the beginning by calling it "CSI: Dullsville", its obvious they aren't giving a fair review.

As for Von Teese, I've never seen her act. I have seen bits of her show though and seen her interviewed. She came across as soft spoken and kinda shy, which was surprising. I'm willing to give her a chance without any premature bashing or predicting that the episode will tank. Her motivations appear different than previous guest stars like Bieber, Swift and Rascal Flatts who did it in an effort to expand their careers and gain more fame. Von Teese is doing it as a favor and I like that.

Of course you'd give Dita Von Teese a chance ;):devil:

I agree with you though; I don't think we can really trust an article that is 1) apparently near unknown and 2) clearly biased against the show.

I'm perfectly willing to give Dita a chance; I haven't seen any of her work, so I'm looking forward to what she'll bring to the episode. For all we know she could be brilliant; I was really biased towards Swift coming on but I think she did a rather impressive job. Beebs on the other hand :rolleyes:
*shrugs* I just posted it because I came across it online, that's all.

I'm not faulting you for it. I just wonder about the original reviewer's choice of words (the "nudie dancing" part I mean), that's all.

The same thing did happen to the Beebs, [and he's returning] the reviews were anything but positive and also before him, Taylor Swift was a guest was also slammed. Columinists don't care if it's disrespectable, they write pretty much what they want, and male or female, but it doesn't sound to promising, but neither did some reviews with other guests~
I'm not bothered by the reviewer saying they don't think DVT is suited for acting. It's only the part about "she is better suited for nudie dancing" that bothers me.

But she has done that, hasn't she? Or at least I know she's appeared in print that way. So they are just saying that's where her talents lie rather than in acting.

Even though the way they phrased it is obviously meant to mock her they aren't saying anything she hasn't done because it is my understanding she has participated in this type of nude dancing scenarios (if I'm wrong please correct cause I'm just concluding this because of her having a burlesque show). So I agree with DeanCasAngel that it was a way to show disrespect but I also agree with Snowkey that it's what she does so they are just pointing it out and saying their opinion on where her talents lie.
In my opinion, saying someone is better at dancing nude than they are at speaking is not even remotely the same thing as saying "so and so is a better singer than they are an actress". To me, the fact that they used the word "nudie" in there makes the statement take on a whole different meaning. If she's a good dancer then the reviewer should have said, "she should stick to her dancing" and left it there. I don't think it was necessary for it to be elaborated upon what type of dancer she is.

I'm not sure "nudie dancing" is even 100% accurate. She's supposedly a burlesque dancer, which according to is:

a humorous and provocative stage show featuring slapstick humor, comic skits, bawdy songs, striptease acts, and a scantily clad female chorus.

That doesn't sound to me like they actually get nude.
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It's like a couple of people have mentioned, this person can't really be taken seriously as a reviewer not only because of the way they are expressing their opinion toward DVT but also because they apparently don't care a whole bunch for CSI so they aren't exactly being objective. Guess we all will be making our own opinion about her acting chops when the episode airs :).
I will give anyone who TPTB choose to have on the show, a fair chance. I have no problems with this, as I'm open minded to someone I've never heard of, but on the other "guest's" mentioned, "to furthur their career's" I hardly think so, Taylor Swift [and she was great], but was already a huge country singer and had a big career as did Justin and Rascal Flatts. CSI didn't furthur their careers, beings they were already famous. Maybe they are big CSI fans and just wanted to appear, when asked. I read that Taylor is a big George/Nick fan, so was thrilled to meet him, and star opposite him. And the others, did they appearing on the show pick up the ratings? If this Dita has done "nude" dancing then who ever wrote this review was probably going by that. When someone does that, then they have to deal with the consequences of that career move~
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Of course you'd give Dita Von Teese a chance ;):devil:

Busted! :devil: :lol:

I'm perfectly willing to give Dita a chance; I haven't seen any of her work, so I'm looking forward to what she'll bring to the episode. For all we know she could be brilliant; I was really biased towards Swift coming on but I think she did a rather impressive job. Beebs on the other hand :rolleyes:

I was actually surprised by Swift. I thought she was good as well. And I totally agree about Beebs. I so do not have Bieber Fever. :lol:

Desertwind, by 'furthering their careers' I did not insinuate that they weren't already famous. What I was saying is that they were seeking to branch out into other venues, thus increasing their exposure to the public and possibly gain access into different entertainment roles. Entertainment = career. This is a common step taken by musicians. I'm not saying it's bad. It is what it is. I brought this up because I was comparing it to Von Teese, who has stated in interviews that she doesn't much care for acting. She'll only do it if a particular role catches her fancy or as a favor. That's why I am intrigued to see how she'll be. Among other reasons, of course... :devil:
The author of the DVT article was apparently going for shock value or, perhaps, was just being obnoxious. His/her article did do what was intended, get people talking. The caliber of the site the article was taken from may cater to that 'type' of reporting, but when I read something like that it usually is cloaked as a 'blind item' or something similar. I guess I'm just of the feeling that the author probably is just a little jealous that DVT has the physical presence to do that type of dancing, while he or she has to hide behind a keyboard to get a reaction of the same magnitude.
Just for the record, Dita did do a couple small movies before. And yes, before her burlesque career, when she was younger, she briefly was a stripper but she had also studied ballet and didn't care for regular stripping and was inspired by the burlesque dancers of the 40's and honed in on that and is popular worldwide now doing that. She has a book about it too. She has also modeled for major designers too since she recreated herself.

I think the article was rather rude in describing her but again the site didn't seem like a really classy one anyway. Just my thoughts.
Yikes, I didn't know posting that was going to cause such a furore!

Personally, I wouldn't take too much stock in it - it looks more like scandal-gossip than a review and, while I don't have a lot of faith that DVT is much of an actress (she was very wooden in something I saw before, and shy and quiet isn't conducive to great acting performances unless you're Emo Phillips) she could have been taking some coaching beforehand, like Bieber did.

Just have to wait and see, won't we? By the way, part of DVT's act used to be that she did a full striptease in a giant Martini glass. Not sure if she still does it, but it's a kind of nudie dancing, even if it could have been worded better. Hey ho.
Personally, I wouldn't take too much stock in it - it looks more like scandal-gossip than a review and, while I don't have a lot of faith that DVT is much of an actress (she was very wooden in something I saw before, and shy and quiet isn't conducive to great acting performances unless you're Emo Phillips) she could have been taking some coaching beforehand, like Bieber did.
Well you have already stated that you may not even watch the episode because you don't like what might happen to Greg, so I wouldn't expect you to like her anyway. :shifty:
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