Season 11 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion Part 3

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From The Big Tease @

It would be really great if you could tell us anything about ‘CSI‘ – especially if it’s about Marg Helgenberger and her character Catherine. – Erica

I come to you not with just anything but lotsa things. I’ve been told that a soon-to-surface secret from Catherine’s past will not only shock the CSI team but also threaten her relationship with Vartann – perhaps even pushing her into the arms of another man. Oh, but that’s not all. An upcoming episode will trap Catherine on the 10th floor of an office building that has been booby-trapped by the same person who bombed the police funeral in the season opener.

Um, yeah, that was me again. :D I know it's just a coincidence, but how nice of them to post it on Marg's birthday! :lol:
Glad they answered your question Erica. Nice timing for Marg's Birthday.

Not happy about the cath/vartann part but kinda felt it coming. I think cath's been through every traumatic event that a person could possibly have.

Please for the love of god don't make bieber her secret son/daughter.
I do not like the spoilers about Catherine and Vartan at all.:( But I will wait and see becouse untli now the writers are doing a good job with their relationship.
Ugh! This is why I wanted to vow off spoilers! It drives me crazy wondering what will come of them...if they are true or not and how big a part they will play and how they will turn out! :scream:
What the hell else could be shocking from her past? :wtf:

Breaking up her and Vartann? :wtf: Does she or does she not deserve to have a normal relationship with a normal guy. Geesh

Maybe the other man is Nick and tptb are giving them one last hurrah, since the cut their make-out scene at the beginning. :lol:
If it turns out Catherine is really a man and worked at Chippendale as an exotic dancer, THEN I think I will be shocked. :lol: :lol:

(Kidding. I love Catherine. :p)
Boy are we gonna have fun trying to guess her secret. :lol:

Might need it's own thread. :guffaw:

So let's see:

she stripped
had a drug problem
Sam's daughter

Hmmm, Lily really isn't her mother? Lindsey isn't her daughter?

She murdered somone?

P.S. Vegaslights, posted some pics, in the Ward, from someone who got close to them filming last April in LV. ;) (I guess some people are just lucky)
I hope Fancast's source isn't Carol Mendelsohn because she likes to exaggerate things :brickwall:. But honestly, that's intriguing. Shocking to the CSI team? Maybe she has something to do with Eddie's death? :eek:

Edit: What was Eddie's cause of death? I haven't watched LHB in a while. Was he in an accident or something?
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OH MY GOSH! What more can they put her through? This is ridiculous! :rolleyes:

You knew something was going to happen when she said in the premiere that "it's not over." But who knew they'd come after Catherine?? Well since she's linked to Vartann now..... :wtf:

As for the other man? HMM? Possibly Nicky? As the secret, I'm going with Lindsey is Gil's daughter. That would put a riff in the GSR marriage.

I'm really hoping that Carol and co, are toying with us..... Catherine just needs to walk away from CSI, move in with Vartann and never look back!
So vegaslights on you photos with the "stars", who was the nicest, and the most friendly, and who was the kinda of cool and distant of all the people you met and took pictures with?
From the Las Vegas Review Journal:

Shooting Stars

Pyramid power: Despite its Las Vegas setting, CBS’ “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation” doesn’t often venture from Southern California for location filming.

This week’s an exception, though, with the long-running show — now in its 11th season — returning to its official hometown today and Tuesday at the Luxor. The location trek’s featured cast member: detective Jim Brass, alias actor Paul Guilfoyle (pictured), who’s expected to share scenes with a couple of guest bad guys. (In addition to the Luxor, “CSI” officials have a Clark County film permit to shoot in the vicinity of Giles Avenue and Ali Baba Lane — directly east across the Strip from the Luxor, affording a prime pyramid view.)

As for why “CSI’s” making a rare Vegas visit: no giant pyramids in Southern California. Sometimes there’s just no substitute for the real thing

So we know George and Paul are there. I wonder if anybody else is. :)

What the hell else could be shocking from her past? :wtf:

OMG. This made me CRACK UP. I read it after my students left and laughed for like 2 minutes and my coteacher's kid was just like ".............?" LMFAOLMFAOLMAO That made my night, thanks.

That being said.....


I swear that if they break up VCR, I'm done with this show, Marg or no Marg. That's ridiculous. Can't we give the Lady a proper man, who is decent, loving, treats her right? I mean good grief. :wtf:

On the other hand, as long as there is no bodily harm, I'm looking forward to action Cath. This has major potential, and could be the reason Cath keeps asking Nicky about the counseling. It also could play a part when/why Marg leaves. I'm actually excited about this little tidbit.

But the VCR is Unless it's found out that Lindsey is the lovechild of Grissom and her. :lol: Love my VCR but I'll always be PureJoy at heart. :p
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