Season 10 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion Pt 3

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I don't know what to say. I mean, I've kinda been preparing myself for this, as it's been 10 years, and Marg is getting older, but it still stinks to hear it right from her mouth.

I just hope that the whole thing about them not asking her back is just a cover up for now not to spoil the finale. I'd rather M leave cause she wants to, not cause she's not asked back or is forced out.
yeah me too, i think (and hope) that it's part of the cliffhanger which will keep us the viewers tuned in and at the edge of our seats, *sighs* i have a feeling it's going to be a VERY looooooooong summer :scream:

really i can't see why tptb think they shouldn't keep her, we've lost 3 team members in the past few seasons, and i don't think i can (or anyone else) handle losing anyone else at this point

ugh i hate this :scream:
From the Marg/Catherine thread...thanks to Ipstenu for posting this! :) But...dang... :(

Will Marg Helgenberger Leave 'CSI'?

Marg Helgenberger, the actress who plays forensic scientist Catherine Willows on 'CSI', told TV Squad today that her contract on the show is up after 10 years and that she hasn't yet been asked back for next season.

"My contract is up actually," Helgenberger said, when asked if she would be returning for 'CSI's' 11th season. "That's a good question. I haven't been asked back, so we'll see."

After losing Grissom and Warrick I can not even think about Catherine not being on the show.:(
Ok, everyone...deep breaths. Breathe in....breathe out....

Better? :lol:

I'm sure this is all a ruse to keep us guessing all summer. They've done this before. Besides, I believe the contract talks started in January, so I find it hard to believe that this isn't settled with her (unless she wants more money or something).

I don't want to lose Catherine either, but I think it's all a ploy and it is apparently working. :lol:

Breathe in...breathe out...
I'm sure this is all a ruse to keep us guessing all summer. They've done this before. Besides, I believe the contract talks started in January, so I find it hard to believe that this isn't settled with her (unless she wants more money or something).

Well, here is another quote from the article:

Helgenberger faces frequent rumors that she is leaving the show, though last year's contract renewal wasn't announced until mid-May.

Does that make anyone feel better? :) I still don't think they'll announce anything, pending whatever "cliffhanger" they have in store for us.
Also another thought to ponder why is she all over the 'talk show circuit" raving about CSI, & how she's now a 'supervisor' and how she "adores Laurence Fishburne" if she's leaving? that doesn't add up, she's not leaving I'm positive:cool:
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Also another thought to ponder why is she all over the 'talk show circuit" raving about CSI, & how she's now a 'supervisor' if she's leaving? that doesn't add up, she's not leaving I'm positive:cool:

I agree on this one.The anouncements about her contract will be made in 2 weeks from now just like 2 years ago.I think that she'll renew!!
I'm sure this is all a ruse to keep us guessing all summer. They've done this before. Besides, I believe the contract talks started in January, so I find it hard to believe that this isn't settled with her (unless she wants more money or something).

Well, here is another quote from the article:

Helgenberger faces frequent rumors that she is leaving the show, though last year's contract renewal wasn't announced until mid-May.
Does that make anyone feel better? :) I still don't think they'll announce anything, pending whatever "cliffhanger" they have in store for us.

I have to agree with everyone. I seriously believe this is just a ruse to get us all wound up for the cliffhanger.

TPTB will probably sign her up after the show starts in September.
Well there are just so many loose ends to tie up regarding Catherine. I posted them on the Marg thread. It just seems like a big disappointment if there wasn't some sort of conclusion to them.

My guess is that also, it's to get fans not only to watch the finale but to keep talking all summer about next season. ;)
Well there are just so many loose ends to tie up regarding Catherine. I posted them on the Marg thread. It just seems like a big disappointment if there wasn't some sort of conclusion to them.

My guess is that also, it's to get fans not only to watch the finale but to keep talking all summer about next season. ;)

*sigh* Yeah. You know, I liked it when CSI didn't resort to big finale cliffhanger danger episodes. :( Then it started in season 5....Nick gets kidnapped....season 6....Brass gets shot...season 7...Sara gets kidnapped...season 8...Warrick gets shot...season 9....uh...Ray shot someone but no cliffhanger...whew! But now this season...I don't know...I just think CSI is better than gimmicks like that, or at least it used to be.
I agree Smokey. CSI NY had a cliff hanger from last season to this. It sort of turned out to be flat... I'm not saying that this cliff hanger would be, I'm saying that it's a shame that they are even doing one.

The Dr. Jekyll case is sort of interesting. Better than the Miniature Killer plotline from season 7. I guess it's hard knowing what we know to wait it out... :eek:
IMO this is all part of a PR stunt. because of the cliffhanger this season involving Catherine. Same thing happened with Sara in S8, the whole will she or won't she ploy to draw interest and boost ratings.
Marg is a really hard worker, a dedicated trouper, but why would she be doing all this publicity if she knows she's leaving? For a California gal to be on these early morning NYC TV shows, it means getting up and out at 3 or 4 am, west coast time. Sheesh. Really above and beyond. :thumbsup:
Yea, I think it's a way to get people to watch the finale and next season as well. :eek:

Okay redirecting a bit from Marg/Catherine to Ecklie. I see he's in the finale. So, what if Ecklie is one of the people that is caught up in the Dr. Jekyll case? What if he is also a victim or gets hurt in the melee?

Just a thought. Anyone else?
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