I just have a question, comment, thought, I'm not sure what exactly to call it. But here goes.
On all of the CSI's they have male leads or bosses so to speak, Grissom, Mack and Horatio. All of them get tons of quality screen time. The others are focused on, but they are and in Grissom's case were the main ones.
Now Catherine is the boss so to speak, basically she took Grissom's place. Why is it now she gets even less screen time then when she was his assistant? Instead of the main focus being finally on a strong woman being in a position of authority she has been pushed into the back ground.
The focus now is all on Nick and Ray. Finally a woman on one of these shows gets to be a boss and she dissappears. I mean the first 3 shows mainly have been the tag team of Nick and Ray. I would love to see women finally be the center of the show. Nothing againt Nick, but not everyone is obsessed with him.
I'm just not understanding why the difference.
Ok, here goes. Being the boss doesn't have anything to do with screen time, it has to do with who are the 'lead' characters and who are 'supporting' characters. Being in the opening credits has nothing to do with screen time.
Marg is the female the lead and she should have more screen time than the supporting characters. However, in the land of Hollywood male leads will and do get the most screen time.
On CSI LV, Fishburne and now George Eads are the male leads and Helgenberger is the female lead. Everyone else are 'supporting actors' so Ray, Nick and Marg should be getting the most screen time.
Now as a fan of Nick I'm not saying that because I am a fan of his. Nick was always a supporting character and Eads a supporting actor, apparently, until Season 9. The only way I know that Eads had been made a 'lead' in the show was because when the Emmy lists came out of who CBS was trying to get nominated, he was in the lead actor category.
In any case, that is why Ray gets the most screen time. Even though Eads is a lead too, Langston was brought in to replace Petersen and is the Oscar winning actor.
Now, as for Helgenberger, I know she wanted to leave show too and if it were not for the writer's strike, would probably be gone by now. Being that she wanted to leave the show, she could very well had asked tptb for less screen time so she does not have to spend as much time on the set.
Now, as a Nick fan, I've waited 10 years, 10 years, 10 years!!!!! to get more screen time for him and I, for one, am totally enjoying it. :bolian: He used to be a supporting character and that's why he didn't get much screen time and now he's a lead so he should be getting more.
Do I wish for the other main characters to get more screen time too? Sure, but in reality the supporting characters do not get as much, nor will they, unless the storyline focuses on them. Which happens at times.
So Ray will get the most screen time than everyone else, because that's Hollywood and that's how it works. Just like every other occupation out there, the males get more than the females. (Disclaimer:
I hope that answers your question.