Prime Suspect
Just for the record, if this reference to Horatio not having gotten closure came from Mr. O'Brien then there is just as much chance that it is false as there is that it is true.
In an earlier interview he said about the meeting of Horatio and Marisol in S10 E01,"It is a very, very personal encounter that gives him inspiration and insight into his predicament and ultimately how that predicament is resolved," O'Brien hints. Horatio will also get closure. "He is able for the first time to deal with and perhaps process that intimate and devastating loss in his life," O'Brien says. "Horatio is in that transition phase where, as closure is happening, all sorts of powerful emotions rise to the surface, and there's also ... an opportunity for transition, for moving on."
In an earlier interview he said about the meeting of Horatio and Marisol in S10 E01,"It is a very, very personal encounter that gives him inspiration and insight into his predicament and ultimately how that predicament is resolved," O'Brien hints. Horatio will also get closure. "He is able for the first time to deal with and perhaps process that intimate and devastating loss in his life," O'Brien says. "Horatio is in that transition phase where, as closure is happening, all sorts of powerful emotions rise to the surface, and there's also ... an opportunity for transition, for moving on."