Script Errors, Mistakes & Goofs

Re: Errors

This isn't a goof per-se, but it is an error from the writers/producers/science & fact checkers of the show. It does drive me so crazy that I can't watch the episode You've Got Male anymore, though.

In the episode, Donna Marks is killed by walking through a patio door. Then Warrick has to try to piece together the door, etc. etc. etc. The only problem is all patio doors use Tempered glass. They're made that way to prevent the exact thing that happens to Donna in this episode. Last October, I actually got to go to a major window manufacturer and see a 2x4 shot out of a cannon directly at a patio door. Wanna know what happened? The glass broke, sure, but it all stayed in the door frame. Federal building codes require all patio doors and all windows near bathtubs/front entranceways to be Tempered so a person (or an object from the outside) cannot go through it.

Also not an error, just a nit-pick, but all major glass companies make glass by having it float in melted tin, not cooling it on tin. Of course, this could all be corrected by simply saying that door did not come from any major manufacturer, but it still drives me bonkers!!!

Sorry for the rant...but that episode has bothered me for so very long that I needed to get that off my chest. Thanks!
Re: Errors

In Grave Danger, when Nick pulled the gum out of his back pocket it looked like he was wearing his watch on his right wrist, whereas he normally sports it on his left. Not sure if this is an error or just Tarantino getting funky with a reflection off the plexiglas! Whaddya think?

I noticed that too, and I've been trying to figure out if it's just some type of optical illusion, or maybe the film got flipped, I don't know. I wear a watch all the time and can't think of a reason why I would switch it to my opposite wrist, and I've never noticed Nick (or George for that matter, since I think that was probably his own watch) wear his watch on his right wrist.

Some other errors I noticed in Grave Danger:

At the trash run they show Nick putting a marker by the cigarette butt before putting markers by the tire tracks, but it's actually the last piece of evidence he marks. Also he puts marker number 4 beside the cigarette butt, then he marks the tire tracks 2 and 3, which is the correct order of evidence, but they showed it out of sequence.

When the team is listening to tape, the computer monitor in the background has a bunch of stuff open on it, but when they go to watch the web cam, there’s nothing on the screen.

When the coffin first cracks you can see it crack behind Nick’s head, but later in the episode there are no cracks behind his head.

There’s a lot of discontinuity with the placement of things in the coffin. The glo-sticks, the tape recorder, the gun, never seem to be in the same place when the angle is switched or when they switch from the view inside the coffin to the view on the web cam.

This may not actually be an error, but after they pull Nick out, what happened to the gloves that were in his ears and the pieces of shirt in his nose? Maybe they were supposed to have fallen out.

In the episode, Donna Marks is killed by walking through a patio door. Then Warrick has to try to piece together the door, etc. etc. etc. The only problem is all patio doors use Tempered glass. They're made that way to prevent the exact thing that happens to Donna in this episode. Last October, I actually got to go to a major window manufacturer and see a 2x4 shot out of a cannon directly at a patio door. Wanna know what happened? The glass broke, sure, but it all stayed in the door frame . Federal building codes require all patio doors and all windows near bathtubs/front entranceways to be Tempered so a person (or an object from the outside) cannot go through it.

Have they always used tempered glass for patio doors? Maybe it was an older door, from before they started doing this. I used to watch Rescue 911 and I remember an episode of that in which a little girl was standing on a chair and it tipped over and she fell through a patio door. The glass shattered just like in this episode and the girl was cut really badly.
Re: Errors

In the episode, Donna Marks is killed by walking through a patio door. Then Warrick has to try to piece together the door, etc. etc. etc. The only problem is all patio doors use Tempered glass. They're made that way to prevent the exact thing that happens to Donna in this episode. Last October, I actually got to go to a major window manufacturer and see a 2x4 shot out of a cannon directly at a patio door. Wanna know what happened? The glass broke, sure, but it all stayed in the door frame . Federal building codes require all patio doors and all windows near bathtubs/front entranceways to be Tempered so a person (or an object from the outside) cannot go through it.

Have they always used tempered glass for patio doors? Maybe it was an older door, from before they started doing this. I used to watch Rescue 911 and I remember an episode of that in which a little girl was standing on a chair and it tipped over and she fell through a patio door. The glass shattered just like in this episode and the girl was cut really badly.
In my mom's house, which was built in the 50s, my brother punched the glass patio door, and the glass shattered almost as if someone were pushed through it. I always thought what happened in the episode was pretty conceivable based on my experience with patio doors.
Re: Errors

No an error persae, but Greg was injured with burns in the lab explosion, yet in "4x4" No scars, man i would want his plastic surgeon if that happened to me.
Re: Errors

Some other errors I noticed in Grave Danger:

I've watched GD a few times and I thought I had picked out all the goofs but you found a few more that I hadn't noticed. Maybe I just watched this particular episode too many times but I really found the editing to be lacking. Some other booboos:

-In the locker room Nick is loading his magazine with bullets, puts it down and grabs his flashlight. Cuts to Warrick and then back to Nick loading the bullets again.

-The cop puking at the scene, you hear him but there's nothing on the ground until it cuts to a close up of him.

-When the team receives the package and Grissom gloves up it looks like he pulls on the same glove twice.

-At the end when Grissom is talking to Nick in the box the flashlight changes hands. Also I think a bandaid appears on his thumb at some point.

I had others but I've forgetten them since I haven't watched the epi in a while.

Also, this isn't an error per se but why did they blurr the Dukes of Hazzard gamebox? I mean they talk about it, show it, the audience knows about it, what makes the top of the box a no-no? Picture of an actor's face maybe?
Re: Errors

I forget what episode it was but after they ordered takeout or something, Grissom brought a fortune cookie into the lab. He was holding it in his mouth while doing a experiment, and like a second later it disappeared. I'm guessing they shot that scene in two separate takes, unless he's a fast eater.
Re: Errors

Did anyone else notice theat that for frst 2 murders with Paul Milander, the birthdate for the victims were in 1958, & then 1957, which would make the next one in 1956, but when the 3rd victim arrived, the dates changed to 1959, 1958, & 1957, with Grissom being next in 1956. (how do people change the year that they are born in?)
Re: Errors

I forget what episode it was but after they ordered takeout or something, Grissom brought a fortune cookie into the lab. He was holding it in his mouth while doing a experiment, and like a second later it disappeared. I'm guessing they shot that scene in two separate takes, unless he's a fast eater.
*pulls out her portable DVD player that coincidentally has that episode in it*

The episode is "Inside the Box". I think he set it down so that he can unscrew the box.
Re: Errors

Also, this isn't an error per se but why did they blurr the Dukes of Hazzard gamebox? I mean they talk about it, show it, the audience knows about it, what makes the top of the box a no-no? Picture of an actor's face maybe?

That could have to do with copyrights. They never actually said "The Dukes of Hazzard," maybe they weren't allowed. Not sure though.

I remembered some more from "Grave Danger".

When they first start digging at the end, Brass is one of the guys digging, but after Warrick's timer goes off, Brass is standing on the side behind him.

When they are getting ready to open the lid of the coffin, Sara is right beside Warrick, but after Catherine tells them about the explosives, there's some random guy in her place.

I forget what episode it was but after they ordered takeout or something, Grissom brought a fortune cookie into the lab. He was holding it in his mouth while doing a experiment, and like a second later it disappeared. I'm guessing they shot that scene in two separate takes, unless he's a fast eater.

*pictures Grissom eating a fortune cookie like a chipmunk* hehe
Re: Errors

towards the end of GD when Nick is still in the box, the rubber gloves in his ears keep changing. at one point thy're all balled up, then they're hanging out, then they're balled up again. that was kinda annoying me.
Re: Errors

Don't know in what episode anymore. But there was an episode where Gil called the Doc Dave.
Re: Errors

I thought it was Catherine who called him Dave? :confused: I dunno, my memory's disgraceful sometimes, and I don't even remember the epi where this happens :lol: