Script Errors, Mistakes & Goofs

Re: Errors

The math in the Paul Millander episodes is all messed up. They say several times that Paul Millander was 10 when his father was killed. And then they give the date of his murder as August 17, 1959. But then they say Paul Millander's birthdate is August 17, 1956 (the same as Grissom's), making him only 3 at the time of his father's murder.

In Anonymous, they give his father's name as John, but then in Identity Crisis, they say his name is Paul. I hate watching the Millander episodes because I just can't get beyond these errors.
Re: Errors

They apparently didn't know what they were going to do with Paul Millander when they first started that storyline, which is probably why there are so many inaccuracies. Wasn't he in the very first episode?

I don't like those episodes either, but not because of the errors, although that doesn't help. I just don't like Paul Millander.
Re: Errors

They apparently didn't know what they were going to do with Paul Millander when they first started that storyline, which is probably why there are so many inaccuracies. Wasn't he in the very first episode?

He was in the Pilot, but the errors didn't start until Anonymous when they clearly had decided the continue the storyline. They eliminated Millander as a suspect in the Pilot, so they didn't delve in to the father being murdered and the same birthdate thing.
Re: Errors

They apparently didn't know what they were going to do with Paul Millander when they first started that storyline, which is probably why there are so many inaccuracies. Wasn't he in the very first episode?

He was in the Pilot, but the errors didn't start until Anonymous when they clearly had decided the continue the storyline. They eliminated Millander as a suspect in the Pilot, so they didn't delve in to the father being murdered and the same birthdate thing.

That's what I meant. I think the errors came about because when they first brought Paul Millander into the show they didn't know what they were going to do with him later. They had to change things around in the later episodes so that the story would work the way they decided to go with it.
Re: Errors

Jeez, Destiny, I'm really sorry. :( How you doin'?
Thank you, her death was sudden (Aneurysm she didn't know she had) but i am moving forward slowly, for a while i wasn't here i took a break, dealing with the loss, and trying to deal with it all, i slowly returned back to the board, and now it's one day at a time, she was my mom, and my best friend.
But she isn't suffering, she is at peace, and around us all the time.
I was in front of her when it all started and i saw her after the er tried to save her and couldn't and i put my hand over her heart to let her know that i love her and will miss her and it shocked me as it was beating and the doctor explained why that was happening.
Then i remembered the samething happened with my brother in (Sept 1994) he was 34 (heartattack).

I have been having some health problems and i have recently been through some medical tests, and they all came back normal, and healthy, i still get aniexty attacks sometimes, but they gave me some meds which i haven't had to use to muc of at all, just as needed.

So i am doing good, and dad is doing well as can be expected they were married 49 yrs, (dec would have been 50, they were going to renew their vows).
I live with him, and he has some medical problems (Disc Bulge) which is painful in the hip and leg, an aortic aneurysm (his second which is still small), but he like me deal with everything one day, step and moment at a time.

Thank you for asking, and for you're condolenses, normally i wouldn't have mentioned her but i knew hers and my brothers were a good example of those who recently pass and some odd things, like a heartbeat, nerve moment, eyes blinking i swear you are like "Whoa, wait a minute, umm doc their, their... yeah" to which he did explain it.

But that is one reason i have that quote in my sig and the other in the bio section of my nic, mom taught me the first one, and the second one just seemed like the ultimate truth. ;)
Re: Errors

I'm so sorry Destiny. I feel for you. If you ever need anyone to talk to, PM me. I've went through a huge, sad loss in my life, too. :( Just take it easy and think of the most positive situation that could happen. I will pray for you every night. :( :)
Re: Errors

If you ever need to get anything off your chest, Destiny, just PM me. I lost two close relatives in one week so I can empathise. As for is the scariest feeling in the world. Haven't suffered an attack in a while now, but I know where you're coming from.

Your mom sounds like she was a really wise person. :)

If there is anything, and I mean anything, you want to talk to someone about and not do it publicly, PM me. I'm a good listener. You take care now.
Re: Errors

Aww man, :( that must have been terrible. I may not have gone through the same thing but it's nonetheless sad. :( I'm terribly sorry about your mother.
Re: Errors

You almost had me crying for a minute. My condolences, *adds Destiny into prayers*
Re: Errors

Aww guys thank you, don't cry, seriouly my mother was a fun person and she was an awesome mom, and friend, and my brother is was just wacky had a joke everytime you turnned around.

As for the family my two brothers and sister, myself and dad are making it through trying to push a head we are not rushing anything, but i would have to say we did as mom requested (we talked about funerals and such in advance) and her's was beautiful my thought is she would say, this is what i wanted. (simple graveside service).

As i have said for me to know she is not in pain, not suffering and in a place that has to be far better then this (she believed in god as do i and my family) and she is around us, in our hearts and our memories and unless i missed my guess moving the dishes on me, but i can't prove the last part. ;)

Don't worry my relatives will pull pranks if it is possible dead or alive. :lol:

Okay we kind of turned this about me and i apologise about that, but i thank all of you for your kind words and support and prayers, we are still having some problems, but i hope and yet feel we will get through them it might just take some time.

Anixiety is scarey and trust me this isn't the first time, with my brother it took 9 yrs to come to terms with his death and let it out, with my mom it was 9 days, some might say that i am getting better at it, apparently those would be the ones not going through it.
I deal with the death at first, then i handle what needs handling (funeral, flowers, paper work) usually all at the same time, then i go back and handle the death so that i can try to move forward.

Alright i think the powers that be are going to get us all if we don't get back on course, like i said i brought it up reguarding a heart still beating, and nerves that move.
But again thank you all, and if i need to talk i know there are people who are willing to listen, and you all know where to find me as well. ;)

*pulls everyone into the office for the talking of this and pushes the thread back on topic, which i do believe we kind of moved off of there. ;) *
Re: Errors

Ok, back to errors...

In Grave Danger, when Nick pulled the gum out of his back pocket it looked like he was wearing his watch on his right wrist, whereas he normally sports it on his left. Not sure if this is an error or just Tarantino getting funky with a reflection off the plexiglas! Whaddya think?