Say NO to Homophobia

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Haha, well I just told my friend Jenn about Allie and was very...odd and awkard :p the conversation over the phone went like this

Me: So yeah...Allie wants me to tell you something
Jenn: Why can't Allie tell me?
Me: Cause she's in Victoria you dumb ass! Anyways...Allie and I are dating...
Jenn: *Starts laughing*
Jenn: Yes it is...your dating your best friend
Me: *Silent*
Jenn: Wait...does that mean Allie is bi or gay...
Me: Noo...she's straight...what do you think brillance?
Jenn: *Starts laughing again*
Jenn: Yeah it is

*We argue whether it's funny for about 5 minutes*

Me: Okay...well, I told you...yeesh, be happy for me!
Jenn: *Silent for a second*...your serious
Jenn: Okay...well congradulations?
Me: Yes...and thank you...I think...
Jenn: No problem...I think was so odd, but she's still my friend so it's all good :D
nice conversation with jenn. didn't expectit to be like that...well sort of like that. now she knows. i wonder if when she's with us she will feel akward hmmmm
It's not that I won't tell people I am bi, it's just that they don't ask :rolleyes:.

The only friend I am worried about telling is Chloe, she is a good friend and I don't want to lose her as a friend. Apparently since she found out her other friend is gay she "feels really awkward around her." I feel bad because she justcan't understand that just because I like girls also it doesn't mean I like her like her *shudders at the thought*. I am hoping when i actually have to talk to her I can make her understand. That is one conversation I am not looking foreward to :lol:
Haha, tell me about it...I dreaded telling a couple of my friends...I still havn't even told some yet...cause anytime we even talk about being gay she gets all silent and acts all weird.

But besides telling only like 2 or 3 of my friends I really don't care anymore...somedays I feel like screaming out my window how much I love my girlfriend. And if people wanna hate me for who I love, then so be it...because I just don't care anymore.
If you guys want to yell from your roofs or out of your windows why don't you? I would but my neighbors would probably ignore me. Once a week at least I can be found on my roof singing and dancing around or just yelling random anouncements like a moron. They are accustomed to me being an idiot. Sometimes I just sit quietly but not usually.

Actually I think I did yell something about being bi at one point or another *shrugs*.
Well at least you shouted it yourself, Becky :p My friends did it for me in the club :rolleyes: :lol:

Today I'm going to tell my ex that I'm gay.. no wait.. I'll tell him that I'm about to date my possible future girlfriend. I think he desperately needs to know because he sent me another email this morning.. ugh.. men haha! this time it only said:
ok, i didnt realise how much i hurt you.
Eh? I have no clue what he's hitting at..since I was the one constantly hurting him I guess. Several minutes later he sent me a longer one, which mainly stated that I'm so much better than he is in everythings.. Gaahh, I hate people who think they're less than others.. anywhooo.. so yeah, decided to tell him today.. now, two things can happen: 1) he will kick me out of his life - I consider him to be my best friend, but if he can't accept me, so be it! or 2) he accepts it and we'll stay friends for like forever!! YAY I like those kinda happy endings :D
Good luck, Jayne! I sure hope it's option number 2.

And the one time I yelled something out my window the neighbor told me that if I yelled out my window again they'd call the cops and tell them that I was "disturbing the peace" but they never said I couldn't yell it off the roof :p
Pffff.. just pressed the 'send' button... so yup, just sent the email to James.. fecking hell, I know I'm hurting him and I'm literally crying my guts out right now, but I know it has been the right thing to do.. *crosses fingers for the best*
OMG!! Do these people still exist!? James replied:

thanks for telling me. you need not worry about me and how it feels, im releaved and happy for you.
I never had a problem with us, we sort of found out that from our holiday that we perhaps are better as friends [...] meeting a girl. i have so many questions, i bet she must be really pretty. you can tell me anything and i am being me, when i say im happy for you.[...]keep in touch, i still miss you[...]
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
These smileys do not make up for how I truly feel.. I was like crying my guts out when he told me :D :D :D :D :D :D
omg, jayne i am estatic for you. congrats, and i know the feeling. well, kinda, like you're on top of the world, because your heart is so light, and when you think about the situiation again you get a rush...


i dont think i've ever posted anything about me on here, i'm not gay, but how boring of a world would that be if you cold only like 1 gender FOREVER? like, a-b and b-a. how... set in stone.
AH! Jayne, that is so super duper awesome!!! I happy for you :D!!!!

I'm not gay...I'm bisexual :lol:...well actually I don't really know right now...I know I'm bi but I don't know if I'm any further then my friend Jenn and I once again had a very intresting conversation about it...haha

Me: AHH! I'm gonna go crazy...I can't figure out whether I'm just bi or gay
Jenn: Well do you like guys?
Me: I DON'T KNOW...I'm in love with a girl right now you idiot!
Jenn: Then maybe you are gay...
Me: How do you know?
Jenn: I don't know...
Me: Wait...your straight...why am I asking you?
Jenn: I don't know...cause I'm smart?
Me: Not when it comes to things like this...

And then she suddenly had to go :p. But meh, I'll just wait 'til I know the answer...what will actually probably end up happening is I'll figure it out...then probably deny it for 6 months...but meh, time can only tell.
god levon you have all the funny conversations without me.
i think i'm going to tell my sister i'm bi soon...don't know how she'll take it
I was going through the quotes for one of the shows I watch. The L word. It's about lesbians dealing with life in general...everything that has to do with being lesbians. Like work, relationships, sex, girlfriends, friendships, just life. And one of the characters said a really worthwile quote in it.

Shane: No. Sexuality is fluid, whether you're gay or you're straight or you're bisexual, you just go with the flow.

Basically she's saying that whatever your orientation, let people think what they think, even if you don't agree with it. Just drop the comment and live life acting like yourself and not like what everyone else wants you to be. Be you. :)

Even though my mom knows that Im bi, she doesn't agree with it. All of my friends agree with it....except my homophobic friend that basically condemned me to hell. But yeah. I act like myself. And I know what I am. And Im in love...with someone so special and so beautiful and she loves me for me. And I love her for her.
Man, i haven't been here in a forever long time. Hmm...
Oh, I love "The L Word" but I don't watch much because my silly parents won't buy cable. humph. I totally agree with that quote.
Sexuality is fluid.

On a differnt note...I'm so sick of people basically telling me I can't have a crush on an actor because he's gay. So i adore this chef on "America's Test Kitchen" (a show on PBS) and i happened to find out that he is one of my best friends cousin. Yesterday me, him and his mom were all talking and he brings up that i love the "America's test kitchen" man...
her: Zoe, I hate to tell you this but he's gay.
me: yah. like i had a chance anyways...
We talked about him for a while longer each sentace she said basicaly ended with "but, he's gay."
(random: i get to meet him next time he's in town. :) )
...sorry for rambeling...
(Good luck on telling your sister, Imperfect, congrats Jayne! And obsession_360, I'm happy you have a speical someone)
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