Say NO to Homophobia

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Who is Milan Kundera? Sounds like a yoga expert or something.

I bet you've heard a book named "The unbearable lightness of being", well, the writer is Milan Kundera, one of the most prestigious writer of Morden Europe. :)

JayneEmilysRealm said:
OMG! Ancient You read Milan Kundera!! Dear Gawd, seriously, you're the first one I meet in my entire life.. well, next to my mum's family though, because they're from the Czech Rep. Wow!

Hey, jayne, I'm s super fan of Milan Kundera, and of course Franz kafka, tell your mom that Czech has a secret admirer in China. :D
^ Ah, okay. Thanks for explaining that. I've read books but never one authoured by him.

Yeah Lia, that's great news to hear. A person shouldn't experience death in order to change their way of life. We should start appreciating this more. Hmm, I think I'll go to the nursery to sing for the kids today.
Alright.. so the woman wasn't there :( Man, I traveled 3 hours in total.. and she wasn't even there arrhghhh!!

Oh well, there are more fishies in the ocean :D

ancient I'll tell my mum, I have three books by Kundera: The Joke, Identity and Laughable loves :D However, I'm not a great fan of Kafka, I only read Die Verwandlung (in German). My mum has both Kundera and Kafka's works at home though.
JayneEmilysRealm said:
Alright.. so the woman wasn't there :( Man, I traveled 3 hours in total.. and she wasn't even there arrhghhh!!

Aw that sucks, hate it when stuff like that happens, but hey as you said plenty more out there!
JayneEmilysRealm said:
ancient I'll tell my mum, I have three books by Kundera: The Joke, Identity and Laughable loves :D However, I'm not a great fan of Kafka, I only read Die Verwandlung (in German). My mum has both Kundera and Kafka's works at home though.

I have another 3 books of his: Immortality, Life is elsewhere, Ignorance. :D
I have several friends that are gay, Who cares!! To each there own, One of them is from high school, he even dated girls all the time in school. Then about 3 or 4 yrs after school he finally admitted he was gay. He just recently found out he is HIV postive, his sister told me about and I was like holy s---. But I don't have a problem with people and their sexual preferences.
^ Oh no! That is a sad case! I wonder why people keep saying that if someone is gay, it means they are likely to be infected with HIV or some other sexually transmitted diseases. It's not like all of them have STDs. Only those who don't 'play' safe.

anyway Im just in the process of coming out and I'm so lucky to be surrounded people who are totally ok with it all. I went to an all girls school so the being experimental was common...but I was worred about actually being like, I'm gay! but its cool now! No seems to care or bother, on some level I wish they could understand what I went through to get where I am but at the same time its kind of cool no one asks questions, its like its no normal and un-shocking in thatb respect...hehe
Well then, you should consider yourself lucky. It's not everyday that people will accept you as you are. But it's great to hear that you are just coming out of the closet. It's not something to be ashamed of. ;)
GreyWillfade Your really lucky! I haven't come out to everyone cause in one respect I'm like no one goes around saying "I'm straight, I'm straight" plus I'm a lil scared.

But anyway I had a point... oh yea! Your really lucky, I go to an all girls school and it's the opposite! COMPLETELY! There is an open lesbian in our year and some stupid girls always saying "Oh we can't change in front of her" and all this crap. It's like don't flatter yourself! Your not that hot!!
greywillfade/ GOOD LUCK on your coming out, you will really need it , just keep in my mind that it's YOUR life and you do what you want with it , even if the others do'nt agree....whatever it's your life, and you live it the way you want ;)

jenakapt: ha ha ha you know what? thats really funny lol cause some of the straight girls think like that , and thats kinda scary lol i mean look im a straight girl and if i had a lasbian on my class, i won't say those kind of shit ....thats stupid...probably some kind of "selfflattery unappropriate" :lol: it's not cause your lasbian that you are attracted by all the girls around you :lol: god this crap makes me laugh :lol:
There is an open lesbian in our year and some stupid girls always saying "Oh we can't change in front of her" and all this crap. It's like don't flatter yourself! Your not that hot!!
:lol: Don't you love that? I've noticed that many of the most homophobic people are not only ugly inside but ugly on the outside. Just because someone is gay doesn't mean that they're going to hit on YOU, especially you people who are ugly in every sense of the word.
^^ I totally agree! it's just so stupid, you know when you just can't get your head around something and understand it? Well this is one of those things for me!!
Well the thing is a lot of people made being bi-sexual almost like a fashion statement at my school. Now I dont mind this in a way because it means people are open to sexual experience and probabaly won't judge others but when I first came out people thought it was a phase due to all the experimenting that was going on!! :lol:

But yeah, its weird im abroad in canada at the moment and its almost like a got to make a new start and be myself. ;) It took me a while (yeah 7 months) but I know that when I go home its going to be hard to do it all over again. My uni mates wont care but my mates who have known me since I was a kid are sooooooo straight...

and then there is the parents...I forgot I left an issue on DIVA under my bed (L word on the cover...ahem, and it took me two days to pluck up the courgae to buy the damn thing) and have been worrying about it for so long. arrrrgh my parents will hate it

its like the people I havent known are less scary because they know the me, I want people to know...
GreyWillFade I admire your courage in bying that magazine I know if I was gay I would never, think of it this way if your pearents find that mag you wount have to break the ice all you have to do is open up. (I know I say "all you have to do is.." but I imagine its alot harder than that)

Im not gay and i am not homophobic I believe everyone has there own idea on who they love, and I say let them be! It doesent bother me to see two men or two women together I dont see gay people I see people in love. Homophobic people are just insucure in my mind.
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