Sara & Warrick # 2 -- " Hey Girl ! "

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Hehe... I loved those! Those were SO funny! I'm going to be laughing ALL day now! Actually... I think I'll go write some.
Tini nice hat xD I hope the Germans win, I hate Italy, since it was their fault that Australia lost + my stepfather is half Italian... It'd be soo nice to see them lose *evil grin*

I love those scenarios xD Would be nice if that'd happen on screen, wouldn't it? ^^
Wow, when the board decides to go down, it stays down! :eek: I was going nuts yesterday. :eek:

Joy22 said:
Tini said:
See Raven, total denial...... ;) *shakes head* Hun we are proud Jorja addicts, why can`t you just admit it?

Fine, you convinced me! Takes deep breath: I AM A GARY ADDICT!!!! You know, I do feel better now :lol:

That`s what I told you cookie. Don`t fight it.......... :D

Joy, your scenario was awesome, although you used LH in it ( got some problems with her, but you know why :rolleyes:). Thank you very much.
As the board was down I had an idea, why don`t you open a scenario thread in the fanfiction section? There is already a Snicker one.......could work for us too, what do you think?

Maybe Raven and Zan would assist you and also write something? :confused:

ETA: By the way I busted you at YTDAW AnnM! :lol:
Maybe Raven and Zan would assist you and also write something?

I tried to come up with something yesterday, but nope, my brain wasn't working!

By the way I busted you at YTDAW AnnM!

If anyone is busting her, well... hmm. I'm torn. Here are my two options: 1) protect her (she is like a sister to me, after all-- and a really good friend!). Or 2) join in (she is like a sister to me, after all!). What to do, oh what to do...

Alright, so Swarrick. Man... they really do make a cute couple! Much cuter than I originally thought :).
Tini said:
ETA: By the way I busted you at YTDAW AnnM! :lol:

Is this some kinda code for something I don't get? :confused: I had no clue what you meant with this but the other girls did so I guess you made your point then :lol: :lol:

Anyway, thank you all for the nice words about my latest scenario. Especially you, Fogi, I feel so special now ;) And nice continuation, maybe you can take over when I take my holiday next week :D
A special Swarrick scenario thread is a good idea but I'll probably start one after I get back in a couple of weeks, I'm a bit busy right now and I'm trying to find the time to write a new update for New Beginnings before I leave.
Summer...such a great time but it leaves you with so little writing time, the beach just calls to me :lol:
You live near a beach? I'm jealous! Wait... okay, I take that back. I live near a beach, too! Several, actually! *cough* Of course... they are so algae infested and graffitied, well... :(. No swimming!

Is this some kinda code for something I don't get? I had no clue what you meant with this but the other girls did so I guess you made your point then

No, no idea, either! It just sounded ominous... and I'm in an ominous mood :).
Zan1781 said:
You live near a beach?

Sure, I live near a beach! *Cough* It's only a subway ride and a train ride away but then...I'm there, baby! *Cough* :lol:

The beach has made me think of Swarrick scenario's in which they go on a holiday and end up on the beach and....Eh, never mind, this is still a PG-13 board. That could be a nice fic for the future though, 'Swarrick on Holiday: The Beach Chronicles' :lol:
Speaking of Chronicles, Raven, honey, I would love to see an update before I leave next week!!! Hurry up already! ;)
Ah, you found me, Tini :p Blast, foiled again!

Alright, alright, Joy! :p

The Chronicles of Warrick and Sara Part Seventeen (I think!... is it??)


Sara: These fireworks are beautiful, don't you think, Warrick?
Warrick: Yeah... really pretty.
Sara: You don't like them?
Warrick: Of course I do! What's not to like...?
Sara: Well...I have to admit that whoever drew these did a pretty sucky job.
Warrick: I'll say.
Sara: Who cares, it's the Fourth of July, let's just enjoy it!



Sara: Oh my god, what was that!?
Warrick: I don't know... let's go see!

TBC... :p
Thanks for the new chronical part, hun. It was about time! :cool:

Joy22 said:The beach has made me think of Swarrick scenario's in which they go on a holiday and end up on the beach and....Eh, never mind, this is still a PG-13 board. That could be a nice fic for the future though, 'Swarrick on Holiday: The Beach Chronicles' :lol:

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I´d like that!!! :devil: Hope it includes some smut for Tini?
You know sometimes I want to scream........ why does every damn Swarrick fic need to have a K+ rating (not talking about you Joy :p) ? It doesn`t get hotter than these 2, does it?

Ok, let`s change topic: If you still don`t get it hun: AnnM is Raven`s name at YTDAW!!! ;) Zan`s is the same at each board.........LOL :lol: And I read your new chapters babe, thanks for not telling me!! Had to hear about it somewhere else - "Hot Off The Press" - shame on you! :eek:


My cookies you got to be strong now: Tini is starting her vacation in 6 hours and needs some sleep. :eek: I´ll try to post as often as possible, ok? I expect you guys to keep this thread in good shape, till I´m back and Joy leaves us for 15 days. Whow, what a seamless transition, isn`t it? Kinda seems like we planed this whole thing.......Weird. :confused:

Hope you are going to miss me like I´ll miss you, my little Swarrick mates. :(

One last present for you....*sniff*

Joy22, awsome chronicle part!! :lol: Loved it.

quoth_the_raven your chronicle part was great! :lol: Looking forward to the next part!

That's a beautiful pic of them Tini! I love it! :)
VACATION? NOOO!!! I don't believe that you can leave. No, I'm pretty sure that you can't.

I'm glad you liked the chapters, though, Tini :). I almost didn't write them, because... I don't know! It's stopped being easy to write!

And that is a GREAT picture. Hmm... maybe I'll make that my background!

*runs off to write some Swarrick Haiku*
Love the new "Chronicles" instalment Raven. LMAO at the "fireworks" :lol: And that pic is sooo cuuuuute!! Maybe that's why I used it to make my icon :)
Im baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!! :lol: after being forced away from the computer by my mom i am now back in business! YAY! :D swarrick fics here i come! *sprints off*
Tini said:
I expect you guys to keep this thread in good shape, till I´m back and Joy leaves us for 15 days. Whow, what a seamless transition, isn`t it? Kinda seems like we planed this whole thing.......Weird. :confused:

Yeah, we planned our vacations around the Swarrick thread :lol: Anything for our couple! :D Anyway, have a good time, hun! I'll miss you.

And hey togu, nice to see you're back! It's always nice to see some old familiar faces again. And I'm not saying that you're old, so don't shoot me!

Love the picture that Tini posted, that is one of my two favorite pictures. Here is the other one:


They are just!!
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