Sara & Warrick # 2 -- " Hey Girl ! "

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Joy22 said:
We want to picture them hot and naked :devil:




TINI! Get your butt over here! :eek: :lol: We got her! Look! :lol: Wow, Joy, I wasn't expecting that to come from you :lol: :devil:

We're not doing fine without you, Joy[/b! We miss you when you're gone! :( But you have a life, so.. :p
quoth_the_raven said:
Joy22 said:
We want to picture them hot and naked :devil:




TINI! Get your butt over here! :eek: :lol: We got her! Look! :lol: Wow, Joy, I wasn't expecting that to come from you :lol: :devil:

I´m here, I´m here......... :lol: Nice outing hun. Had to happen eventually. Nobody can escape the lovely nakedness of our 2 hot cuties! :devil:
About your icon, Raven, it was good just a bit.....well: fuzzy. ;) Still love it!!!!

Zan: Thanks for the welcome! I won't be a stranger :). And if you mean The Retreat, yup, that's me! (but it's not over yet!).

Yep, that`s what I meant. Greeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat story and since your already here, mmh, when do you update? :D Wanna see what happens next. *whispers* and please keep the GSR theme, would you?
I´m here, I´m here......... :lol: Nice outing hun. Had to happen eventually. Nobody can escape the lovely nakedness of our 2 hot cuties! :devil:

Every time someone mentions the nakedness of a certain couple, well... *cough* Never mind!

Yep, that`s what I meant. Greeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat story and since your already here, mmh, when do you update? :D Wanna see what happens next. *whispers* and please keep the GSR theme, would you?

Hehe... I'm glad that you like it! Really glad! The chapter was written last night, but fanfiction was down. It's up now! Oh, and the little birdie in my ear tells me that it will remain GSR (the Bank, which I will write a sequal to in the semi-near future, will remain Swarrick). And the Retreat will contine on past the end of this particular retreat... I gotta see what everyone says to Lindsey! And I have to see how the GSRness progresses :)

So back on topic... and you guys have probably discussed this a thousand times, but... does anyone have a... list of eps where there are Swarrick moments...? Ooh, or even better, does anyone have a top three list of Swarrick scenes?
I thought I'd say helo to you all, because I've been reading the first few pages of this topic and you guys seem so nice (and crazy, but I'm crazy too lol) and I love the Swarrick pairing <3 Sara and Warrick are my favourites of CSI and they'd make a lovley couple ^^
Okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkiiiiiiiiiiie-dokie, Janet, lemme get out my big notebook 'o shipper moments :lol: :p *psst... I didn't know you were writing a sequel to The Bank, you gotta tell me these things!! ;)*

- Cool Change
- I-15 Murders
- Face Lift
- Burden of Proof
- A Night at the Movies
- Getting Off
- Abra Cadaver
- Bang, Bang
- Getting Off
- Crash & Burn
- Assume Nothing
- Coming of Rage
- Eleven Angry Jurors
- Still Life
- Werewolves
- Daddy's Little Girl
- Killer

All I can see right now.. :p

ETA: Tini, fuzzy!? My icon!? Fuzzy? :lol: Of course not! :lol: :p
Zan1781 said:
So back on topic... and you guys have probably discussed this a thousand times, but... does anyone have a... list of eps where there are Swarrick moments...? Ooh, or even better, does anyone have a top three list of Swarrick scenes?

Top 3? It was very difficult, but I narrowed my favorite moments down to 3 .. it took like 20 minutes lol!! Anyway, without further ado, my Top Three Swarrick Moments <3

1. I-15 Murders. The whole episode is very Swarrick-y, but the last scene is the best. When Sara finds out why Warrick was in the casino & Warrick says "We're supposed to be working together. Next time just talk to me instead of going around behind my back." Then Sara watches him walk away ... I love the way he walks *sigh*

2. Chasing the Bus. The scene where Warrick is playing chess w/Grissom & Sara calls him. "It's Sara, she's in the lab. She needs me." Then he beats Grissom at the chess game. :lol:

3. Grissom vs. the Volcano. The scene where they're in the singer's hous & Warrick plays a little melody on the piano. Sara gets this lovey-dovey look on her face, and its like awww that's soo darn cute <3

So, those are my top 3. I also LOVE "Face Lift" "The Finger" "35KOBO" & really any other episode w/Swarrick scenes. :D
Night said:
I thought I'd say helo to you all, because I've been reading the first few pages of this topic and you guys seem so nice (and crazy, but I'm crazy too lol) and I love the Swarrick pairing <3 Sara and Warrick are my favourites of CSI and they'd make a lovley couple ^^

Whohooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! One more German at my thread (hehe watch out folks, we seem to be everywhere now)!!!!Welcome Night (can I call you Nighty, think it`s cute :rolleyes:)! Hope you stay with us......the most lovely and crazy people in this forum, aren`t we? :cool: And though I might be a strict GSR shipper, nobody can escape this Swarrick hotness. :devil:

So back on topic... and you guys have probably discussed this a thousand times, but... does anyone have a... list of eps where there are Swarrick moments...? Ooh, or even better, does anyone have a top three list of Swarrick scenes?

Would you mind if I answer this question tomorrow? It`s kinda late now and I´m still high from our soccer game! :lol: By the way: YYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, we won!!Go Germany!

Wow, Zan........ didn`t know you wrote Swarrick fics too?! :eek: How cool, maybe you and Joy could work together for some funny season 7 scenarios? :)
Aww, you guys are the bestest! (still don't care if "bestest" isn't a word...) Thanks for the list, though! I have a nice four days off in which to watch these episodes :).

And Tini, I'm actually not so good at funny fics! I don't think, anyhow! But sure, if Joy wants to, we could try. You know who else you might be able to talk into doing a joint Swarrick fic with me? A little certain someone who goes by the name of Quoth_the_Raven. Let's just say that we can finish each other's thoughts! We've been writing together for awhile now, and... we click :).

Okay, off to watch Swarrick scenes! I want to see that chess one that keeps popping up all over the place!
quoth_the_raven said:
Hey Tini-- I did not hear you mention my name! :rolleyes: I wonder why! :lol: :p

That's probably because she loves me and wanted me to return to this tread :lol: ;) No, just kidding.
You guys doing a joint fic together sounds cool! I once did a joint fic thingy too but it's a lot of work and since I don't have enough writing time as it is right now...I'll just leave you guys to it. Besides, two people that click can make a very good story :D Maybe we even get the smut this time :lol:

Ok, here is my list of top 3 Swarrick moments:

1. The Finger, when she hits him because everybody knew about her date. So cute because it indicated that he was the only one she told about that.
2. Of course my Hey Girl scene, love that one :D
3. The baby scene, Warrick with a baby and Sara standing next to him is pure..well...cuteness.

Lastly, welcome Night It's nice to know that you think we're a friendly bunch of people. :lol: Because we are! And yes, we're also a bit crazy too but in a good way ;)
Also, congratulations, hun!!! Only two more matches to go!

Edited to say: Look at that I return and I break a new page. That shows this tread still loves me :)
Joy22 said:
quoth_the_raven said:
Hey Tini-- I did not hear you mention my name! :rolleyes: I wonder why! :lol: :p

That's probably because she loves me and wanted me to return to this tread :lol: ;)

Ehm, nope! :lol: I didn`t mention her cause a certain someone still has to update a new chronical part. That should be top priority at the moment..... :eek:
So you and Zan already did a fic together? Where do I find it? Tell me, teeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllll me. :eek: :eek:

Maybe we even get the smut this time

Now that you mention it, somebody also owes me a smut fic......mmh I honestly can`t remember who? :rolleyes:

Ok, here is my list of top 3 Swarrick moments:

1. Spit bucket scene in "Fight Night"! Absolutely hilarious the way he teases her......and that smile *faint*

(well said, so I took this one from you, hun)
2. "The baby scene, Warrick with a baby and Sara standing next to him is pure..well...cuteness." The whole ep was great, these 2 are just too smart.

3. The scene in "Bang Bang" when she asks him abut his marriage. That`s what friends are for folks and we shouldn`t forget THE HUG, but that`s another episode! ;)

Also, congratulations, hun!!! Only two more matches to go!

Thanks cookie. You know I start to believe we could really win that damn cup. Our guys are great. :)
I feel so giddy right now, and I just don't know why! And Night was right, by the way. Y'all are really a very friendly group of people!

Okay, so thanks for all of these fantastic moments. I can't wait to see them. Does anyone know the title of the baby scene ep, though? Why do I never remember these things... grr....

And Tini, Raven and I have been RPing together forever (okay... just since January!), and decided to take the plunge, and write a fic. The one that we are currently doing is based on Committed, and alternates between Grissom and Sara's POVs (what they're thinking)... and then it will continue beyond there. We have some major squee chapters coming up! here's a link to our fic. Hope you like it :).

Ooh, and last but not least, congrats with the team! Maybe your country will win!
Zan1781 said:And Night was right, by the way. Y'all are really a very friendly group of people!
Awwww, you are so sweet hun!

Does anyone know the title of the baby scene ep, though? Why do I never remember these things... grr....

Yep: Season 3, ep 21 "Forever" :D



Don`t they look like a little family! ;) Too cute......

And thank you very much for the link Zan , gonna read it soon. It seems you are a multishipper (like most of us, except our lovely Joy.*whispers* But you shouldn`t take her seriously, she`s a Gary addict! :lol: j/k) , am I right?

ETA: Oh my God, I`m a Hodges now!! :lol: :lol: Whohooooooooooooooooooooooooo!! :lol:
ETA: Oh my God, I`m a Hodges now!! Whohooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!

Uh...hmm...? Is this... a good thing...? Or... should I run in the opposite direction...?

And thanks for the pictures! Those are so cute!!
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