Sara & Warrick # 2 -- " Hey Girl ! "

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Zan1781 said:
ETA: Oh my God, I`m a Hodges now!! Whohooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!

Uh...hmm...? Is this... a good thing...? Or... should I run in the opposite direction...?

:lol: LOL
Ah, what have I done? Ok folks, let me rephrase that: I´m a Mia or Wendy now! Better? :lol:

Well, since we got some great new people here, I thought it would be a good idea to post the 10 commandments (created by Lass, Joy and Tini :D) of our lovely Swarrick religion again. :cool:

1.commandment: Thou shall wear your shirt with 5 buttons open. (Warrick style)

2.commandment: Thou shall not be in love with your boss and never see the hotness surrounding you. (Sara style)

3.commandment: Thou shall greet all girls/boys who you are attracted to, "Hey Girl" or "Hey Boy" (Warrick style)

4.commandment: Thou shall not tell your boss to fire the prettiest boy alive just because he gambles every now and then. (Sara style)

5.commandment: Thou shall not marry a girl/boy you`ve only known for 2 month. ( Warrick style)

6.commandment: Thou shall bring lunch for your workmate when bad spouse gets it wrong. (Sara style)

7.commandment: Thou shall save your friend from pipe-bombs whenever pipe-bombs are near you. (Warrick style)

8.commandment: Thou shall smile while standing next to a lovely coworker with a baby in his arms. (Sara style)

9.commandment: Thou shall tease boss about co-workers needing them. (Warrick style)

10.commandment: Thou shall not have the Grissom-look in front of Warrick. (Sara style)

By the way, we are still looking for new members, so get all your friends to join the community! ;) :lol:

I feel like posting pics today. :rolleyes:

"Smiling suppresses the gag reflex!" Sara Sidle. How I love this woman. Let me have her just one day, please? :devil:

What the hell is Joy doing today? :eek: You don`t love me anymore........*pouts*

ETA: You think my new signature is too obvious? :rolleyes:
I love Warrick and Sara together. He understands the value of silence, and he’s never tried to push Sara into talking when she doesn't want to.
quoth_the_raven said:Tini, you didn't give us your threadly blessing! :rolleyes: You're getting stingy, girl! :p

You know cookie: Back at page 16, I asked everybody (2 times, by the way) if my blessing is still no closed! :eek:

But maybe, just maybe, I`ll make an exception for you, if you and the others really want it. :rolleyes:

Welcome to our lovely Swarrick thread screamingpoet! Feel free to join our discussions or *coughsmutconversationscough* :D( no - honestly - we would never do that mods).
Tini said:
ETA: You think my new signature is too obvious? :rolleyes:

hahaa... Noo, not at all xD Very subtle, I must say :p

somebody still here? I need someone to talk to, I'm booored :O
Tini said:
What the hell is Joy doing today? :eek: You don`t love me anymore........*pouts*

I was on the beach with some friends so sorry for abandoning you guys but damn, I had a lot of reading to cath up on!! That is so great :D We are a booming thread :p

And one more thing, I am NOT a Gary addict, just someone who adores him very much. and I'm also somewhat of a multishipper, that means that Swarrick is my main ship and the only one I care enough about to talk and post about but I have nothing against YoBling or Warrick and Lady Heather for instance. That would be such a smoking couple... :D

Anyway, back to Swarrick talk, Tini, I loved the way you blessed every new page so I would love for you to do that again once we get to page 18. Please? Because you love me?

Edited to say: Hi screamingpoet, welcome to our crazy but lovely thread.
Warrick and Lady H? lol, I really never gave that a thought :X
He and Sara would definitely make a better couple xD
Joy22 said:And one more thing, I am NOT a Gary addict, just someone who adores him very much.

See Raven, total denial...... ;) *shakes head* Hun we are proud Jorja addicts, why can`t you just admit it? There`s nothing to be ashamed of and we won`t tell your GA (Gary Anonymous!) either. :cool: :lol: Well, since you seem to have sooooooooooooooooo much freetime lately, how about some new Swarrick scenario stuff? :p

Anyway, back to Swarrick talk, Tini, I loved the way you blessed every new page so I would love for you to do that again once we get to page 18. Please?

Now that you asked me in such a lovely way, of course!

And yes Nighty, you can ship everybody in this forum. Even people who never met each other like Sara and LH. Ain`t that just awesome? :lol: Welcome to the world of happy shipping....... :)

Latest news -> the season 7 CSI return date (if everything goes right) is: September 21, 2006!!!! I can`t wait, maybe the first ep has our cuties working together and War tells her he`s single again? :D

*cough*if anybody wants to see a picture of me with the worlds silliest German hat, hop to the picture thread*cough*
Tini said:
See Raven, total denial...... ;) *shakes head* Hun we are proud Jorja addicts, why can`t you just admit it?

Fine, you convinced me! Takes deep breath: I AM A GARY ADDICT!!!! You know, I do feel better now :lol:

Well, since you seem to have sooooooooooooooooo much freetime lately, how about some new Swarrick scenario stuff? :p

Your wish is my command:

Warrick: Hey, Sar?
Sara: Yes?
Warrick: Do you see that?
Sara: [frowning] Who's that?
Warrick: [whispering] That's Lady Heather.
Sara: That's her!!! Damn him!!!
Warrick: Huh?
Sara: Grissom told me I had nothing to worry about! He told me she was ugly!!!
Warrick: That is not ugly.
Sara: Oh, shut up!
Warrick: Look! There's Griss.
Sara: He is standing way to close! Stand in your own personal space, buster!
Warrick: Whoa!! Sara, don't look!!
Sara: :mad: He's kissing her, that cheating....he's kissing her!! I'll get him for this.
Warrick: What you gonna...hmmmpffff...[Sara is kissing him]

[Some minutes later]

Sara: There! That should teach him!!
Warrick: They didn't see us! Nobody did!!
Sara: Oh...
Warrick: Maybe we should find a place where he can see us if you want your plan to work.
Sara: Yeah, we could do that! [kisses him again] But here is good too, revenge feels very good right here.
Warrick: [shrugs] If you say so.

Not my best one but I wrote it on the spot so it came out pretty decent :lol:

*cough*if anybody wants to see a picture of me with the worlds silliest German hat, hop to the picture thread*cough*

Hopping over right now! My hun in a hat sounds like fun :lol:
:lol: Joy, you slay me! I love all your scenarios, and this one had my cheeks hurting from my grin :D

And, after all, who could resist kissing Gary/Warrick *yummy*

Continued from Joy's scenario...

*three hours later*

WARRICK: Revenge is sweet.

SARA: Hmm... yeah. I don't know though. Feels like we need a couple more hours before it's really revenge, you know?

WARRICK: No argument from me!

*They resume kissing*

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