Sara & Warrick # 2 -- " Hey Girl ! "

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Night, those were some great icons! I love Swarrick icons... okay, I like any shipper icons. Fine, I just like icons. But nice job!

And Joy, yeah, you have some awesome Swarrick fics :).

Do we have another ep to analyze? What was the chess scene one in again? I have to watch that one! I think I'm getting my S1 DVDs back on Friday, so hopefully I'll be able to contribute more to discussions!
Zan1781 said:
What was the chess scene one in again? I have to watch that one! I think I'm getting my S1 DVDs back on Friday, so hopefully I'll be able to contribute more to discussions!

The chess scene is from Chasing the Bus, a season two episode. We could talk about that one or stay with season one, in that case I think the I-15 Murders are next. It's your choice, people! Do we want the 'making amends' episode or the 'She needs me... :lol:" episode. I could make a poll but that would make me a real loser. LOL

Speaking of my fanfic... Ok fine, we were not speaking of my fanfic but I wrote a new one and wanted to bring that one to your attention. It's a short one.

Just follow this link

I hope you guys like this one.

Finally, Tini, where are you, girl???
We can stick with season 1, that's fine! My DVDs are still being borrowed, though *sigh*. So what episode are we up to?

And your fic was good! Sad, but good!
I think in terms of Warrick/Sara moments we should go with the I-15 Murders. Ya know, if we're going in season order. They're grouped on a case and clash at first (*sigh* TPTB and continuity don't mix well). However Sara understands him in the end. :) I know that's the 'making amends' episode, but which one is the 'She needs me... " episode?
Is it perhaps, Chasing the Bus?
Yes, "She needs me" is from "Chasing the Bus" The first CSI, episode I ever saw :)

Now, "I-15 Murders"

This is one of those episodes that I could watch over and over and never tire of it.

When Warrick first goes to the crime scene ... "Damn, you're taking the whole window!" "Grissom reinstated you." That whole conversation. Jeesh when they were yelling at each other, I thought my TV screen was gonna explode from all the hotness <3

Of course, the "It's a flaw" scene stands out prominently in my mind. Just the way she says it is so .. flirty. And then she does her 'Sara Look' [to quote Warrick] :D

"Take a damn look." Sexually charged scene right there. And Warrick's "Now I'm worthy?" was priceless.

When they find the guy's gun in the computer, when they inspect it, they stand sooooooo close to each other. If they were standing any closer, it would look like they were the same person. [um, anyone else think that sounded kinda dirty? :lol:]

The last scene. Extreme, total love right there. The whole time Warrick's talking to the kid, Sara's looking at him like 'Aww, that's so sweet' <3 And then she watches him walk away with this look in her eyes that just screams 'I love you' <3 <3

Just my 2 cents. Ok, well more like 10 cents :lol:

*Swarrick Love*
I think I only saw the 'I-15 Murders' episode once lol. But I'm going to watch it again soom :p It's Swarrick after all...

Were they really playing chess together in 'Chasing the bus'? I thought it was only Warrick and Grissom o_O Wasn't there an other episode with the two of them playing?

Joy I love your new story :) [I reviewed as 'nameless and forgotten' at btw.]
Night said:
Joy I love your new story :) [I reviewed as 'nameless and forgotten' at btw.]

I didn't know that was you! Thanks, not just for this review, you reply a lot and I always like your comments and suggestions!

It's been a while since a saw the I-15 Murders but thanks to the post of littlesara the episode came rushing back. :D You did good in recapping that ep! I remember the heated way they worked their case and the conversation in the end after Warrick showed her (and the audience) that he was not that tough afterall. Love the final scene, with him walking away and her watching him while contemplating something. I'd like to think she was thinking about jumping his bones :lol: but she was probably thinking she had been wrong.
Anyway, I thought it was a great ep!
It's interesting... we could really analyze everything that Sara does, because she is such a complex character. And emotional... can't forget emotional. It's like she takes everything so personally, and has a relationship with most of the characters (not a sexual one, but a pretty strong bond). I love that!

And I think this ep might be the first one that I ever saw... was this the one with the truck driver?
Sorry I haven't been here in a while guys :p *runs and hides* Please don't hurt me! :p

So what are you guys' favorite Swarrick lines? ;)

I loved the whole 'You here to rescue me or make fun of me?' from Butterflied :p It was so cute, just the whole little teasing bit and of course Sara's little innocent sounding 'I'm just looking!' Just looking at what? :devil:

And now for your capping pleasure :p


From Chasing the Bus :p

Warrick: And that's how you do the 'Warrick in the middle of the road' dance
Sara: Yeah, well, if I was driving down the road and I saw someone doing that dance, I'd be tempted to run them over just so they'd stop!!
Warrick: Thanks, Sidle. Way to hurt a guy's pride.

Favorite Swarrick Lines?

Warrick: You just don't let up do you?
Sara: It's a flaw

Warrick: It's Sara. She's at the print lab. She needs me.

Sara: I didn't not tell him. I ran with the case. I do it with Grissom all the
Warrick: Well, I'm not Grissom!

And, these two weren't lines, but scenes::

The scene where Warrick is playing the piano in "Grissom vs. the Volcano" and Sara is watching him.

And the scene in "Built to Kill I" where Warrick steals one of Sara's french fries.
I love the print lab line. Such a sense of needing :devil:

And I also love the scene (I forget which ep now though) where Warrick throws the binder out of the lab and it almost hits Sara. I think it's funny how the scene starts out with "Damn!" :lol:

Sara: I'm fine, by the way.
Warrick: I'm sorry, are you okay?
Sara: Yeah. Missed me by a mile. But I think you owe the binder an apology.
Perhaps you could contribute something to the conversation to make the thread move a bit faster, Togu?

Hmmmm... I know that the best Swarrick scene (at least in my opinion) has to be from Down the Drain the one where Warrick is keeping Sara from blowing herself up while collecting evidence! :D
There's also the other little scenes, where they work together in the first few seasons. (they need to work on more cases together! Alone. ;))

Edit: Oh! That line sounds really funny, quoth_the_raven! I can't believe I don't remember...
I LOVED that entire scene, Hestia. *sigh* Warrick... so protective... ;) I noticed that in 7x1 Warrick was also very protective of Sara when David set the gun off. I think he may have wrapped an arm around her! *sigh* :p
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