Sara & Warrick # 2 -- " Hey Girl ! "

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:lol: Nice part quoth_the_raven!

I'm somewhat of a multi-shipper myself. Very true Joy22. When I think, "CSI:" romance doesn't come to mind because it's about the science mainly with some ships thrown in. But that's me.
csi_fanatic87 said:
I'm somewhat of a multi-shipper myself. Very true Joy22. When I think, "CSI:" romance doesn't come to mind because it's about the science mainly with some ships thrown in. But that's me.

When I think of CSI I also think of hot, hot people :devil: And yeah, with people I mainly mean Gary... although Jorja is hot too. Tini has shown me that it's not wrong to love Jorja :lol:

Just for the hell another scene in our very own Season Combined Hotness Seven and no mention of Grissom this time, I promise:

Warrick: What the hell?!!!
Sara: What is wrong?
Warrick: I was on the net doing some research and I found this site called talkcsi and they are talking about us!
Sara: Let me see! Let me see!!!
Warrick: There is a tread called 'Warrick can WEAR his jeans well.' These people are checking out my but!!!
Sara: Well, it does look good...
Warrick: And Nicky is way more popular!!! What the hell happened? Nicky is NOT more popular then me, I attract the ladies, me!! Me!!!
Sara: Oh my God, there is a tread shipping me with Hodges. They think I could be with Hodges!!!
Warrick: Why do these people know so much about us?
Sara: Who is that Jorja chick? They keep talking about her and she looks like me but who the hell is she?
Warrick: I know!! They keep talking about some dude named Gary in my tread too!!
Sara: Look!!! Look!!! A Sara/Warrick shipper tread! Ah, they think we would be cute together!
Warrick: Hmmmm, maybe they are smarter then we thought. Ah, cute pictures of us! Since when do you were gowns, Sara?
Sara: No clue but I look smashing.
Warrick: You do, you do! Hey look, they write scenes about us!
Sara: Eh, Warrick they made you lose your afro in this scene.
Warrick: What!!!! Not the afro! Those idiots!!!!
Sara: And we were involved in a foursome in this one, with Grissom and Cath.
Warrick: No!!!! No!!!!!!
Sara: Yeah, sick people. They do seem kinda hot though. I like Raven and Tini best.
Warrick: You're crazy, girl. I like Joy and csi87.
Sara: They're kinda sweet people, aren't they?
Warrick: Yeah...What?!!! You and Grissom, and it's been going on for a long time now???
Sara: Eh..yeah, I gotta go!!!! [runs away]
Warrick: No!!!! I just saw a Warrick/Grissom tread!!! How do I shut this thing off!!!! [runs away too]

Crazy as always :lol: :lol: I hope you guys like this one though because this was for all the Swarrick shippers! :D And I like exclamation marks in these things, does it show? :lol:

Oh Joy, that was soooooooooooooooooooooooo damn cute. :D :D My god you actually mentioned us in a scenario!! And Sara liked Raven and me best. :lol:

I really want to hug and kiss you right now. Love you, love you, love you.
When I think of CSI I also think of hot, hot people :devil: And yeah, with people I mainly mean Gary... although Jorja is hot too.

Very true! :D Warrick and Nick are what I think of!

OMG!! *in awe* Warrick likes Joy22 and I!!! :D *sigh* That was awsome Joy22! I love being part of the story. Thank you so much for including me. Excellent addition. I love how they didn't know who Gary and Jorja were. :lol:
Thanks guys, I didn't know that you would like it that much. *blushes a bit* And littlesara1 , I'm sorry for not including you but I didn't know if you were a Jorja or Gary girl. Although...looking at your name...never mind. I'm stupid :lol: I guess you are a Jorja girl too...LOL...
Anyway, thanks again guys. I feel so loved right now :lol:
Got something to share with you guys: I´ve seen the "Hey girl" scene!! :D , since it`s CSI night today and they repeat season 4. Am I a lucky girl?

The stupid thing about it is: He didn`t say that in german :lol: :lol: :lol:, they translated it with the lame greeting: "Oh, hello!" :eek: German television is so pathetic, let me tell you. :lol: But Sara looked really, really good with her straight hair and all. *sigh*

Joy22 said:Although...looking at your name...never mind. I'm stupid :lol: I guess you are a Jorja girl too...

This one had me laughing out loud. Some might think you are a blonde, Joy. ;) No offence to all my blonde shipping mates! :p
Tini said:
This one had me laughing out loud. Some might think you are a blonde, Joy. ;) No offence to all my blonde shipping mates! :p

Redheads are not that smart either, I guessed I proved that :lol:

Anyway, good for you guys that you finally saw the Hey Girl scene. Although, not if the German TV decides to translate it into 'hello there.' The translator is obviously not a Swarrick shipper :D I always wonder what CSI sounds like in Germany, I think I would laugh so hard to hear those voices play all our characters. I never understood why Germans do that. No offense to you, Tini, you know I love you but that is one idiotic ritual you Germans have. What is wrong with subtitles? I think it's a lot less work.

I just looked at the scene on DVD and my stupid country also translates the exchange into "Hallo." That's it...The Dutch are just as stupid :lol: :lol:
Joy22 said:Redheads are not that smart either, I guessed I proved that :lol:

Yeah, it shows! ;) j/k

Although, not if the German TV decides to translate it into 'hello there.'

See? That`s what they always do: Change a significant , maybe shippy moment, into nothing. :mad: Just one example (sorry mods it`s GSR, but that`s the 1 thing I can think of right now), they left out the "Honey" in the "Pay with fire" scene, means he just said "This doesn`t look good". No wonder some don`t get their relationship, if these stupid people decide it`s not important enough to translate it. Are they nuts?! :eek: :eek: And then I become a memeber of this forum and got no clue what everybody was talking about, know what I mean?

The translator is obviously not a Swarrick shipper :D

See answer above!

I always wonder what CSI sounds like in Germany

Utterly stupid, especially Sara, which happens to be my favorite character as well, which makes it 10 times worse! :p You know when Nick starts screaming in "Grave Danger"? He sounded like a 10 year old girl.....again german television, what is wrong with you?! God, it was so annoying!

but that is one idiotic ritual you Germans have. What is wrong with subtitles? I think it's a lot less work.

Oh I can tell you: They are too lazy to read subtitles!! :lol:
No......I think it`s that a lot of germans just can`t speak and understand english very well. My bf is one of them, so if our TV station would show CSI in english he and others people would have immense problem to read and watch at the same time. Means they will lose interest after a while, because it`s too hard to follow, the ratings go down, less money and so on. You still get me? It would be the same with me watching a french show, I would try so hard to keep up with the subtitles that I miss the actual screen play. It`s as simple as that. Sure, you and I got no problem with the language, but there are people who do. *shrugs*

I just looked at the scene on DVD and my stupid country also translates the exchange into "Hallo." That's it...The Dutch are just as stupid :lol: :lol:

Hehe, so we are not the only one? Funny. :lol: :lol: Well, I´m just happy that I actually saw the scene and knew what was supposed to be said. :D
Joy22 said:
I just looked at the scene on DVD and my stupid country also translates the exchange into "Hallo." That's it...The Dutch are just as stupid :lol: :lol:

Show some dutch pride, Joy, why don't you? :lol: I may be just a wee-bit dutch, but it's there, baby! :lol:

You too, Tini! I'm german as well! :lol: But Nick sounding like a ten-year-old girl... :lol: I'm sorry, my imagination is running wild with that one. :p I know what you mean though, shows from Japan that have been dubbed in english here suck!

Btw...what episode was the 'Hey Girl!' scene in..? ^^;; I've probably seen it, I just don't remember!
The Hey Girl scene is from the first episode of season four. When he meets her in the lobby and they walk through the casino together.

This tread is such a European tread...LOL...I guess we see something that most Americans just don't see.

And Raven , I am proud of my country but for reasons that I can't really go into here since it has nothing to do with Swarrick and everything to do with politics. Let's just say that I'm glad that certain things are alowwed here that a certain president from a certain country would never alllow because he's a... I think I'm not going to finish that sentence :lol: Ok, stopping now. No need to come barging in here, Fogi ! I'm really stopping now :lol:

I'm still stuck on the lach of subtitles in Germany though, why would it be so hard to read them? Yes, my English is decent but my mom for instance is not a English wonder and she watches English spoken shows with subtitles all the time. I never heard her complain about having to read all those subtitles but I guess we're used to it. I never watch CSI without subtitles either, it's a habit to read the subtitles :) And it gives you the chanche to yell at the translater when they don't translate 'Hey girl' right :lol:
Joy , you sound a bit odd today, but that`s probably because you`re ill. Again.........get well soon cookie. :)

So, since you told Raven that it`s the first ep of season 4 I think it`s save to tell her the title as well, isn`t it? ;) : "Assume Nothing", I´m sure you`ve seen this one hun. :D

How long til the next season starts? :lol: I need my Swarrick hottness.

God, she looked so damn good in WTG! *sigh*

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