Sara & Warrick # 2 -- " Hey Girl ! "

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Joy22 said:
Congratulations to you too!! Isn't it fun to be a Greg ;)

Thank you Joy22! :D Yeah, it is!

I love your chapter too Joy22 although I will admit I never did see Warrick as the cheating type, but that's the magic of writing. :) Great addition.

Aww! I wanna be a Greg lol! Well, on second thought I wanna be a Sara if she gets to be with Warrick hee hee hee

You will be after a while. :) I hear that! If she gets with Warrick, she will be one lucky girl. :D
Thanks for the compliment, csi 87. I know you're name is longer but I was to lasy to type the whole thing :lol: I agree with you, Warrick is not the cheating type. Although, in season five they talk about some girlfriend he had who kept calling him and a flight attentant he was seeing so our boy has been naughty in the past. Anyway, these scenes are meant as things that would never happen on the show, which is why they both turned into cheating people :D

Hey, FrostBite, welcome to the tread and the forum! One quick thing, double posting is a no no here on the forum. You can better hear that from me then from a mod. I'm much sweeter ;) If you want to say something more or add another picture you can edit the previous post you made when no one else has posted yet in response.

Lastly, Tini, you better hurry up and say your line fast because this new page is moving with speed! :)
Joy22 said:
Thanks for the compliment, csi 87. I know you're name is longer but I was to lasy to type the whole thing :lol: I agree with you, Warrick is not the cheating type. Although, in season five they talk about some girlfriend he had who kept calling him and a flight attentant he was seeing so our boy has been naughty in the past.

Yeah I remember that scene! Yeah he does have some bad boy in him. :D It's all right. Name shortcuts are fine by me. :)
Ok, everybody ready for my famous line? *rubs hands*

YYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!! Cheers and congrats folks, took us a while this time, but I´m still proud of you!!

Secondly, welcome to our lovely Swarrick thread, FrostBite, feel free to join us everytime you want! :D

By the way, you guys are right, Warrick would never cheat in a serious relationship, especially if Sara was his girl. He`s one of the few honest man on earth and has this huge heart. :)

Joy, congratulations on your new status. So you are a Doc.Robbins now? That´s definitely something. *pats shoulder*
*cough* Ok, now to some serious stuff know I love you, right? BUT one thing: if you ever, E-V-E-R call my Grissom an old man with a disgusting beard in a scenario again I`m going to kill you, are we clear? :cool: My love for this God is endless and you really wouldn`t want to mess with me, cookie. So I hope that won`t happen again!! ;)
Welcome to the Swarrick forum FrostBite. :) Nice to meet you.

Tini said:BUT one thing: if you ever, E-V-E-R call my Grissom an old man with a disgusting beard in a scenario again I`m going to kill you, are we clear? :cool: My love for this God is endless and you really wouldn`t want to mess with me, cookie. So I hope that won`t happen again!! ;)

:lol: Nobody messes or talks about your man, right tini?
Tini said:
*cough* Ok, now to some serious stuff know I love you, right? BUT one thing: if you ever, E-V-E-R call my Grissom an old man with a disgusting beard in a scenario again I`m going to kill you, are we clear? :cool: My love for this God is endless and you really wouldn`t want to mess with me, cookie. So I hope that won`t happen again!! ;)

Oh, oh, I'm in trouble :lol: Sorry Tini but I'm not taking that one back. I love Grissom too but these scenario's are meant to be idiotic. I have Warrick cheating in them, I wrote foursomes in them and now I had Warrick say that Grissom was old with a discusting beard. Do I really think that? No. Would Warrick ever say that? No. That is precisely the point, it's supposed to be weird :D So don't get your panties in a bunch, sweetie :lol: :lol: I don't think I'll be writing something like that again. But you never know of course... :D Sorry, just messing with ye.

And csi87, thanks for giving permission to shorten your name, that is really handy! ;)
Tini, thanks for reading my fic, babe. Appreciate it ;)

Yay! Page ten! We're awesome, y'all know that? ;) Welcome, FrostBite! Hope you have fun here! We're all a bunch of nutjobs, but we're lovable nutjobs ;)

And I haven't been here in a while! *cries* Are you guys going to chain me to the thread..? 'Cause I've already been chained to the Cath/Nick thread :p All I ask is for a scrap of bread and a bottle of water every once and a while and I'm good so long as W/S are keeping me company :lol:

The Chronicles of Warrick and Sara Part Fourteen


Warrick: ..Sara?
Warrick: What the-- HOLY CRAP!


:lol: Sorry kiddies, that's all I could think of at the moment :lol:
Hey Raven , good to have you back and sorry we don't chain anybody in here. I believe in shipping Swarrick because you believe in them, I'm not going to force anyone to feel the same way. So, babe, I like you but there will be no chains from me. Besides, you know you are a believer when it comes to Swarrick hotness! :lol:
I love your new update, where is that pic from though? It's kinda old as far as I can see but I have no clue where it's from. Jorja fanatics, help me out here! :)
I hope you continue the Chronicles soon, this looks interesting.
Ooh, it's from Forever Fabulous, a movie Jorja was in with Emily Procter from CSI: Miami :p

Aww, no chains? :( :lol:

And yup, I am a believer! :D But you all know that. :p Who could not adore this ship? :p
quoth_the_raven said:
Ooh, it's from Forever Fabulous, a movie Jorja was in with Emily Procter from CSI: Miami :p

Is it the one where she tries to win a beauty contest? Was not one of her greatest movies, was it? :lol:

Aww, no chains? :(

Nope, sorry girl. We would never force somebody to stay with us.

Who could not adore this ship? :p

I don`t get it either, but that`s the way it is. I mean look at our thread, compared to other ships this one is not very popular and most of us are multi-shippers too! But who`s fault is it? I think if TPTB gave us more screentime and a deeper friendship over the years our thread could have been more "attractive" to other people. Maybe even as popular as Snickers, who knows?

*sigh* But after all, this one is where my heart is. You guys are so friendly and relaxed, especially since we`re all aware that nothing will ever happen except a great friendship (between those 2) , we are fine with current developments and don`t start to act agry and hate/ bash certain characters, like I´ve seen in other threads , which showed me some people obviously can`t deal with the decision TPTB made. So sad, so sad...... :( Sometimes it seems a war broke out after the finale and that`s not the true purpose of shipping, in my eyes. What is wrong with some people?! After all it`s just a TV show, no need to play dirty. :confused: We all came here to enjoy CSI, let`s not ruin that because it doesn`t always go the way we want it. That`s why it`s so much fun to post with you guys and I truly love everybody of you! :)

PS: I hope nobody felt offended by my post ;), I just felt the need to say something about this "hateful" atmosphere in the forum over the last weeks. Maybe people will calm down soon? Please? :rolleyes: I want my lovely shipping mates back. :D
Tini said:
*sigh* But after all, this one is where my heart is. You guys are so friendly and relaxed, especially since we`re all aware that nothing will ever happen except a great friendship (between those 2) , we are fine with current developments and don`t start to act agry and hate/ bash certain characters, like I´ve seen in other threads , which showed me some people obviously can`t deal with the decision TPTB made. So sad, so sad...... :( Sometimes it seems a war broke out after the finale and that`s not the true purpose of shipping, in my eyes. What is wrong with some people?! After all it`s just a TV show, no need to play dirty. :confused: We all came here to enjoy CSI, let`s not ruin that because it doesn`t always go the way we want it. That`s why it`s so much fun to post with you guys and I truly love everybody of you! :)

I'm with you all the way, girl! And hey, not all of us are multi-shippers :lol: Although, I do ship Warrick with Lady Heather too...Yeah, I like the couples that will never, ever, happen...LOL...
Anyway, well spoken. In the end it is just a TV show and we are just here to have some fun and discuss CSI with each other. This show isn't even about romance, I highly doubt that GSR will be all over our screen next year, even if we know that they're together now. Life doesn't always go according to your plan and you need to deal with that. I don't really get all the angry shippers either. It seems like such a waste of your time to be angry about a TV show but that's just my opinion. I don't mean to offense anybody.
And I just wanted to add that I love all you guys too, you people rock!!! Let's keep this ship alive and happy, just like it is now! Me, way to positive? :lol: Never :lol: :lol:
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