Sara & Warrick # 2 -- " Hey Girl ! "

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Tini said:
One thing I noticed while watching the promo pics from the different seasons, Joja and Gary always seem to stand next or behind each other. I think that`s very interesting ( speaking about balance remember )? :p

Is that so, hmmmm, that calls for an investigation.

We have proof, number 1


We have proof again but ehm..Jorja, honey, look next to you and smile a little....


I'm seeing a pattern here

And, lastly:

Ehhh...yeah, that's not Gary but they looked so cute together. I'm just trying to blend the ships a little

I think that they often stand together because:
-They are good friends.
-Hot is just drawn to hot :lol: :lol: They know they look smoking together!

Oh and guys, I'm glad you like my scenes! :)
Hehe....thanks for "investigating", that would have been my next step. Saved me some work. :lol:

I love the 3rd one ( by the way you should post it in our threesome thread, I hink it fits, too ) - is it from season 5 or 6 promo ? - Sara looks just so beautiful in it. I love pics from Jorja showing her face/body from the side. God can somebody make me an icon of this ? :D
:lol: I got a good smutty fix on FF.Net the other night, actually :devil: So Joy, you're out of the woods...for now.. :devil:

Ooh, and I must say that in the pics below I very much like the shirt she's wearing...very...*cough* the cleavage department :p

The Chronicles of Warrick and Sara Part Thirteen (OOH! SPOOKY!)



Sara: Warrick...I feel something...
Warrick: What? Do you need some Pepto Bismol? *couldn't resist...*
Sara: No...there's something...strange about this house.
Warrick: What do you mean?
Sara: you hear that sound? It's a voice...
Warrick: I don't hear anything.
Sara: ...I'm going to go check it out.
Warrick: Ooh, ghosts!


Sara: Shut up, Warrick.
Warrick: Fine, fine. *walks out humming Ghostbusters theme*

And so Sara began her descent down the hallway...


Sara: ...Is someone there?
Warrick: (in-distance) Ghostbusters!
Sara: ...Hello?
Warrick: (in-distance) Who ya gonna call? Ghostbusters!
Sara: ..If someone's there...I'm warning you, I have a gun...
Warrick: *mimicking electric-guitar noises*

Sara was about to turn around, but then she heard something...


Sara: Oh my god...
Warrick: Hey Sara! This place has a pool!

All Warrick heard was Sara scream.

And then the house grew silent.

...dead silent.


Mwahahahaha :lol:
No Raven!! You can't leave us with a cliffhanger. That is so not right :lol: I loved it, especially Warrick's part with his Ghostbuster theme :D

And Tini, hun, I'll think about posting that picture in our other tread. As for the icon, I can't help you there. Can somebody help my sweetie for that?
Joy22 said:I loved it, especially Warrick's part with his Ghostbuster theme :D

Oh yeah, I can so imagine him doing it! :lol: Thanks for the new part baby. :)

As for the icon, I can't help you there. Can somebody help my sweetie for that?

Yes, please *gets misty eyes* help this poor little fangirl out! My whole life I`m going to be thankful! :rolleyes: Raven, you got a new icon almost every day, can`t you make this one for me? :rolleyes:
Tini said:
Yes, please *gets misty eyes* help this poor little fangirl out! My whole life I`m going to be thankful! :rolleyes: Raven, you got a new icon almost every day, can`t you make this one for me? :rolleyes:

You know, hun, there is a icon making tread on this forum. Maybe they can help you out there. Just post a picture of yourself with pleading eyes and I'm sure they'll help you out in a heartbeat :lol:
And while you're there, could you ask them to make a pretty Swarrick icon for me? ;) :lol: I would do it myself but I'm a bit shy :D

I also wanted to post two pictures. I'm sure you guys have seen them already but they were so hot in these that I had to show them!

Here's our lovely Gary...


And our lovely Jorja

Man, these two are pretty...

Edited to say: What hell do I have to do to crack this page!!! I feel a new page is near but it won't show when I'm posting!:lol:
And while you're there, could you ask them to make a pretty Swarrick icon for me? ;) :lol: I would do it myself but I'm a bit shy :D

Really? I would have never thought that you were shy at all Joy22.

I also wanted to post two pictures. I'm sure you guys have seen them already but they were so hot in these that I had to show them!

You found some wonderful pics Joy22! That Jorja pic is lovely and Gary well of course he's always looking good. :D
csi_fanatic87 said:
Really? I would have never thought that you were shy at all Joy22.

I'm very, very shy :lol: No, you guessed right, not really but I'm not going into that tread to ask for a Swarrick banner. They'll think I'm crazy :D Swarrick is not really a popular ship so I'm guesssing that there's never been a request to make a Swarrick icon. I'm not going to be the first :)
But you can be the first, Tini! And remember, I love you :lol:

You found some wonderful pics Joy22! That Jorja pic is lovely and Gary well of course he's always looking good. :D

That Jorja pic is awesome, isn't it? She is such a beautiful woman in an unconventional way. She's beautiful but I always feel like she doesn't even know that herself, it makes her adorable.
And Gary....Sigh...What can I say...I want to marry that man :lol:
I'm very, very shy :lol: No, you guessed right, not really but I'm not going into that tread to ask for a Swarrick banner. They'll think I'm crazy :D Swarrick is not really a popular ship so I'm guesssing that there's never been a request to make a Swarrick icon. I'm not going to be the first :)

Your very right. There probably never has been a Swarrick request. I don't know too many Swarrick fans outside of you and Tini. It's ok though, they just don't know what they're missing. :D

That Jorja pic is awesome, isn't it? She is such a beautiful woman in an unconventional way. She's beautiful but I always feel like she doesn't even know that herself, it makes her adorable.
And Gary....Sigh...What can I say...I want to marry that man :lol:

She is and that's what I like about her. She has a unique style of beauty. :lol: I don't blame you the man is just unbelievable and just SOO hot! :D
Congratulations csi fanatic87 , you cracked page nine!!! Way to go, girl! :D
Yay, go us!!! Tini , visitors or not, you're up! Say the famous line, girl!

And you are so right, Jorja has a beaty that is unique for Hollywood, she's a natural beauty and I love her for that. She's just...real, in every interview that I've read with she comes across as an honest person while other Hollywood stars can be so fake that is hurts your eyes while reading their interviews.
Gary is sorta the same, he has a natural air of well...coolness surrounding him. He's not trying to be cool, he IS cool :lol:
I love them both because they stand out in the blendness that is Hollywood.
Ok, ok, I´m here, I´m here! *takes a deep breath*

We cracked page 9!! Doesn`t it feel good?

Joy22 said:And you are so right, Jorja has a beaty that is unique for Hollywood, she's a natural beauty and I love her for that. She's just...real, in every interview that I've read with she comes across as an honest person while other Hollywood stars can be so fake that is hurts your eyes while reading their interviews.

Amen to your statement, hun. So true! She`s just honest with everybody and Gary too. They don`t need to hide behind their looks or status. But to be honest........I don`t like her in that pic. Sorry! :rolleyes:

I gave Raven my requests. We`ll see if she can help me out. :)

So you really want a Swarrick banner, hun? Wow, how come?
Joy22 said:
Congratulations csi fanatic87 , you cracked page nine!!! Way to go, girl! :D
Yay, go us!!!

Thanks! Yay! I have done that only one other time. We made it to page 9! We're moving right along! :D

And you are so right, Jorja has a beaty that is unique for Hollywood, she's a natural beauty and I love her for that. She's just...real, in every interview that I've read with she comes across as an honest person while other Hollywood stars can be so fake that is hurts your eyes while reading their interviews.
Gary is sorta the same, he has a natural air of well...coolness surrounding him. He's not trying to be cool, he IS cool :lol:
I love them both because they stand out in the blendness that is Hollywood.

Very true. :) Jorja doesn't blend in with alot of the other Hollywood bimbos and I'm glad. She caries her self above all that. I get that too from Gary! The are both unique and wonderful. I have always embraced and enjoyed uniqueness. :D
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