Sara & Warrick # 2 -- " Hey Girl ! "

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Joy22 said:Like I said before, it's not like I wouldn't have ideas but I couldn't write it in a sexy way :lol:

It`s good to know, that you aren`t as conservative as I had in mind. ;) So the thought is actually there, but the ability to express it is missing? *sigh* Too bad. :p

*Bats eyes* Raven, are you working on a new Cronicle part yet? :)

I´m sure she`s able to present a new part soon. Come out girl, don`t let us wait any longer. :lol:

Edited to say: It`s CSI day in germany, Squuuuuuueeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! " Weeping Willows", if I remember correctly, is it a good one? Cath centric, right?
Tini said:Edited to say: It`s CSI day in germany, Squuuuuuueeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! " Weeping Willows", if I remember correctly, is it a good one? Cath centric, right?

Yeah, "Weeping Willows" is a good episode. Very Catherine centric. She gets involved [a date] with a man who later becomes a suspect. Is there only 1 CSI: day in Germany?
csi_fanatic87 said:Yeah, "Weeping Willows" is a good episode......Is there only 1 CSI: day in Germany?

It was ok, not much of Sara, so it`s not going to be one of my favorites, but still enjoyable! :lol:

And yes, Fanatic, we have only one CSI LV day per week, which is wednesday. NY airs on monday and Miami on tuesday, but I don`t watch these two, so it doesn`t matter.

Las Vegas will always be my only true love! :)
Tini said:
Las Vegas will always be my only true love! :)

I agree with that. In Holland CSI is on on monday, Miami on tuesday and New York on thursday but I only watch Vegas too. Oh, and there are reruns of season five on Saturday so we have four CSI days here! Go us!!! :lol:

I just bought the new season five dvd's so tomorrow I'm going to do absolutely nothing and watch all the Gary and Swarrick scenes that I can find! Yay! :lol: :lol:
It was ok, not much of Sara, so it`s not going to be one of my favorites, but still enjoyable! :lol:

Who's your favorite charater next to Sara [guessing by icon and post]? It's not one of my favorites either, but I still like it.

And yes,Fanatic, we have only one CSI LV day per week, which is wednesday. NY airs on monday and Miami on tuesday, but I don`t watch these two, so it doesn`t matter.

Las Vegas will always be my only true love! :)

Oh ok. Well here LV comes on Thursday, NY comes on Wednesday and Miami comes on Mondays. I watch them all, but I'm like you. Las Vegas is my true love and favorite! :D
csi_fanatic87 said:
Who's your favorite charater next to Sara [guessing by icon and post]?

I'm going to guess that Tini's favorite character next to Sara is Grissom. Did I win a prize, honey? Did I, did I? :lol: :lol:

A new scene in our own Season Combined Hotness Seven:

Nick: Warrick, man, you look exhausted.
Warrick: Well, divoring someone is tough and Tina keeps whining and whining and now she wants my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Collection!
Nick: No! Not the collection!!!!
Warrick: I know....
Greg: What's up, guys?
Nick: Tina is trying to steal Warrick's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Collection!!!
Greg: What?!! The collection?? But what are we going to play with if she gets the collection? We have to stop her!
Sara: I have a plan guys, it may be a little risky but we need to save the Turtles, who's with me?
All: Me!!! Me!!!

[Later, Tina's house, she's playing with the Turtles with an evil grin on her face]

Tina: The Turtles are mine!!!! Whahahahaha!!!
Sara: Don't be so sure, missy!
Warrick: We're here to take back what's mine.
Tina: Should I be scared?
Sara: You better be. Greg, grab her!
Greg: This woman is evil, she is to strong!
Sara: Nick! Help him!!!!
Nick: I'm trying, I'm trying, hurry up!
Sara: Right, Warrick, kiss me!!!
All: What?
Sara: Sorry, I meant, grab the Turtles!!!
Warrick: I've got them! I've got them!
Sara: All troups retreat! We have our collection. I repeat, we have our collection!
Tina: They are mine!!! They will be mine!!!
Sara: You mess with my Warrick and his Turtles again and I'll make sure you'll go trough life bald. Get that?
Tina: Yes, I get that.
Sara: Good. Warrick, let's go.
Nick and Greg: Let's play with the Turtles now!!!
Sara: You guys go right ahead, Warrick and I got our own games to play.
Warrick: I love it when you take control like this. You are better then all my Turtles combined!
Sara: Ah, I like you too, Rick.

I'm sorry to keep bothering you guys with this but really, blame my brain. It keeps coming up with these things :lol:
Joy22 said:
csi_fanatic87 said:
Who's your favorite charater next to Sara [guessing by icon and post]?

I'm going to guess that Tini's favorite character next to Sara is Grissom. Did I win a prize, honey? Did I, did I? :lol: :lol:

Hehe.....Yeah you did. * hands out candy to Joy* Good girl, see? that`s what I call love, you know everything about me! :D *sigh* So proud right now.....And yep Griss is my second favorite character, Fanatic, he`s so sexy and smart, this beard? Rrrrrr.... :devil:

Hun, your scenario was so funny, I had to laugh out loud a few times and my boyfriend looked at me like I was nuts. :lol: The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? Your kidding, that was back in he 90`, but so funny, I remember watching the cartoons about them, when I was a kid. Oh my......these memories. :lol:

I'm sorry to keep bothering you guys with this but really, blame my brain. It keeps coming up with these things :lol:

God, how much I enjoy your scenarios, don`t stop it really brightens up my day! :D I love it when you let Sara say things like : "Kiss me Warrick!" and he`s like WTF?, we were trying to save my game what is wrong with you..... :lol:
Tini said:
Hun, your scenario was so funny, I had to laugh out loud a few times and my boyfriend looked at me like I was nuts. :lol: The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? Your kidding, that was back in he 90`, but so funny, I remember watching the cartoons about them, when I was a kid. Oh my......these memories. :lol:

I used to watch that show too and always thought that is was really lame which is why I used it. I wanted Warrick to have a totally out of character stupid collection :lol:
And I love writing these things too, I can make them do anything I want and it doesn't matter :)
I better get back to work on a normal chapter now. This is messing up my normal writing skills. I was just writing a Swarrick scene for my new chapter of New Beginnings and I just wanted to write all these goofy lines into it, which would look really weird :lol: :lol:

Oh, and Tini, it's good to know that I know you well enough to guess correctly. Although, love has nothing to do with it, anyone could have gotten that one right :D
:lol: That was an awsome scenario, Joy22! How long before you think you will have that new chapter done? *waits eagerly* I'm looking forward to reading it.
csi_fanatic87 said:
:lol: That was an awsome scenario, Joy22! How long before you think you will have that new chapter done? *waits eagerly* I'm looking forward to reading it.

I'm a bit busy tomorrow so probably this weekend. The chapter is almost done but I usally keep it on my computer for a couple of days and sorta edit it :lol: I guess I'm my own biggest critic :D But it should be out there soon.
I'm glad you like my ridicilous scenario's since I seem to have driven other shippers away with them! :lol:
People, where are you? If I promise to stop writing these scenes will you people come back? :)
Sorry for neglecting you today, guys. Adult fanfiction kept me busy....hehe....hey, no need to tell me: I know I`m a smut girl. :devil: :lol:

Joy22 said:I'm a bit busy tomorrow so probably this weekend.

Great, I´m looking forward to it. :D Do you have someone who does your beta? This whole writing thing is really interesting for me.

I'm glad you like my ridicilous scenario's since I seem to have driven other shippers away with them!

Oh I don`t think, it`s because of your creative Swarrick flows, babe. Don`t you ever stop writing them, that`s an order! :p Since their`s no chance for us to see them on screen, we can still enjoy this couple in your scenarios! :)

Edited to say: Where the hell is Raven (and speaking about it) all the other people? We miss you guys..............
Tini said:
Great, I´m looking forward to it. :D Do you have someone who does your beta? This whole writing thing is really interesting for me.

No, I don't have a beta, when I first started writing I used to have one because I really needed one but now I have a good program that checks my spelling. It does't help with grammatical errors though so I still have some problems with 'to' and 'too.' I always mix them up but I made the choice not to use a beta anymore. It takes a while for somebody to read your stuff and when it gets back it's altered somewhat and I really don't like that. I write because it's fun and having a beta took some of the fun out of it, I kept feeling like I had to pass some English test :D
Does that answer your question?

Two more things, first off, you found some good smut? :devil: Interesting, I don't write smut but that doesn't mean I don't read it so PM me a link please :lol:
And also, where the hell are you people!!!! It's starting to feel a bit lonely in here :(
Joy22 said:It does't help with grammatical errors though so I still have some problems with 'to' and 'too.' I always mix them up but I made the choice not to use a beta anymore. Does that answer your question?

Yep, thank you. And don`t worry, I´ve got these problems too. Sometimes it`s just hard, cause english isn`t our native language, but your amount of vocabulary is really impressive, Joy. :) And you are a teriffic writer.

Two more things, first off, you found some good smut? :devil:

Well, it`s primarily GSR smut and some stuff is really heavy, but if you`re still interested I can give you the link nontheless? Maybe you`ll find some Swarrick stories, though up to now I wasn`t very successful. All the swarrick writers seem to concentrate on G-rated stories. :confused:

And also, where the hell are you people!!!! It's starting to feel a bit lonely in here :(

I think it`s slowly starting to get scary! Have we done something wrong? As I lay in bed yesterday, I had a really good Swarrick question for y`all, but today it`s gone. :rolleyes: It`s driving me nuts................
Hey guys! I was away for a while, but I'm back like I've never been back! Keep up the Swarrick spirit!
Maybe you`ll find some Swarrick stories, though up to now I wasn`t very successful. All the swarrick writers seem to concentrate on G-rated stories. :confused:

Aww, only G-rated stuff? The lowest rating I find intersting are PG-13 [the lowest rating I have read]. Anything above that I read as well. Wonder why Swarrick writiers only have G-rated stories.

And also, where the hell are you people!!!! It's starting to feel a bit lonely in here :(

Everyone did kind of disappear all of sudden. Wonder what scared them off [if anything]. It seems to be just tini, Joy22, and I. We miss you all.

As I lay in bed yesterday, I had a really good Swarrick question for y`all, but today it`s gone. :rolleyes: It`s driving me nuts................

Do you think you could think of it again? Happens to me sometimes. I have a thought then -poof- it's gone.
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