Sara & Warrick # 2 -- " Hey Girl ! "

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Hahaha :lol: :lol: Funny, Raven, I just love, love, love these chapters you make. The pictures were chosen perfectly and I wonder what'sgoing to happen next...Stay tuned for more! Sorry, I just like saying 'stay tuned,' it's like Tini and her obsession to say 'Cheers and congrats.' :D

And Tini, hun, thanks for posting that picture in that other tread. Now if you would just PM the picture to me too then I'm the most happy person alive. And yes, a bigger version would be nice. I like them big :devil: *cough*where did that come from?*cough* :lol:
:lol:Raven , hilarious like the others parts and I love the: "Warrick, babe, it`s ok!" sentence....sooooooo cute. And the way she looks down. *sigh* :D

Joy22 said:Sorry, I just like saying 'stay tuned,' it's like Tini and her obsession to say 'Cheers and congrats.' :D

Well, I think it`s necessary to have at least one obsession in your life, isn`t it? :p

I like them big :devil: *cough*where did that come from?*cough* :lol:

Oh my god, you did not just say that? :lol: LOL
Mmh...I beg to differ, Miss Joy! ;)

ANYWAY.......know what? Season 7 could start tomorrow, I´m kinda bored without CSI. The finale of season 5 airs soon here in germany ( can you imagine: S-E-A-S-O-N 5!!!! *shakes head* One word: Pathetic! ). Wonder what the writers have in store for our beloved crime scene investigators. When does the next season start? September? October? Are we able to keep this thread alive during summertime? :lol:

Oh I miss our two hot actors. *sigh* Joy, when can you give us a new Swarrick chapter? :)

Edited to say: I just realized that I love my new icon!*pats shoulder* :D
Tini said:
Oh my god, you did not just say that? :lol: LOL
Mmh...I beg to differ, Miss Joy! ;)

You beg to differ? What do you know from my personal life that I don't know?? :lol:

ANYWAY.......know what? Season 7 could start tomorrow, I´m kinda bored without CSI. The finale of season 5 airs soon here in germany ( can you imagine: S-E-A-S-O-N 5!!!! *shakes head* One word: Pathetic! ). Wonder what the writers have in store for our beloved crime scene investigators. When does the next season start? September? October? Are we able to keep this thread alive during summertime? :lol:

I hope so but I know that some people will eventually go away on a holiday for a while, I will to. I do have faith in this tread though. It was never based on things that happened on the show. This tread is based on posting pictures, reading Raven's wonderful Cronicles, talking about fanfic, fantasizing about the future, you know what I mean. Except for the Swarrick hug it's not like season six has kept us busy talking about Swarrick moments :lol:

Oh I miss our two hot actors. *sigh* Joy, when can you give us a new Swarrick chapter? :)

I have a few free days coming up this week so you can expect a new chapter soon! I promise.

You know, we could do something to keep us busy. We could all write a Swarrick scene we want to see in season seven. It can be funny, stupid, smutty, whatever. I'm start.

Sara: Warrick?
Warrick: Yeah?
Sara:You're not married anymore are you?
Warrick: No, why?
Sara: Me and Grissom, we kinda, never mind.
Warrick: Tell me Sara, you can tell me everything.
Sara: Griss has some we were kinda wondering if you could...
Warrick: If I could what?
Sara: Griss wants to make sure that I'm happy, Warrick.
Warrick: Grissom wants me you happy?
Sara: Yep, I'm sure you could do the job
Warrick: Ok, why not. I should never say no to my boss

And then we cut to a bedroom where the rest is up to your imagination :lol: :devil:

What do you say? I like season seven already :lol: :D
:lol:Raven , hilarious like the others parts and I love the: "Warrick, babe, it`s ok!" sentence....sooooooo cute. And the way she looks down. *sigh* :D

I love that part too. It's so sweet! :D Swarrick love is just wonderful!

Are we able to keep this thread alive during summertime? :lol:

I think we can keep it alive during the summer. We still have past episodes and quoth_the_raven's chronicles to keep this thread alive. Maybe we come up with some kind of game or something so we can keep this thread going a long while.

Edited to say: I just realized that I love my new icon!*pats shoulder* :D

I like your icon too! It takes a little bit for me to tire of my icons. But I may change it again, not sure.
Joy22 said:It was never based on things that happened on the show. This tread is based on posting pictures, reading Raven's wonderful Cronicles, talking about fanfic, fantasizing about the future, you know what I mean.

Sad but true, it`s hard to talk about a pairing ( let alone 24 hours a day ) that most likely won`t ever exist! :(

But hey, they share meals and hugs, right?.........God am I the only one who thinks this sounds utterly pathetic? :lol:
Well, I´m convinced we`ll manage the summer hiatus somehow! :)

I have a few free days coming up this week so you can expect a new chapter soon! I promise.

Great hun, I love to read new fanfics, especially when they come from one of my favorite writers. ;)

You know, we could do something to keep us busy. We could all write a Swarrick scene we want to see in season seven. It can be funny, stupid, smutty, whatever. I'm start.

Sara: Warrick?
Warrick: Yeah?
Sara:You're not married anymore are you?
Warrick: No, why?
Sara: Me and Grissom, we kinda, never mind.
Warrick: Tell me Sara, you can tell me everything.
Sara: Griss has some we were kinda wondering if you could...
Warrick: If I could what?
Sara: Griss wants to make sure that I'm happy, Warrick.
Warrick: Grissom wants me you happy?
Sara: Yep, I'm sure you could do the job
Warrick: Ok, why not. I should never say no to my boss

LOL. I´m sure with the right pics, that would make an awesome Chronical part, what you think Raven?
Just wow, it was really great cookie, but are you nuts? :lol: I can`t write this stuff, never have and never will. I must be the most untalented creature ( concerning writing ) on earth! :eek:
Tini said:
I can`t write this stuff, never have and never will. I must be the most untalented creature ( concerning writing ) on earth! :eek:

I didn't say we all had to do this, just the people who want to and even if nobody else wants to I'll write these short, idiotic scenes from time to time. It will be a fun way to think about season seven. We can call it the "Season 7 scenes we all want to see but will never happen" part of the tread. I may want to work on my title, that's a bit long :lol: :lol:

But, combined with Raven's Chronicles it is a good way to enter some Swarrick fun into this tread.

So, you people decide, you want me to write these scenes from time to time?

Edited to say: Yes!!! I cracked page 8!!! You know, for a small ship I think we're doing fine in cracking these pages. This was another quick page. So Tini, hun, you're up! :lol: :lol:
So, you people decide, you want me to write these scenes from time to time?

Sure! I think it would awsome to have you do some scenes. I'm interested in what you will come up with. :D

Yes!!! I cracked page 8!!! You know, for a small ship I think we're doing fine in cracking these pages.

YAY! Page 8! We're moving right along. I think so too Joy22. Plus for the few Swarrick moments we have it's a big accomplishment to have the thread come this far. :D
csi_fanatic87 said:
YAY! Page 8! We're moving right along. I think so too Joy22. Plus for the few Swarrick moments we have it's a big accomplishment to have the thread come this far. :D

I know, we are doing so good!! :D :D We are keeping this tread alive, we are not whining over certain recent developments and we always stay realistic. That is why I like this tread so much, we are able to gush in here about our favorite couple without expecting Swarrick to ever appear on screen, we just like talking about it! :)
And of course, the people here are gems too! I love you guys! :lol:
Sorry, I just felt like declaring my love to you all ;)

Cheers and congrats, folks!!!
:D :lol: :lol:

My god, how time flies by since we got this new thread!? Is it just me? And what happened to 1 page in 2 weeks? LOL :lol: But I´m glad these days are over, now we can proudly say: our lovely Swarrick thread is alive! :D

Joy22 said:we are not whining over certain recent developments and we always stay realistic. That is why I like this tread so much, we are able to gush in here about our favorite couple without expecting Swarrick to ever appear on screen, we just like talking about it! :)

YEP, YEP, YEP, that`s what I`m always saying. We are as realistic as someone can be and I love it! :D *pats everyones shoulder and shakes hands*

And of course, the people here are gems too! I love you guys!

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, that is so sweet, we love you too honey.

So, you people decide, you want me to write these scenes from time to time?

Yes, please. Your scenarios are hilarious, let`s keep the creativity. :)
I know, we are doing so good!! :D :D We are keeping this tread alive, we are not whining over certain recent developments and we always stay realistic. That is why I like this tread so much, we are able to gush in here about our favorite couple without expecting Swarrick to ever appear on screen, we just like talking about it! :)

Yeah, I like that too. We don't have crazy or unrealistic expectations. Besides no one likes whining. We jus go with the flow. If we get a scene awsome, if not that's ok.

And of course, the people here are gems too! I love you guys! :lol:
Sorry, I just felt like declaring my love to you all ;)

*hugs* Awww! That's so nice of you Joy22! No need to apologize, we love you too. :)
I know you guys love me too...Duh, why would you not? ;)
And it's good to know that you guys agree with me on the fact that we really are sane people, it's always nice if we believe it ourselves :lol: :lol: But no, I meant what I said. Ever since GSR broke out I've been checking out some other treads and let me just say, our reaction was very mellow and realistic. :cool:

Anyway, enough of praising ourselves, here is a new scene from our own "Season of Combined Hotness Seven." Yeah, that title is better already :lol:

Warrick: Sara?
Sara: Yes?
Warrick: I feel a little awkward...
Sara: Why, we are just recreating a crime scene.
Warrick: But it feels...I don't like being watched.
Sara: Rick, don't be a baby. We need to see if someone can strangle a six foot tall man in a shower with just a pantyhose.
Warrick: I get that but why do I have to be naked to determine that?
Sara: Do you know people who shower with clothes on?
Warrick: No, but I feel...are you looking at me?
Sara:! Why would you think that?
Warrick: Because you haven't been looking at my face for the last ten minutes.
Sara: Eh, yeah...maybe we should just get back to work.
Warrick: Right. {pause} Why are you getting naked?
Sara: You can't strangle somebody in a shower with your clothes on. Rick, think!
Warrick: I guess...{Another pause} Why are you pressing your body against mine like this?
Sara: Because I can't reach your neck without touching you...What is with you today? This seems pretty simple to me.
Warrick: It is simple, it is. [pause} There is really no explanation for what you're doing right now, is there?
Sara: Just shut up Rick and stop thinking.

Yeah, I know, these scenes are stupid but that is exactly the point :lol: :lol:
csi_fanatic87 said:
:lol: These are great Joy22! I just love 'em! You're good at this.

Thank you, thank you :lol: :lol:

Ok, I wasn't really planning on writing to much of these scenes but last night this one popped up in my head and I figured I just had to write it. A new scene in Season Combined Hotness Seven:

Grissom: What are you guys doing?
Warrick: Nothing! Nothing!
Sara: I was just giving him mouth to mouth.
Warrick: Right! almost choked on a piece of chicken!
Sara: Right! Bad, bad, chicken.
Grissom: You were kissing!!!!!
Warrick: No! Just chicken, really, chicken.
Grissom: Sara, how could you do this?
Sara: Grissom, relax.
Grissom: Relax? What about our affair?
Sara: Sssshhhh, that's supposed to be a secret affair.
Warrick: You're having a secret affair with him too?!
Grissom: What? You and Warrick too?
Sara: It's not as bad as it's sounds, maybe we could compromise. I mean, the more the merrier, right?
Warrick: No, you did not just say that!
Grissom: Hmmmm, maybe...C'mon Warrick, sometimes you gotta bend a little.
Warrick: Well, I don't bend that way!!
Grissom: You don't have to be the one doing the bending...
Warrick: LALALALA!!!!! I'm not listening! LALALALA!!!! I'm leaving!
Sara: Pity.
Grissom: Yeah, how long will it take us to convince him, you think?
Sara: Six weeks, tops. {evil grin}

Again, rather stupid :lol: :lol:
Joy22 said:But no, I meant what I said. Ever since GSR broke out I've been checking out some other treads and let me just say, our reaction was very mellow and realistic. :cool:

Oh yeah, we weren`t really surprised about current developments, were we? :p And Joy, you shouldn`t check out other boards *coughIdotoocough*, though it`s very funny to read what some people think about "Way to go" or the theories they make! :eek: Honestly, it scares me sometimes. :lol: ( no offence ;) )

Yeah, I know, these scenes are stupid but that is exactly the point :lol: :lol:

They are not stupid, babe, they are kinda smutty in my eyes. What happened? You followed the dark side? :lol:

God, your scenarios are so damn funny, keep going. :D
Tini said:
They are not stupid, babe, they are kinda smutty in my eyes. What happened? You followed the dark side? :lol:

I never said I couldn't imply smut! That's not the same as writing it. Like I said before, it's not like I wouldn't have ideas but I couldn't write it in a sexy way :lol: This way, I can still write about these ideas without all the complications of actually having to write smut so I think this worked out well for me :D

*Bats eyes* Raven, are you working on a new Cronicle part yet? :)
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