Sara Sidle and Det Vartan

Well, I'm working on the one where Vartann is undercover. But, I have like 294,586 jobs, so it's taking me a while.

How's yours coming along?
Oh yeah, I ran into that problem. But I decided I don't want them to jump into bed right away (at least in this fic) cause the mood is kinda somber. Maybe in the future. They're so hot, a romp in the shsets is almost a must.
:lol: I agree, so when is it showing.... :lol: Does anyone have anymore pictures to hang up? :D I think we need inspiration ( Cannot spell, but i think you know what I mean :D )

Doesn't he look so huggable? I wanna hug him.

Also, we need shirtless Vartann. Or at least Vartann down to his undershirt. Alex has a NICE body.
uhhh how do you know if he has a nice body? is there a piccy somewhere :D and that is a GREAT picture! wow, feel the heat :D

is Sara in a hole, she looks kinda small :D
I think he does like her, and I think she's very intrigued by him. He's so manly and mysterious. Like when they asked him if he was married and he didn't reply. What was that about?
:lol: That's what I was gonna say. They probably keep their wedding rings in their pockets and as soon as their shifts are over they strap them on.
