Sara Sidle and Det Vartan

Thanks! I have so much work I've barely had time to sleep lately.

Stupid adulthood...

But looking at pictures of the gorgeous Alex helps.
:lol: I have one, but I'm ,kinds stuck on chapter two - I don't know how I want it to go lol, I've also done a video ( quite rubbish but still :D ) ooooh, if we work hard this may become a popular ship :D and Sara and Vartann might... *Marvin Gaye voice* Get It On :lol:
ooooooh ;) Then how about a character walks in on them acting like a couple, like they are tying to keep their cover by kissing or something
Oh, they're SO playing footsie. Warrick is paying attention and VarTANN and Sara are just looking down. Heh.

What episode is that from?
uhh, I can't remember :lol: it's season four - when a singer's wife dies in the hotelroom, while he's singing downstairs. It's a good Sartann ep, so it Deadringer :D and Mea Culpa :D
Grissom Vs the Volcano? I have that episode, but I don't remember that scene. I'll try to catch it.

I've yet to see Dead Ringer, too. So many SV episodes.