Sara Sidle and Det Vartan

:lol: I've decided to hold abck the fan fic for now and create a fan video about Sara and Vartann, yoiu guys will be the first to know when it's done :D
Just to let you know I've done the video, it's not that good - it's hrad when I only had a few videos to work with and 4 hours sleep (im not maing excuses, honest :D ) Oh and listen out in the end, I've construted a convo between them :devil:

Oh, that's cool! I LOVE Nora Jones, and that song suits them very well. Great job!

Heh, she asked him out. Now when do we get that fanfic?
good morning everyone, or afternoon :lol: so whats our topic? uhh... how about...

WHEN ( not if ;) ) Sara and Det Vartann went on a date - where would they go?
well welcome and have a seat, can I get you anything :lol: Thinking about the date thing, I think he may take her to an Italian - as some of their food is vegartaian (cannot spell)
If anyone writes one about Sara Sidle and Det Vartan they gotta post a link here! I'm completely addicted to fan fiction! Especially about Sara. Seriously. I need like a support group or something!
I have two in the works, but I honestly don't know when I'll be able to finish them. Cross your fingers and pray it's soon, though.