Sara Sidle and Det Vartan

I know, his eyes are so beautiful.

Okay, I wanna start that fic. Anyone else wirting a story? Cause I'm kinda desperate over here. Desperate!
Vartann, unless Sara was to make a point to Grissom or to make him jelous, then she'll wait till Vartann is near her and Grissom then ask him out :D
Well, I wouldn't want Sara to play with Vartann's feelings like that. That would make me dislike her a lot.

I could actually see it going both ways. Vartann is slightly more grounded, but Sara is very impulsive. I can see him walking up to her to ask her out, and I can see her getting so sick of doing nothing with her life that she'll just walk up to Vartann and ask HIM out.

I've never been a fan of GSR. Sara has wasted so much of her life chasing after a man who doesn't seem half interested. He's cold and sometimes downright calloused to her. I think she should be with someone who treats her like a queen. She deserves that. Vartann opening the door for her in Mea Culpa, that shows how attentive he is to her needs (they were on a hill and she was having a hard time getting it to stay open). The fact that he was also okay with her clearing the house with him also shows how much he respects her and trusts her and her abilities (while Brass, Grissom, etc, always treat her like a little girl who can't do anything right in a man's job). I think Vartann could be great for Sara. All the men in her life have treated her so badly.
mmmm lets hope TPTB see it also, I mean it was the door thing that made me a huge fan - so i went though all my episodes with him to see of they had any scenes together.... now I have more pics of Vartann than I do of Grissom.... but I'm still a GSR beliver... but if Sara asks Vartann out - I may turn.
wow where is everyone? I've just seen Iced, even though there wasn't any Sartann, ans there was only a wee bit of him in there...... it was a nice surprise, I forgot he was in that episode. :D
I'm here, just trying to figure out how to work this fanfic. It turned out darker than I'd anticipated. Lots of psychobabble crap. I'll post a link when I'm done with it.

VarTANN was cranky during Iced. Can't blame him, though. Imagine having to work with Ecklie all day. Yuck.