Sara Sidle and Det Vartan

Aw, lots of people disliked him after Big Middle. I couldn't, because I knew he wasn't supposed to say those lines. That's not the Vartann we love, although I do love his directness. There's no bullshitting around Vartann.

Naked swimming? Oh, Lord, that would be hot. Sigh.

yeah i understand why they dislike him but you know, i think he was honest and it's what it makes him so charming.... i do love his directness too: he is the only one who tells exactly what he thinks, no "chichi" like my mum would say :lol:

how about a naked hammam (or sauna dot know what you say in english :lol:) ......GRRRRRR :devil:
Vartann's just a cop. He's honest and generally disgusted by people who break the law. Brass has never been coy, either.

Vartann naked in any type of situation is a thing of beauty any way you see it. The man is just godly, and Sara needs to get herself some. They'd make pretty, pretty babies.
yeah i agree he is a fantastic cop , but i hate the fact that tptb bring sofia as a detective: so now we dont see him a lot thats too bad... i hope they will change that soon i will check the spoiler in order to see if he is on some good case with sara of course......

as for the naked thing: god just waiting for it lol they will do pretty babies.....************dreaming**********
I know, I really miss Vartann. He's so cool. He's just cool. And hot.


Sara thinks so.
I mean what genre are you looking for?

I would actually love to read something light and fluffy about these two. Sara deserves some happy.
Dudette would be more appropriate :lol:

Length... My fics tend to be short cause I'm pretty stupid at making them longer and more detailed. But all depends on my creativity flow. Which is sometimes minimal. :lol:
Man, I have no idea. How about a New Year's fic? Resolutions? Or... Sara wants to see... snow, or something, I don't know. I love to write but I have a hard time coming up with ideas.

You know what would be cool? If Sara got flowers at work, and everyone kept trying to figure out who sent them to her, and they'd even start to suspect each other, but Sara wouldn't say anything. At the end of the day, Vartann shows up and lays a big one on her and everyone would be all, "ooooohhh." Heh. I can even see Nick and Catherine hovering over her like a couple of gossipy housewives, trying to figure out who sent them.
Man, I have no idea. How about a New Year's fic? Resolutions? Or... Sara wants to see... snow, or something, I don't know. I love to write but I have a hard time coming up with ideas.

You know what would be cool? If Sara got flowers at work, and everyone kept trying to figure out who sent them to her, and they'd even start to suspect each other, but Sara wouldn't say anything. At the end of the day, Vartann shows up and lays a big one on her and everyone would be all, "ooooohhh." Heh. I can even see Nick and Catherine hovering over her like a couple of gossipy housewives, trying to figure out who sent them.

love the idea!!!!! :D so romantic, which is probably vartann style.... anyway i like the porn idea too :devil: :lol:

an idea? hummmmm how about both of them being wedge on the elevator of the lab and they will probably share some secrets, talk about a lot of stuff and of course puttheir clothes off because it will getting hot on the elevator..... :devil: :lol: and when they will finally get out of the elevator they will have dinner together....