Sara Sidle and Det Vartan

I was just thinking, how come this thread doesn't have a snappy title, and it's just their names..? I think they deserve something like all the others threads..

If you guys and gals want to come up with a snappy title, I'll happily change the thread name for you ;)
Ooh, I have an audience? Nice!

I have so much to bake, though, but I wanna get this fic up before Christmas.

sure!!!!!! and they gonna read it as soon as you gonna post it :lol: (and for leanne :lol:)!!!

as for the thread name, dont know , just ask midnight lol or leanne when she will have inspiration :lol:
:lol: how about, uh..... hmmmm. I have not much right now eigher :lol: But I'l try

There's uh, Love over swap sticks ( ewww)
Badge Love
PD Love ( Im sencing a patteren here :lol:)
Ugh, I'm sorry, guys, but this Christmas story sucks. I'm embarrased just reading it now. I think I'll just work on my other S/V non-Christmas stories. They're much better than this piece of crap.
I wanna finish it already. I've been working on it for so long, probably around the same time this thread was started.

Need to repost the hotness:


Yes, Grease is on!!
Ugh, I'm sorry, guys, but this Christmas story sucks. I'm embarrased just reading it now. I think I'll just work on my other S/V non-Christmas stories. They're much better than this piece of crap.

oh come on midnight im sure it's really good!!!!!!!!! just give that to us im sure we will love it (i love everything you do just like leanne) so dont be afraid and give YOUR story to us lol anyway i would love to read it and your non-christmas fic :lol: ;)

leanne i like the PD love :lol:
Man, I wish, but I'm too anal about the quality of my fics. But this stake-out one is good, I promise. I promise!

By the way, I posted screen caps of Alex Carter on Bones in the Vartann thread at the CSI forum. Go check them out!
Man, I wish, but I'm too anal about the quality of my fics. But this stake-out one is good, I promise. I promise!

By the way, I posted screen caps of Alex Carter on Bones in the Vartann thread at the CSI forum. Go check them out!

oh thats too bad :( but i will wait for the stake out fic (hope some naked scene :lol:)

anyway i didnt even know that there were a vartann thread , GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD *************go checking it out******
I can't guarantee nakedness, but there will be kissage :D.

Love the Vartann thread. So much hotness, there. He should have 290 threads.
I can't guarantee nakedness, but there will be kissage :D.

Love the Vartann thread. So much hotness, there. He should have 290 threads.

lol yeah well kissage would be great for me i give you 15/20 with the kissage , 20/20 for vartann naked, 30/20 if they are both naked on a swimming pool :lol: (please put one of those things on your fic and i would be the happier girl in the world :lol:)
anyway i watched big middle this afternoon and vartann was so damn hot on that epi (i love the way he walks :lol:)
Aw, lots of people disliked him after Big Middle. I couldn't, because I knew he wasn't supposed to say those lines. That's not the Vartann we love, although I do love his directness. There's no bullshitting around Vartann.

Naked swimming? Oh, Lord, that would be hot. Sigh.