Sara Sidle and Det Vartan

Hiya guys, just wanna let you guys know that I started as a GSR fan, but looking at these pictures and reading your posts, perhaps 'Vartaaannnn' would make a better man for Sara after all . :p

Anyway, could you please tell me which season & epi's that has their scenes in it- I'm inspired to make a video for them :p .

Thanks a bunch!!

hey a new sara/ vartann shipper!!!!!! im gonna cry lol thats awesome, new fans everyday :lol:
midnight love your avie he looks so :lol: :devil:
anyway i found some vartann avie too on the LJ of somebody ( sorry i forgot the name :confused:) and i think im gonna use one of them after christmas lol

noreanne im waiting for your video!!!!!!!! hope you will post it soon, welcome here girl ;)
For my next CSI icon batch I'm gonna make lots of Vartann icons, if I can find the pictures. He needs to be inconed more often.

I second that! I think your's is the only Vartann icon that I've seen..that's a shame.
Oh, no, that's not good. I'll go over Beyond Imagination this weekend and get some caps. Had had a lot of screen time in 11 Angry Jurors.
For my next CSI icon batch I'm gonna make lots of Vartann icons, if I can find the pictures. He needs to be inconed more often.

I second that! I think your's is the only Vartann icon that I've seen..that's a shame.

mine too :lol: well he is not alone but he is there :devil: :lol:
I second that! I think your's is the only Vartann icon that I've seen..that's a shame.
mine too :lol: well he is not alone but he is there :devil: :lol:

Didn't see yours before, my bad - I really like yours btw :D
Your banner rocks too :)

I was just thinking, how come this thread doesn't have a snappy title, and it's just their names..? I think they deserve something like all the others threads..
noreanne im waiting for your video!!!!!!!! hope you will post it soon, welcome here girl ;)

Awwww, it's so nice to feel wanted *giggles* Thanks sissi59100 , for the wonderful greeting. Well, I would require some time though to come up with the right video. In the mean time though, you could check my shipper video collection over at the fan art forum. (if you want to , that is..) :D

Wish me good luck on my attempt, ok? ;)
hey hey lol good luck noreane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im sure you will do a fantastic work!!!!!!!!!no doubt about it!!! and i will check it out your work on tha fanart section (im a real fan of ships videos :D) GOOD LUCK AGAIN!!!!! :lol:

allstar12: thanks im glad you like my avie and my banner (lol the avi is from my sweet simply-sara and the banner from the fantastic lizzysanders :lol:) and i totally agree with you but sometimes when it's simple it's better lol we dont have a sentence from them yet (like "a real man wouldn't mind" for the sandle ...) but i think that if they are more screentime together we will have something good!!!! ;)
Sissi, Vartann is in your avie! I love it.

Okay, I'll be super mega busy today with lots of cooking and gift wrapping and such, but I'll still try to get some computer time and finish my SV Christmas story. Wish me luck!
Sissi, Vartann is in your avie! I love it.

Okay, I'll be super mega busy today with lots of cooking and gift wrapping and such, but I'll still try to get some computer time and finish my SV Christmas story. Wish me luck!

:lol: sure he is in it, how could i forget him?? :lol: :rolleyes: anyway i hope you will have the time to make it ( i told to some of my friends that you will post a sara/vartann fic and they are waiting for it too, they love that ship :p) GOOD LUCK MIDNIGHT!!!!! :D