Sara Sidle and Det Vartan

Love in an elevator, yeah! Living it up as I'm going down.

They so need to have dinner together. Vartann would take her to a vegetarian restaurant :lol:. And then he'd regret it.
Love in an elevator, yeah! Living it up as I'm going down.

They so need to have dinner together. Vartann would take her to a vegetarian restaurant :lol:. And then he'd regret it.

and you know what? im sure he would tell her that he hates vegetarian food :lol: and she will probably laugh :rolleyes:and take him somewhere else :p
Yeah, Vartann wouldn't bullshit. He never does. He'd be all, "baby, this is baaaad stuff."

Sara would spend most of her time trying to trick him into eating tofu.

Sara: I made you a stake!
Vartann: Babe, this isn't stake.
Sara: Yes, it is!
Vartann: Honey, it's shaking.
:lol: :lol: if there were a scene like that i swear i will scream of joy :eek: sure he would tell her but i dont why , im sure he would tel her softly or just eat it because he loves her :lol:

sara: you dont like it right?
vartann: but i can eat it for you!!!! :lol:
Aw. She'd let him eat meat, though. Vartann is a hard ass cop. He needs his vitamins and proteins. He also looks like a grill kinda guy. Sara could teach the kids all about science and math, and Vartann could teach them all about the kitchen.
Aw. She'd let him eat meat, though. Vartann is a hard ass cop. He needs his vitamins and proteins. He also looks like a grill kinda guy. Sara could teach the kids all about science and math, and Vartann could teach them all about the kitchen.

and vartann could teach all about kicking ass too :lol:
He'd try to teach their son all about baseball and football and stuff, but I bet the little boy would be more interested in science :lol:.

That kid would be a heartbreaker, though.
That kid would be a heartbreaker, though.

No doubt about that ;)

ohhhhhhhh a gsr lurker here!!!! keep the alarm on!!!!! lol im kidding nice to see you ;)

i agree with you midnight but im sure this kid will play baseball or football just because he would make his father happy: dont forget he his the kid of two wonderful person :p
Nah, I don't think he'd mind. They'd probably have a daughter later on, and SHE'LL be into baseball and football, and guns. They'll have a little Calleigh Duquesne :lol:.
Nah, I don't think he'd mind. They'd probably have a daughter later on, and SHE'LL be in the baseball and football, and guns. They'll have a little Calleigh Duquesne :lol:.

god it would be so funny if they have a little caleigh :lol: i can easily imagine it :lol: and vartann would be so proud :p
Yup, it all evens out. Mama's boy and daddy's girl.

I bet Vartann has this picture in his wallet:

for sure midnight, she is so beautiful on that pic!!!! and what pic of him she would have in her closet???

(you know when i think about it im sure that sara was a little calleigh when she was younger :lol:)
waouh he is gorgeous on that pic!!!!:devil: "some other dirty stuff"? :rolleyes:

*while vartann was talking on grissom vs volcano*

look, she got the eyes of love :lol: