Sara Sidle and Det Vartan

And I'm writing one, but I don't enjoy my own writing. I already know what's gonna happen, after all.

They need to do the naked pretzel together.
And I'm writing one, but I don't enjoy my own writing. I already know what's gonna happen, after all.

They need to do the naked pretzel together.

i like the word "naked" :lol: waiting for your new fic!!!!!!!!!!
Did anybody see Alex on Bones this week? He's so adorable, even when he's a murderer. We got to see him dancing, too. Aww.

When he was dancing, he was picturing Sara :lol:
Hiya guys, just wanna let you guys know that I started as a GSR fan, but looking at these pictures and reading your posts, perhaps 'Vartaaannnn' would make a better man for Sara after all . :p

Anyway, could you please tell me which season & epi's that has their scenes in it- I'm inspired to make a video for them :p .

Thanks a bunch!!
Welcome, noreane!

Vartann has been on these episodes:

A Bullet Runs Through It, 1 & 2
Bodies In Motion
Weeping Willows
Spark of Life
Big Middle
No Humans Involved
Mea Culpa
Crow's Feet
Viva Las Vegas
Dead Ringer
Eleven Angry Jurors
Grissom vs The Volcano

They worked together in Spark of Life, Mea Culpa, Bloodlines, Dead Ringer, and Grissom vs the Volcano. Which one was XX? Didn't they work together in that one?

I don't even remember him in Weeping Willows. This is from IMDB, I don't know how accurate it is.
I could try to make some, but my computer isn't very reliable right now.


Dude, if Sara doesn't want him I'll take him!