Sara Sidle and Det Vartan

I finished my outline and started writing the V/S Christmas story. Wish me luck!!

GOOD LUCK MIDNIGHT TIPTOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( im very excited by your fic, hope you will post it soon!!!!!!) and in french BONNE CHANCE!!!!!!! :lol:
Thanks! I'm home tonight, so I'll probably work on it some more. I've never written a CSI fic, though. That makes me a bit nervous.
I finished my outline and started writing the V/S Christmas story. Wish me luck!!

Good luck. Can't wait to read it.

where i can find a sara/vartann avie

I made mine, but if you want me to make you one, just supply the pic and what you want, and I'll see what I can do. :D
well i think that one could be great ;)

for the text : " i'm lost without you" thanks dingbat youre great!!! :cool:
Aw, look at them. They look so great togehter. He's so hot.

lol yeah and i have noticed something : on the interogation room , there was sara , vartann and warrick, and when the suspect came out of the room sara was watching and talking to detective vartann only and he responded her with a very softly voice: it was just too cute lol :lol:
what episode was it? was it season four - the eppy when the singer's wife gets killed?

yep yep exactly that one i think it was "grissom vs volcano" or something like that: sara was working with warrick :lol:
Aw. I need to watch that again.

What I notice a lot is that Sara and Vartann seem to be in their own little world a lot. In Dead Ringer, Sara was working with Warrick (was it?), but she and Vartann got more screen time and they did everything together - showed the wife the body, interrogated her, interrogated the mistress, etc. In Mea Culpa, Sara and Greg drove to the guy's house, but as soon as Sara saw Vartann she totally forgot Greg and even ignored him a bit. For a long time they just focused on Sara and Vartann, and it was like Greg wasn't even in the scene.

They're each other's world.
yeah thats exactly what i think!!! but the most obvious epi for me is probably bloodlines , just look how close they are

and there it was just too sweet (their conversation :rolleyes:)
