Sara Sidle and Det Vartan

I wonder if more people have posted S/V fics at I never go into the CSI section, so I'd never know! Do you guys visit it often?

well i got a friend who has posted a lot of fanfic so i used to spend a lot of time there, i really like the csi section but there are not enough sara/vartann fic: it seems that they are more GSR, snicker or sandle stuff than anything else but i hope it will be different when sara and vartann will be more on screnn together: i think thats the real problem; since two character have much screentime together, new shippers come and bring us fantastic fic about them so im waiting for more screentime for sara and vartann.... :rolleyes:
I think someone may have posted one at fanforum. Dingbat, maybe? I don't remember.

Ugh, I wanna write a fic so badly, but I have so many other things to write! I hate writing. And I love it. It's a sick thing.
It would be easier if Vartann had more screen time, cause that translates into more screen caps.

I loved his role in A Bullet. Does it seem like he's gotten a promotion? He was acting like the boss, and he had this huge star on his coat pocket, could be just his badge, but I don't know. He was like the big man on campus, telling everyone what to do.
I am glad to here Warick mentioned that Hottie was married in bodies in motion...kinda like Griss...

Does it mean he is single out of motion?...Nobody talked about it yet, right?...