Sara Sidle and Det Vartan

Thanks, I'm here to help.
During her speech in Nesting Dolls Sara mentions how she "chooses men who are emotionally unavailiable." Now we know this is primarily directed at Grissom but I also think Vartan has shown signs of being closed up. Like when that old woman asked if Ecklie and him if they were married. He totally avoided the question as if he really didn't want to talk about it. Hurt in the before in the past maybe? I don't think his emotional unavailiability is a long-term thing and soon he'll start opening up more. So Sara maybe be attracted to him and flirt, thinking that it's safe and nothing will come of it (like Grissom), but if the timing's right he'll reciprocate. Then I throw a small party.
Yeah, I get the feeling Vartann has some secrets of his own. He seems so mysterious, but though he's probably hiding something I don't think he's dysfunctional. I don't think he would shy away from a relationship with her, and though let's face it, a relationship with Sara would be hard, I don't think he'd give up easily.

Vartann is direct, and I really love that, and I think Sara needs that.

As for his thing, I'm thinking he was once married and it ended badly.
Yeah, I get the feeling Vartann has some secrets of his own. He seems so mysterious, but though he's probably hiding something I don't think he's dysfunctional. I don't think he would shy away from a relationship with her, and though let's face it, a relationship with Sara would be hard, I don't think he'd give up easily.

Vartann is direct, and I really love that, and I think Sara needs that.

As for his thing, I'm thinking he was once married and it ended badly.

yep i agree!! vartann has probably big secrets and need to share it with somebody (sara :rolleyes:)..... it will be good for him and for her of course..... sara need someone to trust someone direct just like you said because it seems that her last relationship were based on lies and hiden emotions, she doesnt deserve that!!!!!! i hope we will have more vartann/ sara because when they are together, nobody could deny that it does exist chemistry between them, HOT chemistry......... a romance will start soon ( but i think they are already dating :lol:)

ps: im happy to see that the thread still alive :lol: i thought we lost it :(
That's true. There's a lot of miscommunication in her life. She needs something frank.

I'm so excited after reading that fic, I just wanna read more and more! I'm becoming a S/V junkie!
That's true. There's a lot of miscommunication in her life. She needs something frank.

I'm so excited after reading that fic, I just wanna read more and more! I'm becoming a S/V junkie!

yeap exactly, you i think its contagious because i can say that im a s/V junkie from yesterday after reading the fic you recommended me!!!! and im waiting for yours as well!!! it could be my christmas present :lol: anyway i started my fic but its in french but i think i will find someone who will translate it in english for me ;)
I'm so behind on my writing! But I'll try to jolt this down as soon as I can.

I wish I spoke French, I'd translate it for you! I only speak Spanish and a bit of Italian.
I'm so behind on my writing! But I'll try to jolt this down as soon as I can.

I wish I spoke French, I'd translate it for you! I only speak Spanish and a bit of Italian.

great!!!! im pretty excited by reading your fic!!!!!!!!!!
oh thats too cute thanks!!! but french is a very hard language, maybe i should try write it in spanish :lol: wauh spanish, italian..... such beautiful language :rolleyes:
Yeah, I love the romance languages.

Do you think Vartann and Sara would become foster parents? I was thinking about that today.

hmmmm yeah i think so, i mean see sara'childhood: she was on "the system" when she was pretty young , im sure she had seen how hard it is to have a new family when yours is broken.....yeah they definetly will but i guess that vartann would have his own children too and i mean he will love to see the women he loves pregnant by him, and he will be such a wonderful father: i can easily imagine him playing baseball if it is a little boy or playing barbies if it is a little girl and sara will be watching them, playing and she will think that he is the most fabolous man she ever meet......i got a lot of imagination :lol:
Yeah, they'd probably have a kiddy or two, and then become foster parents, though the fact that they both work so much might become an impediment.

Oh well. Vartann can become a stay-at-home dad :lol:
Yeah, they'd probably have a kiddy or two, and then become foster parents, though the fact that they both work so much might become an impediment.

Oh well. Vartann can become a stay-at-home dad :lol:

im sure she will you know why? just because he knows so muwh his sara, he knows how much she loves her job and i guess he dont want her to stop it for the children ..... it will makes her happy but i think she will not work so much after that just because watching her lovely husband playing with their children just makes happy, happy like she never ever was before :rolleyes:
Plus, those kids would be gorgeous.

Here's another pic:


I'd like to know where her other hand is.
i think we all know where her other hand is, just look at vartann's face, he seems uncomfortable just like he is saying "sara baby not here" :lol: :lol: